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zBrush - Polypaint with Texture

polycounter lvl 4
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mobpapst polycounter lvl 4
Hello guys,

i am on it to make a stone texture out of combined single bricks made in zBrush. After fast sculpting i applied a tileable texture to my brick and polypainted it. But i get these strange artefacts in the middle of the brick:

Here is the sculpted one with no texture paint:


And here you see the brick with the texture on it from different sides:



I hope you guys can help me how to fix this


  • Aabel
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    Aabel polycounter lvl 6
    I'm gonna take a wild guess, you used a default zbrush cube and didn't remesh it before sculpting and painting it with symmetry on?

    The default zbrush cube puts poles at the center of the Z axis faces. Just dynamesh and turn off symmetry for texturing.
  • mobpapst
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    mobpapst polycounter lvl 4
    Yes, as you mentioned it i used a standart cube but without any symetrie. i only subdivded him. now i turned him into a daynamesh and want to apply my texure again but i need to get uv's or polypaint it without uv's. i tried both

    the uv's iam doing still look sucky and dont fit and the polypaint always give the same message with uvs or polypaint without uvs.

    How can i get my texture on after the dynamesh process?
  • Aabel
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    Aabel polycounter lvl 6
    There's clearly symmetry in your texture, You'll want to find where it's coming from and eliminate it as it's highly distracting.

    For recovering polypaint on a sub tool that has been dynameshed, make a copy of the subtool BEFORE dynamesh. Then dynamesh the copy and with the both the original subtool and the dynameshed subtool visible, with the dynameshed one selected as the active subtool, do project all, and it should recover the polypaint from the original subtool.
  • mobpapst
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    mobpapst polycounter lvl 4
    I understand what you want to say and i've done it but i dont makes any changes. The original piece, that you can see on the pictues above with no dynamesh, got the wrong textures on it. when i project it on my copied dynamesh iam getting the same wrong textures on this second piece. and when i want to texture the dynamesh one again iam getting the same problem with uv's and so on
  • Aabel
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    Aabel polycounter lvl 6
    What are you using to texture it? are you projecting an image on the brick? Based on what you have shown so far I can't tell where the symmetry is coming from.
  • mobpapst
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    mobpapst polycounter lvl 4
    Ok. i think its not really clear what i tryed to do here. I followed this video instruction for my wall:


    My problem now is:

    As you can see on the following pictues. I loaded a texture in and filled my material with it.


    After this i wanted to polypaint my material on the brick:


    And as you can see it worked this way, but with this strange seems in the middle. As you mentioned before its maybe from the standart uv of the cube i used to get this. But when iam dynamesh it iam not able to assign any texture because he wanted to have a fit uv that iam not able to make or a polypaint thats doesent work.
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