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Helpful Chinese New Year-themed Keywords and Ideas

Hey there fellow Polycount buddies, Chinese New Year is around the corner and Valve recently announced their upcoming event which tied to this auspicious season! As a Malaysian Chinese, it's a tradition to celebrate CNY with family, similar to Christmas. To welcome our Dota 2 players from China into our Dota 2 Store and prevent cultural appropriation from happening (not cool), here are a bunch of resources and references I've compiled that are related to CHINESE NEW YEAR.


Chinese New Year begins on the first lunar January and ends on the full moon 15 days later, a season where every Chinese ethnics held various activities to celebrate such as having a reunion dinner with family, spring cleaning, setting off firecrackers and visiting your relatives. The celebration was traditionally highlighted with a religious ceremony given in honor of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors. Most importantly it's all about prosperity.


Plants and Flowers
Symbolises growth and rebirth. Types of plants include plum blossom, bamboo, peony, orchid and lily.

Mandarin Oranges
An important etiquette when visiting your family and relatives, symbols of abundance and good fortune

This is the Year of the Horse, it's apparent that horses are well celebrated this 2014. It's not recommended to use other Zodiac animals. Dragon, phoenix, fish, Qi Lin are auspicious animal symbols.

It was believed the loud noises are able to scare the evil. Drums and gongs are used in a lion dance performance (see below)

Not the colour, I'm talking about the money money money. Often packed in red envelopes, a tradition for married couples to give to single adults or children. Getting money as presents, how awesome is that!?

Lion Dance
A form of traditional dance in which two dancers mimic a lion's movements in a costume. Often visits residential homes or offices to perform the "cai ching" custom, plucking vegetables oranges tied to a money packet. Dragon dance is similar to this performance.

Just to inform you that Qipao (Cheongsam), a 1920 Shanghai gown for women are worn in the MODERN days. Traditional female clothings in the past are Hanfu. It's important to wear new clothes to celebrate CNY, avoid ragged or old designs.

Auspicious colours for the season are red, green, pink, yellow, orange and gold. Avoid the colour black and white.

Fortune Cookies [X]
Note that this DOESN'T belong to China nor related to CNY as it first appeared in California in the early 1900’s, based on a Japanese cracker recipe and often consumed by Americans. We do not have such snacks in our culture, please refrain from relating this to the Chinese!!!

I think that wraps up most of the stuff! This is just a guideline for the CNY season. Let me know in the replies if you want to add more info! Your ideas shouldn't be limited to just CNY! If you feel like using the Chinese mythology feel free to give it a try! Make sure that you did a thorough research on the subject (applies to other culture as well) Should you have any questions related to the Chinese culture, do not hesitate to ask (especially Chinese characters). I'd be glad to help.

Have fun and good luck guys! ヾ(^∇^)


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