Sad and infuriating at the same time, if he would only put the amount of effort he does in creating his fake little image and world online, into learning some useful skills he might actually accomplish something.
But now just has a web of his own lies, and his name known for all the wrong reasons now.
Such a disgrace, you should have included a both option for the poll. Regardless he will just look like an idiot if he happens to get a art test for a studio... that makes me feel better.
I fail to see why people would do this with 3D. I mean, i "get it" if people steal 2d vector art for example and kitbash it for a freelance job, but finishing a 3d job unless you've got the required skills seems to me impossible.
I fail to see why people would do this with 3D. I mean, i "get it" if people steal 2d vector art for example and kitbash it for a freelance job, but finishing a 3d job unless you've got the required skills seems to me impossible.
He is doing it likely for 1 of 2 reasons.
To enflate his ego and appear like more than he is or he is just trying to use this to find jobs where he is paid up front, so he can pocket the money and run.
I vote for the first one. He can't work, hes too young
And when he have 18 he will notice he will never work in his passion: game art.
Just destroyed his future.
he would never make it anyway, if he had half as much passion for his Ego as he does on modding games, making skins, creating models then he could be legit, anyone who has that spark that removed from Ego and pride can make it, because the love of creation is so beyond the self and the ego, its like a impulse to breathe when you have that spark.
Actually if you are a scammer, this is the way to do it. Just get someone to see it and want him to do some work, and demand half up front and not deliver. First of all, it's going to hurt the client, second of all, the client is going to give the artists who actually created the pieces, a bad reputation.
Just imagine, he is talking with some of his business friends, who actually found your website with art, and he recognize the work and tells his friends not to hire you, because you are a scammer. That would suck big time.
Actually if you are a scammer, this is the way to do it. Just get someone to see it and want him to do some work, and demand half up front and not deliver. First of all, it's going to hurt the client, second of all, the client is going to give the artists who actually created the pieces, a bad reputation.
Just imagine, he is talking with some of his business friends, who actually found your website with art, and he recognize the work and tells his friends not to hire you, because you are a scammer. That would suck big time.
This is a much better reason to be pissed at this guy than complaining about him stealing work. I cringe when the word "steal" is used in relation to plagiarism. Mainly because it's not factually correct and it chips away at my respect for artists that can't come up with a better reason to be upset. McGreed has brought up a very valid and measurable cause for outrage. Wrecking people's careers is a really shitty thing to do and just to make a quick buck is even worse. People like this guy need to be exposed as frauds in order to protect the name of the real artists.
I cringe when the word "steal" is used in relation to plagiarism. Mainly because it's not factually correct and it chips away at my respect for artists that can't come up with a better reason to be upset.
The fact that this makes you lose respect for artists made me cringe.
he would never make it anyway, if he had half as much passion for his Ego as he does on modding games, making skins, creating models then he could be legit, anyone who has that spark that removed from Ego and pride can make it, because the love of creation is so beyond the self and the ego, its like a impulse to breathe when you have that spark.
Thank you so much, now I think I better understand how artists think.
You made my day.
It's definitely wrong to steal other people's work. Real artists have a sense of pride that non-artists apparently don't have, so I doubt this kid is an artist at all if he's fine with stealing and passing it off as his own work.
One thing artists could consider to protect our work is to weave or blend a sort of signature into our scenes. Like, for demonstration purposes and online public portfolios, you could have your character's outfit have a label or logo with your name or studio name on it. It can be vague and look like just part of the design, and blend in but only you know it's your signature and can prove it's yours by showing other work with the same signature. Or you could blatanly put your full name in there. Like you could have a street scene with wall graffiti and have your name as small art graffiti on a corner of the wall. To everyone it looks like part of the scene but to you, it's your signature and that's your proof to customers.
Edit : Awesome Robeomega...... I didn't think he would respond but apparently he's a remorseless little snot. Should I feel bad for him that he can't apply himself enough to actually be an artist?
I feel like I'm in a minority here because obviously stealing peoples artwork is really bad but ... who actually cares? You're selling your ability to make artwork, not individual pieces of artwork that you've already made. You're selling a service not a product.
Instead of bitching at this kid's lack of morals and/or being butthurt about theft of artwork which is never really going to end anyway .... let's spend that time doing something productive instead?
I feel like I'm in a minority here because obviously stealing peoples artwork is really bad but ... who actually cares? You're selling your ability to make artwork, not individual pieces of artwork that you've already made. You're selling a service not a product.
Instead of bitching at this kid's lack of morals and/or being butthurt about theft of artwork which is never really going to end anyway .... let's spend that time doing something productive instead?
