Hey I'm attempting to sculpt a plague ridden man, with massive tumors and what not, I've sculpted the basic head and would like someone to give it a look and see if there's any major errors or ways I can improve.
At the minute I think it lacks character, is there anything I can do to add 'character'? I've been following multiple references but it just looks generic.

This is what I have so far, obviously it lacks detail I want to make sure the forms are right, I'm stopping for the night and thought I'd post to hopefully get a few crits over night.
I'd suggest studying your references better and try to recreate what you see, instead of what you -think- you see.
Also google head proportions. Should give you enough examples for what is off on your sculpt.
Obviously, no 2 heads are exactly the same, so take any of those "perfect proportions" images as a guide, instead of exact rules.
Good luck.
Thanks, I will Google head proportions right now.
I'm going to do some research on "seeing what's there, not what I think is there"
Anyone see anything majorly wrong with it? am I heading in the right direction?
Also, posting screenshots from multiple angles would help us make better comments.
Thanks for the reply, I tried to do what you said and tried to make some landmarks show more but I think I've taken a step backwards..my friend showed me how to hit the landmarks but I forgot within minutes even though I was using what I learned.
Right now, the zygomatic bones are off(they form the lower boundary of the orbit). The lips need some work as well. You also need to sculpt some forms in the neck region such as the mastoid muscles and the Adam's apple. Finally, the eyeballs can be a little too large. Eyelids inherit their form from the eyeball for the most part. In a side photo of a face, see what part of the eyeball has the foremost position and make the eyelids match that(the inner corners of the eye must move into the skull a little).
There's like a million traps you can get into and I still step in most of them. Reference images really are your friend in this situation and just look them up and keep them as reference as you keep making. This might seem staggeringy obvious, but as you keep creating you start seeing little details. Some of which that might be hard to describe like how a wrinkle looks exactly or how a brow looks.
You're making progress, mate. Keep making and keep posting
Thanks a lot of this reply, really great advice I'm going to practice plain skulls for a few weeks.
Thank you, I never even thought of typing that into Google, there are some really great images.
Thanks for the reply, that's a really good idea I'll do exactly what you said.
I really appreciate your reply, thanks a lot