Hi all
So I'm starting a new project - it's going to be a winter scene in UDK with a very slight hint of Christmas (some fairy lights on a tree). I'm going to keep it simple and just focus on making a few assets to start with. C&C is very welcome.
I'm starting with ice skates


Do you have a concept for the scene you plan to put this in? Would love to see some sketches of the composition of the scene.
Jorvid - Here is the concept... it's a mesh of photos and painting but hopefully gets across what I had in mind.
And some references
The only thing I would say about the concepts and the references is that they seem slightly barren. If I were you, I would really push the Christmas element in the environment to really enrichen it with a sense of character. Currently the proposed assets are very minimalistic, and the daylight lighting could make the scene look very flat, especially with such low contrast due to the snow.
I would recommend you reconsider your approach and try to think how you are going to make your scene visually interesting so that it's not just a "scene", but bursting with character. This kind of thought is going to make multitudes of difference when people are looking at your work because it's going to be so much more visually interesting. Think about visual storytelling. What does your scene tell the viewer?
Sorry, I hope I'm not coming down too hard here, I just think that these kind of things can make such a huge difference. Even just changing the concept to a dusk/night scene with fairy lights strung from tree to tree creating some interesting lighting/colours would help so much! I hope this helps
Little details like sled and feet marks in the snow will help out with the scene. Maybe a hint of a village in the bg, smoke coming from one of the chimneys.
Great start and nice idea for your scene! I already digging the general setting that you're going for, sigh it makes me miss the snow though damnit. Before starting your scene, I think you should do a block out to get the general composition going and seeing how things will all work out together. You should try and get the mood right too and play with lighting to get some interesting stuff. With snow I find it generally a lot of colour is lost, but if you can incorporate some cool lighting stuff to bring that colour back, it'd look awesome I think. Something coming from the same place as these.
Also, when you're doing the snow effects, you should do the Z-depth thing.
DamnSw - I totally agree with you and went for something so barren to keep it very simple - although now you have said that I do want it to be 'visually interesting' and 'bursting with character' your words make me think the scene could be so much more and are encouraging me to step out of the comfort zone so thanks for that!
Wishie - I love your ideas! I'm already picturing it.
Lukepham101 - I miss snow too! Although I'm sure some will be coming along in a few months in the UK. Thanks for stressing about mood and lighting. I think what I'm realising is that I need to plan this far more carefully.
I will go back to the drawing board and see what I come up with - thanks all.
I've tried to come up with something a bit more interesting for the scene.
The idea is that this is a clearing in the woods that someone has decorated as a surprise Christmas present for someone else. I want to give the impression that it is a secret place.
I have added a few extra assets - ice sculpture, elf hat, toy train set, toy soldiers, snowman and paper snowflakes to give it more of a Christmas theme.
Some new references:
This one is concept art for The Last Of Us
new concept looks tons better
Thanks for the encouragement - so time for another concept update.
I've used the images provided by Lukepham101 (thanks for those!) to figure out the colour. Still definitely WIP - I best keep working
And some ice skate progress...
Sorry for hurting everyone's eyes with the brightness in that previous post! Ouch