Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

The Red-Horizon Battlecarrier project

I am almost at my deadline for this mesh, so I figure I'd post what I have and maybe get some final critiques as I finish it off.

Concept and mesh are all of my own creation, for a contest being held on another forum.
^^the first concept^^

^^refined concept^^




  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Love it! Those final 3D shots are freaking sexy!
  • daemoria
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    Quick sketch on the ventral surfaces to figure out details.

    And some scene that I got a bit distracted drawing. I promise I'll finish the Battlecarrier....
    Warning; might break sanity if you view full resolution.

  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Hot damnnnnn. This somehow reminds me of the time when I was playing the crap out of Wing Commander IV !!
  • daemoria
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    Finished the station scene. I have a version in absurdly large resolution, if anyone is interested..
    Offline / Send Message
    STRIKER polycounter lvl 13
    love these designs man! moar!
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Nice, looks heavily influenced by homeworld which is great. One my faviourte games of all time.
  • daemoria
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    pilot suit concept complete-ish...I'm a bit rubbish at characters, so i'm spending a bit of time to develop a couple interesting designs this month.

  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
  • daemoria
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    Some smoothing errors still present in the sketchfab mesh, but the work continues, no time to endlessly tweak settings in that website. :poly118:

    High Source (View in 3D)

    P3d.in has a bit better import for my mesh groups for some reason... so have a look there for a very rough approximation of color breakdown.
  • JackNelson
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    Colors look good :)
  • Slave_zero
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    Slave_zero polycounter lvl 8
    Let me say this: I really like what you have here and what you did with the concept.

    If I might add a sugestion:

    The front area is already very nice detailed and is pleasure to look at. The back in comparison still is very bland. So I would suggest to try to keep your model evenly fleshed out in terms of detail. DOn't lose your self too much in certain areas, when others are not guaranteed to have passed their blockout stage.

    I'm saying this because the back and the underside of the carrier are very rough blocked out. And I wouldn't be surprised of some changes in the design might occur when you try to add more interesting shapes in those areas. And it definetely would be a shame if you have to make foul comprimises to make everything (front vs. back) work together in the spaceship.

    Don't get me wrong. The detailing and shapes you modeled on the front are gorgeous. I hope you keep this level for the rest of the carrier without too much repetition of the same patterns and balance between noisy detail and clean areas. But I guess the whole craft would benefit if you were more certain about the 3d shapes that you want to apply at all the other areas that are still missing on the model. The concept looks great but sometimes things in 2d don't work very well in 3d.

    Anyway: Great work. Keep it going, dude.
  • daemoria
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    Thanks for the comments everyone who has posted so far.

    Slave_zero, the model is still very much WIP, but for the most part I have details locked in, tied through my various concepts I've made. There are going to be flat sections on this ship, and very high detail areas as well. I find this is the best way to make an effective design, otherwise your detail just resolves into noise.
    So far, I've not had to make many compromises, when it comes to the actual design->model just because of how I make the concepts based on actual screenshots. It keeps the amount of guess work down. :D

    Thank you for the in depth critique, I will keep it in mind as I finish up the modeling on the unfinished sections.

    And since I can't post in my own thread without some nice artwork....a friend of mine did an art trade a little while back, using my ship's model.

  • Jeremy Mitchell
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    Jeremy Mitchell polycounter lvl 6
    This design work is absurdly great and uggh. I don't have anything productive to say , but this stuff is just so good.
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13
    I am loving these ship designs! Very sparth, in a great way!
  • Thaiauxn
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    Thaiauxn polycounter lvl 7
    It is a lovely model, absolutely gigantic. I'm very worried about your UVs, because I know I would not want to do it! XD But it is lovely, I'm very excited to see it done. Go win!
  • RailbladerX
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    RailbladerX polycounter lvl 8
    Looks great man! I like the simplicity of the concept, and over all shape. My only Nit-Pick, would just be story wise, (and obviously take it with a fat rock of salt :) which is:

    I do not think you would want a ship (military or otherwise) to stand out so much with those yellow lines. I would think a more off black, or other dark color would be better. And it may look better to stick to larger bulking color shapes when it comes to the dark color; using it to accent areas on the ship.

    other then that great stuff!
  • daemoria
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    madness, people posting comments?

    RailbladerX, i completely hear you on the red/yellow lines standing out. But that's a deliberate choice. The ships employ an elctro-adaptive paint so they change according to whim. It's a bit of psywarfare, like the pirate ships of old 'running up the colors'

    A fleet shot.
  • Suba
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    Suba polycounter lvl 5
    I love that sci fi project ! Nice. Can't wait to see more.
  • daemoria
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    [deleted] thread cleaning.
  • daemoria
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    [deleted] thread cleaning.
  • daemoria
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    Getting back to work on this.
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