Final screenshots:

Hey guys, I decided to make a thread for this now, because now its close to be finished

I wanted to make a little environment where I can try to make foliages, and other nature stuffs, and something that wouldn't be too big for me, so I can surely finish. Its not done yet, but its getting closer and closer to be that. I work on this every day, so the updates will come very often. Ok, to not waste more time with texts, here are some pictures.
This is how its started. I made some tileable painted textures first:

Then I made some grass, based on an awesome tutorial by
metric meditation. The tileable grass is also based on this.

Then I made a pine tree:


This is what I got after playing with the post process, and after I dropped some pieces together

Aaaand, this is where I am at the moment:

The pedestal need to be uv-ed, and I need to make 2-3 more textures for the ground. The water shader is not finished, and it has a few "bugs", but the reflection is fresnel, and the it has moving waves.
What I still need to do:
Finalize the house
One more tree
Tileable textures for the ground
A few other plants
A bridge
Maybe some garden props
And maybe a few more something that I dont know yet what they should be.
Let me know what you think guys

C&C is welcome, as usual!
Update...stones, and the blockout of the wood bridge.
I also think everything is kind of straight and structured. the house could use some skewed angles, the same goes with the bridge.
good luck
I would also gather tons of references from real life and also from different games with same style.
Here are some refs from wow
some plantations you could add
some other props you could add to tell the story of the place
hose cartoon look example and notice how grass is made. There are some flowers painted on it and also added as separate low poly objects.
there are lots of pictures about wow style and I advice you to look at them
also you could take a look at age of empires online screenshots. They are quite interesting as well
PS2 jRPGs are also a great reference for hand-painted, diffuse only foliage.
The rest is good for now IMO.
Thanks for the feedback !
Some rocks in the river and accompanying turbulence would add some visual interest.
Some parts of the terrain are extremely pixilated; this is most noticeable on the path and the grass/dirt boundary.
The stones on the top of the foundation should match those on the side - i.e. the dark lines should align between the top & the side.
The occasional, isolated long stem of grass helps to sell the idea that the grass is 3D. Look at the 3rd WoW picture for an example.
The path looks more like sand than dirt. A darker, browner color would help, as would ruts worn in the path.
Your textures don't seem to have any normal maps; the roof and foundation textures could really use one.
The lines between the planks on the bridge could use some more definition; at the moment they look like a solid mass. Just outlining the planks in a darker brown would help.
Thanks DWalker!
I used this reference when I painted the roof:
I actually like this the most from my textures.
The scene is far not finished, so a lot of from what you wrote will be changed. Like, the ground textures. The road is currently have the wall texture, and below the river, there is the wood texture at the moment. I just dropped together a vertex paint shader, and I wanted to block out the shape of the roads, etc. I will make proper textures for the terrain, and replace these placeholders. Also, I will make a better blending for the vertex painted ground.
Keep at it!
Come on, keep it coming!
Model in more details!
And this is how it looks from further, when the full house is visible.
The foliage overall has a bit too much yellow for my taste.
Many of the clumps of grass seem to run parallel or perpendicular to the path; try giving some a 20 or 30 degree offset to reduce the uniformity.
The house is not finished. I will get back to this a little later, and add more edges, plus vertex paintings.
I was planning to add more detail to the purple flower, because I also noticed that its a little flat and not defined from a further view. And I will try some color changes on the grasses, plus better placements.
Damn. Good point. I can change this easily.
- Thanks for the feedback guys, this helps a lot to keep it on a good way. In the next few days I will change the mentioned things, and add more unique props. Merry Christmas to everybody, and thanks for the feedbacks once again!
as for the house, I think you need to get rid of some of the straight lines you've got going. It just looks too perfect. Make the silhouette more interesting
Anyways, here are some more unique prop models, before I go to the fixes that you guys mentioned to I should do.
If you're making a lot of small/medium detail props I'd recommend you take an image that's a bit more zoomed in to better show your work. That far away shot could be a bit too hard to see everything you've made.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I will make closer shots too when the scene is done.
Next steps:
- changing the bridge model to be shorter, and addig variations to the planks, plus using the vertex paint shader on it to add color variations.
- one more tileable texture to the side of the river
- finalize the house
- placing more grass planes, and a few stones to random places
- plants,plants,plants
- more props
- a little garden
- changes in the water shader to make it less transparent (depth based transparency)
- ?
Mud texture will come next time.
And some other changes like the mud texture on the bottom of the river, some terrain painting fixes, vertex painting on the fences, and I placed more grasses, but still need more...
I think that it will be done really soon. I want to finish it in the next 1-2 days
Anyways, here are two new things for today. A lamp, and a juniper bush.
Maybe I can finish some flowers too today, but thats not sure. I will take a day break tomorrow, but then I come back, and finish this