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Superman vs. Wonder Woman (3d Print)

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KKolar polycounter lvl 3
I'm working on this Superman vs. Wonder Woman scene that I might end up getting 3d printed depending on how it turns out, and I thought I might as well document the process. Hope you guys enjoy.

As always Crits and Comments appreciated greatly!

Current Update:





  • Tadao215
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    Tadao215 polycounter lvl 16
    i think the anatomy is a good first-pass. The face seems too flat and the jaw looks like its coming too far forward
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Ohh yeah that jaw is pretty bad, thanks for pointing it out, will fix that right away. And yeah I havent worked on the facial structure too much so it does look pretty flat, next update I should have a lot of that fixed, thanks for the feedback!
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Getting pretty close to finishing him up, then on to Wonder Woman. His cape is just a placeholder for now till I start to pose him, so I didn't work on too many details, its a little short also.

    Anyways let me know what you guys think, hope you enjoy!

  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Rough lay in for Wonder Woman. This is my 2nd female character so I'm still getting used to their anatomy. If you guys have any crits please feel, I know some of the anatomy is off just can't quite place it.

  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Sorry its been awhile since I've updated, was busy at blizzcon. But I got some awesome feedback and ready to get rolling again.
    Here is a little update on Wonder Woman's costume, let me know what you guys think, cheers!

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Supermans face looks really underworked... you've got some nice angular features going on with the cheeks, but that's not carried through everywhere else. blobby eyebrow area, blobby nose, the lips look like they've just had a pinch brush used for an outline (which is in the wrong place) without actually giving them any form.

    Wonderwomans base isn't developed enough to worry about armour just yet. keep pushing her forms.
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Awesome feedback, I will start reworking and polishing up his face asap. I found some good references for Wonder Woman too so I will try and give her some more definition.

    I have no idea if this is an easy question to answer but I cant find anything about it online. Once I get their forms worked out I will be posing them in a separate layer so I can go back and forth between posed(asymmetrical) and tpose(symmetrical). But I cant figure out a way to keep subtools while doing that. To pose them I would think I would have to merge all the subtools(which would get rid of my layers) to keep the armor and what not in place.

    If you guys have any tips on what the best way to work around that would be that would be awesome. Thanks guys!
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    So I did a complete overhaul of supermans face to bring more definition to all the shapes, and just generally make things more refined. Let me know what you guys think, cheers!

  • KKolar
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    I took your advice and went back and revisited my anatomy for Wonder Woman before I start giving her more armor. Thanks for the advice I think it turned out a lot better. Cant wait to start posing these guys.

  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Hey guys, finally got to work on this again and I'm getting decently close to finishing it.
    Here is my most recent work on superman, still have some work to do on him, especially his hands, but let me know what you guys think.
    Ill have an update coming on wonder woman in the next few days, hope everyone is having a good holiday season, cheers!



  • Bonkahe
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    Bonkahe polycounter lvl 12
    I think you should rename the thread to Supermans face vs. Wonder Womans foot (3d Print) :D in all seriousness, in the comics I never saw the S deform in any way, maybe it was just my imagination but it seemed pretty rigid, you might want to work on that, but I think thats probably just something you'll have to decide as an artist, as I don't think its quite spelled out. Other than that I'll just have to wait for the finished piece, I love a good picture of superman having his butt handed to him :)
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    I think the plaque can distort a bit, but not the way it is now. It's just as one small thing being bent. It should be a more flowing curve.

    He looks too relaxed. Not as if he's currently kicked, but more as if he's unconscious and falling down through clouds. His muscles need to tense up more, his spine/body curled up as if he's doing crunches, and the head should be tilted more / instead of \. The chin gets kicked but the top of the head has some inertia, plus it shouts "necks shouldn't do that!"!

