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[Portfolio] feedback welcome.

polycounter lvl 14
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fredriklars polycounter lvl 14
Hello dear awesome community.
If you have time it would be awesome if you would check on my portfolio and get back to me with some thoughts. I'm still a pretty junior artist so any tips and tricks on getting the site good and presentable is appreciated.

fr3Drik.com is where it's at.

Thank you for your time and awesomeness.


  • WadeWT
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    WadeWT polycounter lvl 6
    You should mention what you were responsible for in those battlefield 4 screens. I like your site, easy to navigate and big pictures.
  • DWalker
    On your banner, the 'P' in 'Portfolio' should be capitalized.

    Each project page should include the project's title.

    On the wireframe for the knife, there appears to be a strange shadow at the base of the blade; it also appears in the color renders, but is less obvious there. The grooves in the hilt could use a little grime. The scratches running perpendicular to the blade really seem out of place; they could come from a really bad attempt at sharpening the knife, I suppose, but they just look wrong. Since you mentioned in the description that you are modelling from reference, consider including the reference images. 2048 textures are really excessive for this model; I'd be surprised if you'd notice a difference between 1k & 2k even in the extreme close-up. Render with smaller textures and compare the results.

    In the Nova project, you really should include the concept, and a link to the project site if there is one. Once again, the textures really seem excessively large for an RTS object. Grab screens of the models in game at the maximum zoom and the highest expected resolution and compare with different texture sizes. I'd be surprised if 256 or even 128 didn't look just as good. If you're doing extreme closeups (for model selection or those in-game cinematics everybody tries to skip ;P) consider having a separate texture & model. Even 2.5k models can be expensive when there are a few hundred running around.

    In the industrial alley, there's just something about the brick buildings that doesn't work. A modest chamfer on the buildings' corners would help remove the harsh blockiness. The wear on the building also doesn't feel natural - from the cloud noise applied overall to the 'scorches' around the windows. Finally, the scene on the thumbnail does not appear in the project images, and it seems better than those images in the project.

    The demo reel is nice, but seems unfocused. Artists tend to have fairly narrow roles in most larger game companies - animator, character artist, environment artist, etc. Try to focus the portfolio on the job you'd like to have.

    You should re-format your resume to conform to standard practices. The date format for your later work (all numbers with no separators) confused me, especially when the older dates were simple month-year combos. The blurbs about you are really atypical for a resume.
  • fredriklars
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    fredriklars polycounter lvl 14
    Wow, so long since I posted this.
    I have made a close to complete revamp of it and I hope you got more stuff to say.
    WadeWT wrote: »
    You should mention what you were responsible for in those battlefield 4 screens. I like your site, easy to navigate and big pictures.
    Thanks, and yes, I have fixed that now.

    DWalker, thanks for thoroughly looking and thinking.
    The banner thing is a non-issue, I removed the text.
    You are right about the nova units, but they are so incredibly broken, technically and I intend to switch it out with my next project. I was young and dumb when I made them but I still think I pulled off a decent visual polish. I'll keep them for now.

    The knife seems appropriate with 2k, that is what we used for knives in BF4 . I'll re-render in marmoset 2 after I get some other things done and I'll try and get the wear n tear to make more sense.

    Industrial alley is ditched, since it was crap.

    The demo-reel is unfocused yes, I'm hoping it will show a decent amount of versatility though. If I grow out of animation and rigging completely I'll remove it but considering I'm still looking for junior positions I'm thinking it's better to show I know a little bit of everything and I can be trained in the needed direction. Might be wrong about that though. Am I?

    Now, the resume is still the shitty one you don't like. I'm conflicted about it though. Because I did a switch very recently in to 3D and have been working in health-care and stuff before, IMO there is so much irrelevant crap on it. Do I really need it? It might be good to show that I have never been 'not busy' but is it just space-hogging and time-wasting to have it there? Do I keep it? Do I rewrite it? Do I remove it? Pls halp.

    Also, some thoughts on the new minimal design would be nice.
    It is still at http://fr3drik.com
    Thank you all for you're time.
    Have a good one.
  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    You spelled "Graphics" wrong in your CV


    Digital grphics, Nackademin 3D art 2011-2013"
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    I would completley re-order your bf4 work, the first image i thought the balloon and tarm were unfinished asset screens. sounds harsh maybe but the work further down was more visually gripping.
  • fredriklars
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    fredriklars polycounter lvl 14
    Robeomega wrote: »
    You spelled "Graphics" wrong in your CV


    Digital grphics, Nackademin 3D art 2011-2013"

    Good spot. Fixed.
    I would completley re-order your bf4 work, the first image i thought the balloon and tarm were unfinished asset screens. sounds harsh maybe but the work further down was more visually gripping.

    Yeah, it sounds pretty harsh, but really, you are not wrong. They look pretty bad. I have reordered them for now, I'll see if I can re-snap them somehow in a more flattering angle.

    Thank you for your feedback.
  • Nosslak
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    Nosslak polycounter lvl 12
    You might want to point out what you worked on in the BF4 screenshots as it's currently very unclear on some of them (the city scene especially). Currently it looks like you did all the modeling, texturing and lighting on everything in all the scenes (including characters, terrain, guns). If I were a recruiter a few of the screenshots would be worthless as I don't know what you've actually done and what's been done by others.

    I would also remove the Nova pieces as they are clearly the worst of the bunch (IMO boring designs, bad textures and smoothing problems).

    The demo-reel looked really good, however you forgot to add you portfolios URL at the end.

    Overall I'd say it looks great! Good job, dude!
  • fredriklars
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    fredriklars polycounter lvl 14
    Hey peeps and peepets.
    I have done some snipping and polishing on the site.
    Once again, some looksies couldn't hurt.

    Have a great day.
  • Nosslak
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    Nosslak polycounter lvl 12
    I think it looks good! I don't know if the hover text for the BF4 models are new or if I just missed them the last time around, but I think they're a good addition. However IMO the text still needs to be faster and more obvious as it takes too long to hover over each and every image to see what you've actually done.

    Also the brick texture under the misc section looks very boring. It doesn't look like there is any variation in the bricks themselves (meaning barely any normal details) and they are all very uniform with no variation in size or color. The placement could also be varied so that there would small differences in the amount of grout between each brick. I'd sculpt some damage on a few of them to add some more interest as well. I'd take that texture down and either improve it or just scrap it altogether.
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