I've been working on this project for a couple days now, trying to create something that would be impressive for a portfolio in environment art. I decided to make a dock/ pier with a bunch of stylized storefronts with glowing neon signs at night.
I had this original idea to do this with a star wars bounty hunter feel, like where some forgotten goons would go to a bar or hang out in the underworld of some polluted planet.
So far the buildings have been inspired from some pictures I found off of a google search for complex storefronts; I ended up liking these buildings in japan and thought they would be easy to add detail to later.
My dream is to someday create detailed and story driven environments for large game studios like Rockstar and Naughty Dog. I thought making a stylized environment would have been fun, but since those studios tend to more realistic looking environments so I think I should go in that direction.
So far I only have a couple buildings modeled without textures or lights.
I'm about to start filling this scene with tons of models. Any early feedback before I dig myself a deeper hole or something? Thoughts?
I'm using 3Ds Max and I could go to zbrush for higher detail if need be.
Wide screenshot

CameraView Screenshot


From here, I worked on the composition a bit, started texturing the buildings I'm absolutely sure of right now, and worked a bit more on the lighting. I added these chrome/classic american diner elements to the first building and I like where that is going. I cant wait for the neon signs to really light that place up. I'm just gonna keep working at it until I am super proud of this one, -- more updates to come!
Any feedback is welcome- Im trying to improve myself
I'm not an experienced environment guy myself but i think this is great idea!
As of how it is right now i think i cannot say much but maybe it helps if you just take the last screen and put it in photoshop and just start to paint over some details. I mean you can explore with what kind of props you need and what kind of texture where are your highlighted areas. Keep it up!
i hope this might help,