Hey guys, I posted the progress of this a long time ago. (which yea the progress thread totally failed on account of my ADHD). But I finished it some time ago, and before I forget again I just wanted to show it off.

More here if you would like see more (such as process and wire-frames).
Still working on the Sci-Fi section, and a few more pieces. And soon I hope to have a fully finished portfolio.

Only thing I notice is the bottom of your piece on the pillars and rail seem to lack the overall flow of vegetation. If that's your intention or not it doesn't detract from the piece imo. Personally I like that all the sculpted faces are easily readable!
Maybe it could have been less symmetric, by adding even a single accent - turning on one of the lanterns, or something.
IMO it would be good also to differentiate the metal from the rock by mixing a little amount of a new colour into it, turquoise for example.
I like the presentation in portfolio, too. It's esthetical and informative.
Add your name or website URL in the corners of the pictures, in case an employer saves it on disk for later.
To me it looks like the epic entrance to an underwater cavern or something like that, and it could be really cool to have some cool lighting and refraction effects. Again its a really inspiring piece (thumbs up)
Side note: Switch from carbonmade folio. Use a tumblr or blogspot if you're not super familiar with making/hosting your own.
Also I would add that it's lacking the water element, for a Poseidon door, it's strange. The metal is not rusted, and you could make this like it has been partially submerged by water for some time. With some shellfishes perhaps ^^.
Nice work anyway.
@ Avvi, Naturon, Texelion, stevston89 - Yea sounds like a Plan. I darken'd the metal, and it gave a "wet" look to it? So I'll fix the spec maps to get rid of that. And the foliage was pure crunch time ownage on my part :poly122:. Hopefully I can find some spare time, and break up that symmetry. Thanks a bunch guys! (Ha starfishy's it is!)
@ BertR - Haha, don't give up man! Its hard work, being an artist will always be that way. Just look for Pros who have the same work as you, and learn their styles until you find your own.
@ NegevPro, dustinbrown, mad-, serriffe - Thanks guys! I appreciate it!
@ Jeff Parrott - Sup man, and thanks! You know I actually took your advice on those jewels. I made basic Cut-out eye like diamond shapes, colored them blue, and then red. It just look'd funky either way. Heck I even made some barnacles to throw on there, but I am just afraid of going over that "too much detail line".
And Tumbler, and Blogspot you say? I'll check those out thanks!
@ gsokol - hah... Of course I did.:poly136: I better fix that now then...
@ Add3rI - haha, yea im getting that alot. I guess Carbonmade has a few bad vibes attached to it aye? Heard a lot of pros are using CGhub for portfolios, is that any good?
Haha... I guess I really should just learn how to make a website.
Thanks for posting the breakdown a bit on your site - it's great to see different techniques.
Building from scratch or through a website builder with some tweaking to the CSS is more than fine if you go with a pro license and get rid of the the URL attachment and advertising such as Carbonmade. Having that advertisement attachment is most definitely a turn off to most, as it just seems cheap and unprofessional. I will admit and say that I used Weebly for the base of my website, and at the time (Might be grandfathered in) the pro license was only 15 a year which is not bad at all. IMO my website itself (Excuse the old work, currently employed and slowly working on cycling all that work out) isnt bad, but also doesnt give off that pre-built vibe either without that attachment.
Your work deserves much better