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Steyr Scout

polycounter lvl 7
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cR45h polycounter lvl 7
Heres a scout model I started months back. Hoping this thread will motivate me to finish it.

Did the textures;

Lowpoly with normals; http://puu.sh/5vBma
close up on the bolt; http://puu.sh/5vBoe
fp; http://puu.sh/5vBoX
highpoly; http://puu.sh/57GFs http://puu.sh/57GF1

Crits are welcome :)


  • Kimono
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    Kimono polycounter lvl 10
    Hey, it looks pretty good! Few things to bear in mind:
    -Bolt handle doesn't have enough geometry and looks messy because of it, clean flowing shapes like this need absolute care and attention to capture the silhouette in FPV, you don't want it reading as blocky! The trigger guard seems to be more rounded which is a huge no-no
    -The way the scope mount just clips into the receiver is extremely ugly, they also don't seem secured onto the rail?
    -About the earlier point I am seeing alot of blocky curves in FPV, we're almost in 2014 and 8.8k triangles for a rifle with an attachment is an extremely low count. If you absolutely have to optimise this much for whatever reason I'd rethink your poly distribution and be clever about it. For instance the extrusion on the windage adjustment is so subtle that it could just be baked, and those triangles could be put to much better use somewhere closer to FPV.
  • cR45h
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    cR45h polycounter lvl 7
    Kimono wrote: »
    Hey, it looks pretty good! Few things to bear in mind:
    -Bolt handle doesn't have enough geometry and looks messy because of it, clean flowing shapes like this need absolute care and attention to capture the silhouette in FPV, you don't want it reading as blocky! The trigger guard seems to be more rounded which is a huge no-no
    -The way the scope mount just clips into the receiver is extremely ugly, they also don't seem secured onto the rail?
    -About the earlier point I am seeing alot of blocky curves in FPV, we're almost in 2014 and 8.8k triangles for a rifle with an attachment is an extremely low count. If you absolutely have to optimise this much for whatever reason I'd rethink your poly distribution and be clever about it. For instance the extrusion on the windage adjustment is so subtle that it could just be baked, and those triangles could be put to much better use somewhere closer to FPV.

    Thanks a bunch for the crits. I originally intended this to be a portfolio piece so I didn't pay too much attention to geometry distribution. I posted a fp screenie for the hell of it. I did fix the bolt handle since it was too lowpoly for comfort;
    I decided to skip the scope clamps since they look fine from the sides (http://puu.sh/5wvdO.jpg) and I should be able to figure something out on the textures for the rest.

    Thanks again for the crits btw, I can't express how much I appreciate it:)
  • Tom3dJay
    Since you're using a cubemap, you could have a nice glass like reflection on that lens if you use a reflection mask, or alternatively, you can set up new material just for the lens.

    The bolt looks much better now, good job
  • theSixtyEight
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    theSixtyEight polycounter lvl 7
    looks great, I like that camo pattern, maybe if you would contrast it up (camo), it would pop out more and would look less "blended"
  • cR45h
    Offline / Send Message
    cR45h polycounter lvl 7
    Made the camo a bit more contrasted. Here are a couple of screenshots from ce3:
    fp; http://puu.sh/5yzkj.png
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