    You want to have the body facing one direction (head on towards the camera) and the face being kicked an entirely different way. Right now you have a smooth convex curve of where the face, chest, stomach, crotch are facing. The chest, stomach, crotch should be concave instead, and then the face being in contrast with that.
  • gunawanzx
    This good work .. but I guess posing too in force :)
  • Mark Dygert
    This is great, some awesome work being done, great subject matter awesome sculpting, awesome all around, nice work.

    Not to derail the thread but... I do have a generalized crit and it leans more toward creating a face for realtime which isn't the case here but you do want to be mindful of habits. The face is highly posed, specially around they brows and eyes. This is something that happened a lot in past games but is something that needs to be left up to the animators. It's hard to un-angry a face that was sculpted to look angry or intense. It looks great in still shots and marketing material, it makes it easy to get approval because it conveys one of the emotions the character will be asked to make but when it comes time to do anything else its nearly impossible.

    As games come to terms with the new hardware and story tellers seek to expand their pool of emotions we will start to see artists grapple with how much character they put in the faces that the sculpt.
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks for the awesome responses guys.
    @bonkahe Damn I missed a good opportunity haha. As for that plaque I guess I was just really tired last night and rendered the wrong one but I have a version where I fixed that and will post it up when i get a chance.
    @Snader Thanks for the crit man, I will definitely try and make him a little more tense. Now that you mentioned it I will work on his pose a bit and give him that concave stomach to make it look like he is being kicked more and not flying.
    @gunawanzx Thanks man, I will will on the pose a bit and hopefully clear up some issues.
    @Mark Dygert Thanks for the kind words. I definitely know what you mean, and I do always try and keep that stuff in mind. I know how hard it is to un-pose a face so I actually made it in a separate layer so I can turn it on and off. Or even lower the opacity so if you animated it, it would look as if he is making the face in real time. In fact all my subtools have layers so i can "turn off" the pose and work on it back in symmetry mode.

    Ill have an update soon keeping all your crits in mind, thanks again! :)
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Alright so I haven't changed too much on superman but I just wanted to give you guys an idea of how the scene is going to look with both the characters in it. Still a huge work in progress but let me know what you guys think!


  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I think Wonder Woman's pose needs a bit of work.

    Firstly, I'd take a look at the length of the leg and size of the feet and boots. I know there's some comic book stylisation going on, but n a pose like this, her shins are reading as being far too long.

    The kick is looking pretty awkward. Is this a flying kick or one from a standing position?
    Either way she needs to be looking at what she's doing, keeping her guard up, and the legs, hips and torso need to be repositioned into a more suitable position.

    On a more personal preference kind of thing, the way I'd do this is to have Wonder Woman, coming down diagonally from above as if she's just been flying and come in for a flying side kick, and then keep the boot in contact with Superman's face
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks for the crit Jackablade. I will definitely work on some of those things you mentioned. As for the overall pose, unfortunately I cant stray too far from the image above because I'm doing this on a contract for someone. But I will definitely incorporate some of the changes you mentioned in my next update.

    Also she is standing on the gound. I still have to create a ground and move supermans cape up, but yeah she is standing.
    The flying sidekick could be awesome, I might do another version of it like that once I finished this one, thanks for the tips.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah, you're really going to want to step away from using the comic as anatomical reference for her. That leg of her is drawn immensely out of whack, and the foot/ankle is particularly malformed. I think her toes should be pointing more to where the heel is pointing, but I'm not really sure.

    I dunno if the comic is cropped or not, but I would make her standing leg be mre \ than >. Make one smooth arc from one foot through the pelvis and down into the other foot. Kind of how a church archs and buttresses guide forces to the ground:

    It's a relatively small compositional change, but it gives a much better sense of force. Right now it looks like her kick is also propelling herself backwards, instead of standing firm in place.
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    @Snader Yeah its tough trying to find that line where stylized meets realistic without the proportions looking off. But I got an update based on all your guys crits and I think its looking a lot better, thanks again!

    I shortened her legs and shins a bit, turned her head so she will actually be looking at superman, stood up her left leg a bit and added some definition to her muscles, let me know what you guys think.

