So I decided to release this for learning purposes. Seems some people have trouble understanding PBR so I hope this will help out a bit.
It includes the the mesh, textures, and marmoset files.
I will place the download link below. Let me know if there are any issues.
[size=+2]Download Files[/size]
Hey guys!
I had been wanting to try out stylzied sculpting with realistic texturing in PBR. So here is something I have been working on for a few weeks off and on. Feel free to crit, but I don't know if I will make any changes. I am pretty burnt out on the piece

. The
concept is by Konstantin Vavilov.
EDIT: Forgot to mention it was rendered in Marmoset 2.0!

Albedo = Top Left
Spec = Top Right
Normals = Bottom Left
Roughness/Gloss = Bottom Right
Oh and by the way my initial reaction when I saw the dagger was "fuck me running, that looks badass!"
@ narticus - I used 3dmax and zbrush.
@ Trevor - LOL thanks!
@ slosh - Yeah. The more I textured it the less I liked how I handled the cut into the blade. I was to lazy to go back and resculpt
Also, I think the cuts look fine for a stylized prop. Stylized damage shouldn't be too realistic anyway, right?
@ gir - Thanks!
I should try this too
@ Alphavader - Yes you should. Everyone should it's a great way to hammer down the PBR principles.
Side note if people are interested I can release the marmoset files and textures so you can get a closer look.
Yes! Here are some great tutorials/ articles on it:
Thanks will take time and read ... nice
Sure, I'd love to see the marmoset file.
Just one thing to note the gloss, AO, and cavity are all in one texture. Here is a breakdown of the channels:
Gloss = Red channel
AO = Green channel
Cavity = Blue channel
It includes the the mesh, textures, and marmoset files.
Here is a link to the download. Let me know if there are any issues.
[size=+2]Download Files[/size]
My only one, weird nit-picky thing is I think the circle shapes on the blade make it look a bit like swiss cheese or something. Perhaps scale the circles down / reduce their normal map intensity?
Cool dagger!
@ AbKl - if you have Marmoset 2 you can download all of the files for the dagger here.
@ Rofnald- Sorry just saw this. Nope. All of it was done by hand in photoshop.
I haven't used PBR extensively yet, but I'm guessing that you would need to overlay the spec over the albedo and use that as a diffuse? Spec information is taken from the diffuse for metal surfaces so I think that would work.
Then you would make the metalness map, but would that include the dirt and grime as well? I always struggled with this, given how you don't want to use greys in your metalness. For the gloss I imagine that goes into roughness (inverted).
Hey I hate to be a bother but I see you mentioned that you used photoshop for texturing, I was just wondering how did you manage to accomplish the gloss map in photoshop? Did you actually paint the gloss map by hand or did you use another map to help?
By the way I literally have a word document open with information I've found through looking at your marmoset file, so a big thank you.
I painted it by hand. Though recently I have been trying to keep everything in masks as much as possible. That way it's easy to transfer details to different maps. Basically what I am doing now is putting the values I want for each material on a layer and masking it. Then I will go in and add details and imperfections.
And oh, I took a look on your marmoset scene dude, really amazing. If I can suggest you, try to use the microfiber option on the diffusion and use some fuzz (it gives some cool highlights to the model). And the Anisotropic on the reflections made some cool effect aswell (and secondary reflection too).