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Smoothing low poly

Red Deliallisi
polycounter lvl 3
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Red Deliallisi polycounter lvl 3

First of all... Are there no notifications on Polycount when someone replies to your post ? Anyway ...

Im being tested for a volunteer job for a game. They asked me to model a gun. I showed them the attached image and told them its not done yet ( because they said - low poly but not "blocky" ).

Now i should smooth it out. Smoothing groups give me bad results. Odd shading in viewport. I connect near the edges but still ...

I copied the low poly aside , began connecting and swift looping , added a meshsmooth and the result was great but 3300 poly.

Dont smoothing groups work the same as meshsmooth or turbosmooth ?

How do you go about creating a low poly object but that doesnt look so sharp ?


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