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Final Major Project - Popbots/Westworld

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Drex polycounter lvl 7
Hey there guys! My final major project at college before I head on to University has just started, My project ideas is based on Ashley Wood's Popbot series and the 1970's film Westworld, basically combining these two to create a female character concept, which will then be sculpted and retopologized to be displayed real time! :)

I'll be posting all my work through this project on this thread in hope of getting some critical feedback on my work, I need to improve greatly in both concept art and modelling.


Here are some of my first concepts in silhouette, I'm wondering whether I should be capturing more fluidity in the poses or whether I am on the right track, any advice guys?


    Really nice design's dude.

    I think your doing fine. Best to get some strict silhouettes down then create further thumbnails of your favourite's with dynamic poses and stuff...

    All the best :)
  • Drex
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    Drex polycounter lvl 7
    Really nice design's dude.

    I think your doing fine. Best to get some strict silhouettes down then create further thumbnails of your favourite's with dynamic poses and stuff...

    All the best :)

    Thanks for the reply! Exactly the route I was intending to take, I'll post up the dynamics when I develop the concepts further! Cheers for the feedback also! :)
  • Drex
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    Drex polycounter lvl 7
    Finished my first 20, digitally, placed a grey background on them this time, no more blinding white haha :)BjAPwdhCYAEEX9B.jpg:large

    Hoping to do some more digital pieces and then move on to some traditional concepts!
  • JordanLeigh
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    JordanLeigh polycounter lvl 9
    These look awesome. Really like the cowboy looking one on the top row. Nice work!
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    All of these have a really cool look :) Keep em coming!
  • silvershrimp
    You could look at different proportions, all of these are roughly similar. Like them though.
  • Drex
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    Drex polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks guys for the feedback! Started doing some developed paints


    Need some advice on painting, I'm currently just using a square brush with opacity being affected with pen pressure, using three tonal values in grey scale (apart from the flames of course haha! :P).

    I need to develop my digital painting skills and understanding of lighting, material and rendering in 2D. So far though I'm wondering whether anything can be done to help improve my execution?
  • Drex
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    Drex polycounter lvl 7
    You could look at different proportions, all of these are roughly similar. Like them though.

    I'll work on some more silhouettes including adding more with varied proportions , a bit of variety will be a welcome change as you say! thanks for the response! :)
  • Fenyce
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    Fenyce polycounter lvl 11
    Yummy. I like this. Nice Silhouettes, they look promising. I guess I'll keep an eye on this thread.
  • Drex
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    Drex polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the feedback guys! :) Finished the first sheet of concepts!


    Going to progress onto grey scale painting and refining with some line work, I'll post some up soon!
  • Drex
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    Drex polycounter lvl 7
    Developed some more paints, looking at doing some line work later today!


    Critical feedback is welcomed! Working on six more paints then straight into line work!
  • Drex
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    Drex polycounter lvl 7
    Hey guys! Today I've been working on some weapon concepts, silhouette to paint over. WIP. Basing my ideas on western weaponry with a bit more of a modern/slightly sic-fi approach. Been looking at some rifles and colt revolvers, any reference that might be worth looking at guys?


  • Drex
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    Drex polycounter lvl 7
    Haven't posted in a while! Here's what I'm working on! Trying to improve my digital painting and sketching skills alongside developing the silhouettes! BjmDPIaCMAASCyd.png:large

    Trying to paint some good looking skin, any word of advice guys? Painting has never been my strength but I hope to improve via critique! :)
  • Drex
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    Drex polycounter lvl 7
    Knocked up a few variations! Trying to come up with as many unique ideas as possible quickly, messing with some pure western looks to a more evident sci-fi emphasis, what do you think guys? Any advice? (The eyes are quite weirdly sketched on these, fixing them up!)

  • Drex
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    Drex polycounter lvl 7
    Been a while again guys, just working on some final concept designs with paint overs, using Sketchbook Pro for them, hoping to learn from this process and improve my colour theory and digital painting skills! Going to probably combine the ideas into a singular weapon after some of these paint-overs! Let me know what you think guys! Any feedback is welcomed!

    Still a WIP so the first design needs a grip and of course a trigger hahaha, they will be added I assure you! :P

  • Drex
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    Drex polycounter lvl 7
    Hey guys! Haven't posted in a while! been extremely busy and had a few personal issues I had to deal with but now I'm back to updating! I chose the second design on my previous concept sheet to develop, started modelling the rifle now, currently a WIP.

    Currently the Polycount is at around: 6547
    Parts are separated into vertex groups and wondering now whether I should move into sculpt.

    Let me know what you think guys, feedback is crucial haha! I'll be posting up my base mesh progress sculpt for the female character and the final character concept orthographic!

  • Drex
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    Drex polycounter lvl 7
    Started working on the human base mesh sculpt! Needs more detailing though a lot of the form will be covered with clothing and equipment, more form adjustment is required and then onto detailing with the face etc!

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