  • Uzhi
    The foot kicking Superman looks tilted down too much when looking in line with WW's leg muscles. The knee looks in line with upper leg muscles then the boot seems off angle against it.

    It could just be the angle of the picture I'm seeing.
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Well now that the holidays are over I will have time to finish this piece up. Here is where I'm currently at with superman. Hope everyone had a great holiday with family and friends and is ready to get back to work.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Her kick looks like a flying back kick.


    and yes, in midair I would say that this kick usually looks pretty awkward.

  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    It's not a flying back kick.

    The motion of the leg and supermans face (the face shows it's obviously post-kick, and the leg is far in front of him) indicate it should be a roundhouse, except that the characters are in impossible locations for that. The best compromise is a standing (or flying) side kick. With maybe a slight flick of the toes.

    That last photo is good reference though. It shows a lot of power, even though the guy is unphotogenically looking away. The kicking leg is nice and straight, and the other bits of the body (minus the arms, which I reckon are the primary balancing tools) are flung in the opposite direction to give extra momentum to the kick.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    The original comic frame is pretty awkwardly drawn. I wonder whether hunting down the original comic page would make it clearer just what the hell is going on there.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    I honesty think you guys are over analyzing this way to much. I dont think there is much though in the comic page to be honest, the artist probably just went "this looks cool"

    so that is my advice to you too.
  • Fenix
    Its a flying side kick. Come on people.
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Hahaha, i love how technical this all got, you guys are awesome. For the most part though I agree with lotet. Yes I know that what is happening in the comic is pretty much impossible to happen with the way they are posed, but as mentioned earlier I can't deviate from the image too much.
    That said I might repose them a bit when I'm done and try and get a more accurate/dynamic pose/s going on. Thanks for the crits though, some of those references will be really helpful, update coming soon, cheers!
  • Lil3dprinting
    @KKolar drop me a PM when ya get around to printing this> I'll see what I can do to help.
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    @lil3dprinting, thanks man that would be awesome. Ill be sure to hit you up.

    I still have quite a bit of refining to do but I wanted to show you guys how the composition is coming along.

  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    The wall feels very rubbery or like an inflated bouncy castle. Soft and flexible. Walls tend not to flex much, but instead be very rigid, with harsh breaks and straight lines.

    I know you can't make everything free floating because it supports superman, but you can make everything more flat and jagged.

  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    I think your kick is off and the way the muscles in her leg would look (hamstrings). I did martial arts for a long time and when you are fully extended your support/pivot leg is usually mostly strait after you've extended. woman_doing_side_kick_700-02200970.jpg
    Now this one is for fun and its most likely a heel kick. lol depositphotos_25465987-Crossfit-woman-kick-boxing-with-red-punching-bag.jpg Even though WonderWoman is buff, she is still very sexy and curvy.depositphotos_4703942-Kick-boxing-woman.jpg
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Awesome, thanks for the crits guys. That reference with the broken bricks will be really helpful.
    I also hunted down the original comic page and found what exactly is happening before the kick is made.



    So as you can see she is turned around backwards right before the kick is made. It still doesn't make a ton of sense but I have to stick with the pose in the comic for now.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Ah, well that explains the weird pose. The model is probably always going to look a bit awkward transitioning between 2 very different poses, but I guess if it's an iconic shot then that might not be an issue.

    Any idea why Wonder Woman is beating everybody up?
  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    That time of the month.
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    I think they were trying to hold her back from going to kill someone who killed someone she loved or something... idk man those comics got a bit crazy haha.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Just reading through the comic makes me think of Superman going
    Wut r u doin?
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Alright well I think I'm pretty close to calling this one done for now. Thank you guys for the crits they helped a ton!
    I hope you guys liked how it turned out, crits are still welcome, I might get to them if I decide to paint this later.





    Ill keep the thread updated if this gets printed so I can show you the final results!
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