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Princess Zelda

polycounter lvl 7
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Eithne polycounter lvl 7
Hi Polycounters!

I rarely post here because I'm doing baby steps in the game characters world.
I see a lot of beautiful characters here and I hope to reach that quality one day!
I'm proud to show my second character, made in my freetime.
I've rendered it in marmoset 2, really a beautiful program! I still have a lot to learn, comments and crits are very very welcome! Thank you!




  • Texelion
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    Texelion polycounter lvl 8
    Looks really good ^^. Maybe the nose is a bit too long and too tilted, looks more like a "snout" than a nose, not really cute. Also the reflection on the eye ( close shot ) is a bit strange, it's diminishing the intensity of her look. It may be caused by the "neutral" expression too, she doesn't look really alive.
  • Eithne
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    Eithne polycounter lvl 7
    Thank you Texelion! I can try to tweak the nose directly on the lowpoly, perhaps it's a dirt solution, but I'll try!
    For her expression, you're right, it's very neutral, let me see if I can improve it! :D
  • gehenna-angel
    Hey! I don't know how many characters you've done before, bur for being the 2 nd character you do in your freetime I'm really impressed. I like all the details you've put into her, especially in the dress. I don't have much other to say, but when I looked at the texture map I think you could have saved some texture space by deleting the back of her head since it won't show. Otherwise a great job. =)
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    I really dig it, nice job, she looks cute! =)
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    weirdly enough, my biggest problem with this is the polycount... it could easily be halved with no loss of detail or function.

    also, what's with the aliased jaggies running down the sword?
  • Eithne
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    Eithne polycounter lvl 7
    gehenna-angel: thank you! I could actually plan better my uvs, perhaps now it's late to correct this but I'll surely keep in mind this while making the next one! :)

    Nuclear Angel: Thank you! ^^

    almighty_gir: initially the goal was to make a very low poly mesh, a friend suggested me to focus on the visual quality instead of the polycount, so I left it very high, but surely I can improve it!
    I don't know how to get rid of that jaggies on the sword, it seems connected to the lights' shadows. Maybe the geometry of the sword is poor?
  • stevston89
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    stevston89 interpolator
    The jagged edge on the sword is most likely due to your unwrap. If the blade was not unwrapped to face at a 90 degree angle, then any straight details will have jagged pixelation on it. Nice work btw. Though I would work on your spec map and if you are using the fuzz feature on the cloth make sure to paint a map with the corresponding colors otherwise it just looks like weird fresnel.
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