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polycounter lvl 7
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badger5 polycounter lvl 7
Hello this is a pair of headphones I own I am working on and I wanted to get a crit and how to push these further. headphonerender-1.jpg This is my refrance http://images.guitarcenter.com/products/optionLarge/AudioTechnica/DV016_Jpg_Large_1344871116581_A.jpg and I want to try to push my modeling closer to a artist like this http://wesley3d.com/Source/Pictures/3d/FOC/Props_12.jpg,right now its at 1,542 pollys and I know I still have to add wires ect..


  • bunneh13
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    bunneh13 polycounter lvl 3
    you need to start higher poly, break it down into simple primitives: cubes, cylinders, ect. Pay attention to your silhouette it may also be helpful to work on half your model and mirror the mesh across.

    Hopefully this image will help.
  • DeviatePanda
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    DeviatePanda polycounter lvl 5
    Firstly, you are going to need a better reference image than that. Try and find something more head on, stay away from angled images. Look for pictures like this.
    And like bunneh13 said, work in simple primitives and just use something like a symmetry modifier to copy over the second half of your model.
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