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cakeypigdog's dota wips

Hi guys.
I am a concept artist these days but was a character artist for a few years too. I have decided to dip my toes into Dota a bit.

Earthshaker set: highpoly pass1:


Highpoly pass 2. Had feedback to simplify everything for a clearer read so it would work better in Dota.


feedback welcomed and appreciated!


  • Shock
    Offline / Send Message
    Shock polycounter lvl 5
    the sculpt is looking very good and i rly love the head!
    but the other slots with all those petheads (special the belt, the totem and arm)
    does make conceptionell no sense to me for the earthshaker hero - it does not fit
    and makes him look kinda *overloaded*... its just my view - and the headslot is rly epic! :)

    greetings :)
  • heboltz3
    Offline / Send Message
    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    Really slick sculpt! Your polished edges are really selling the style, and I'm buying. I think at the moment, some of the material definition is getting lost in the consistency of the plates, for example, on the belt. I'm not sure if that is supposed to be bone, leather, or some overlayed material that deforms around the body. A little bit more/less polish in some spots should help out maybe?

    Anyways, keep it up, and welcome to the dota party :)
  • cakeypigdog
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks for the feedback. I designed the set in direct response to the character Lore: I think it makes pretty good sense :D I did um and rrrrr about the heads on the back of the harness and the belt. It might be a bit too much.

    Here is the lore for him + my draft description:

    Valves description:

    Like a golem or gargoyle, Earthshaker was one with the earth but now walks freely upon it. Unlike those other entities, he created himself through an act of will, and serves no other master. In restless slumbers, encased in a deep seam of stone, he became aware of the life drifting freely above him. He grew curious. During a season of tremors, the peaks of Nishai shook themselves loose of avalanches, shifting the course of rivers and turning shallow valleys into bottomless chasms. When the land finally ceased quaking, Earthshaker stepped from the settling dust, tossing aside massive boulders as if throwing off a light blanket. He had shaped himself in the image of a mortal beast, and named himself Raigor Stonehoof. He bleeds now, and breathes, and therefore he can die. But his spirit is still that of the earth; he carries its power in the magical totem that never leaves him. And on the day he returns to dust, the earth will greet him as a prodigal son.

    My set description:

    Once Raigor Stonehoof walked the earth and saw more of the wondrous creatures upon it he decided to craft himself powerful totems of their likeness. Now adorned with powerful horns and effigies on his totem and adornments he strikes fear into his foes through the very sight of him.

    Thanks so much! I will do another quick pass just pushing some materials :) My thought was that everything he has is crated from rock but i wanted it to be ambiguous with horn too: the idea that he grew it through will power rather than chiselled it out of bits of rock. It ties in with the idea of him making himself a beast through an act of will.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to feedback guys!
  • Shock
    Offline / Send Message
    Shock polycounter lvl 5
    u have to be carefull with those dota2 descriptions, many of them where changed from original dota cause of some blizzard rights (in this case: tauren race). but after all the playerbase is the same, and they can kill ur whole work with a workshop shitstorm just cause they have another picture of something then u do.. some artists have just learned about this right some days ago.

    here is the dota1 shaker:


    and the original story from dota1:

    In the barren-lands, tales spoke of tauren sages reaping the essence of dirt. Their consciousness melds with the brown beneath them. The loam becomes the conduit of their mental thought and reality. These warriors were feared for they could summon massive ruptures at their mere whim. So tremendous was their power that their magic leaks out of the earth violently with every spell. Sadly these sages mysteriously faded from the land. When the World Tree was threatened, couriers searched for these mighty ones but found just one. A young adept, Raigor Stonehoof, seeks battle to weave new tales of these shamans.

    as u can see they kept the name of the hero, the herotype and also his visual style.
    just the description is totaly different^^
    basicly its allways possible to far away into something completly new and people like it,
    but in this case i dont know - there are just so many heads, my eyes are going of one head to the next, jumping arround - and cant focus on the good details.

    whatever u do not have to listen to what i say :) just keep following ur feeling.

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