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First complete character:Please critique

Hello Polycount Community

I am currently a student at AIE and made this character a few months ago. This is my first complete character (Concept-Render) and i would appreciate any constructive criticism you could provide. A few things for me to mention first are that i planed on sculpting hair for this character but ran out of time so just made a basic mesh ponytail, the second is that i made the mistake of mainly sculpting the characters face from one angle most of the time instead of rotating the camera around in zbrush as i was learning zbrush along side making this character. I spent the majourity of my time trying to get the body of my character to look nice and feminine but i spent the least amount of time on the hands and feet. My characters name is Titania and her theme is the Goddess of Moons.

Ok Polycount fire away.......:)


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