Because it is exactly as you say, You're selling your ability to make art and I hate to break it to you but your service creates "products." It is your branding. It's the same reason I can't make a shitty phone and call it an iPhone; because it damages "the brand." If people start associating your work with shitty knockoffs or at worst, someone who takes the money and runs it could be a very bad situation for your reputation. Also, most sites will not remove stolen work unless you own the copyright. These threads help let people know that if they see their work they need to file a DMCA or whatever to get the content removed, forcibly if necessary.
I also imagine there are plenty of people that are new to this world and these threads show how this situation is handled. If you steal work, your reputation will be damaged and you may be blacklisted.
Admitting your wrong doing and offering an apology is a start. However, taunting Robo because he was attempting to bait you counteracts your seeming admission of guilt. That and if you truly feel sorry, you should apologize to those whose work you stole.
I realize you want to feel special. We all do, and we all are. However, you have to earn this recognition, its not just given to you. You're young enough that if you decide to come into this industry the proper way and work your way to the point where you can produce such on your own, its possible. If you truly feel a passion for this and understand that its not as easy as cutNpaste, learn from this mistake and become a better person. Then join our community and start studying and posting your work.
There was a case at my college (not in my year though) where one guy on the course was posting another guys stuff on the internet claiming it was his own. Amazing that people have the nerve to do stuff like this especially with someone you know in person. He even tried to deny it was him at first but there was pretty damning evidence it was.
You are sooo right
Gentuza como esta las hay a patadas por internet, son un fraude que dificilmente venden a d
He is doing it likely for 1 of 2 reasons.
To enflate his ego and appear like more than he is or he is just trying to use this to find jobs where he is paid up front, so he can pocket the money and run.
And when he have 18 he will notice he will never work in his passion: game art.
Just destroyed his future.
Life is boring again xD
he would never make it anyway, if he had half as much passion for his Ego as he does on modding games, making skins, creating models then he could be legit, anyone who has that spark that removed from Ego and pride can make it, because the love of creation is so beyond the self and the ego, its like a impulse to breathe when you have that spark.
Just imagine, he is talking with some of his business friends, who actually found your website with art, and he recognize the work and tells his friends not to hire you, because you are a scammer. That would suck big time.
In all seriousness though, this is the most blatant theft I ever seen. I do hope you take action against this guy.
- D. Carmine
This is a much better reason to be pissed at this guy than complaining about him stealing work. I cringe when the word "steal" is used in relation to plagiarism. Mainly because it's not factually correct and it chips away at my respect for artists that can't come up with a better reason to be upset. McGreed has brought up a very valid and measurable cause for outrage. Wrecking people's careers is a really shitty thing to do and just to make a quick buck is even worse. People like this guy need to be exposed as frauds in order to protect the name of the real artists.
The fact that this makes you lose respect for artists made me cringe.
Thank you so much, now I think I better understand how artists think.
You made my day.
It seems he has seen this thread.
One thing artists could consider to protect our work is to weave or blend a sort of signature into our scenes. Like, for demonstration purposes and online public portfolios, you could have your character's outfit have a label or logo with your name or studio name on it. It can be vague and look like just part of the design, and blend in but only you know it's your signature and can prove it's yours by showing other work with the same signature. Or you could blatanly put your full name in there. Like you could have a street scene with wall graffiti and have your name as small art graffiti on a corner of the wall. To everyone it looks like part of the scene but to you, it's your signature and that's your proof to customers.
Edit : Awesome Robeomega...... I didn't think he would respond but apparently he's a remorseless little snot. Should I feel bad for him that he can't apply himself enough to actually be an artist?
What a twist
2 bad .. this was starting to look like fun xD
i was sooooo waiting to see how the art test goes
id suggest u guys take legal actions if u could
Instead of bitching at this kid's lack of morals and/or being butthurt about theft of artwork which is never really going to end anyway .... let's spend that time doing something productive instead?
Because it is exactly as you say, You're selling your ability to make art and I hate to break it to you but your service creates "products." It is your branding. It's the same reason I can't make a shitty phone and call it an iPhone; because it damages "the brand." If people start associating your work with shitty knockoffs or at worst, someone who takes the money and runs it could be a very bad situation for your reputation. Also, most sites will not remove stolen work unless you own the copyright. These threads help let people know that if they see their work they need to file a DMCA or whatever to get the content removed, forcibly if necessary.
I also imagine there are plenty of people that are new to this world and these threads show how this situation is handled. If you steal work, your reputation will be damaged and you may be blacklisted.
Thread of the year, all years.
Admitting your wrong doing and offering an apology is a start. However, taunting Robo because he was attempting to bait you counteracts your seeming admission of guilt. That and if you truly feel sorry, you should apologize to those whose work you stole.
I realize you want to feel special. We all do, and we all are. However, you have to earn this recognition, its not just given to you. You're young enough that if you decide to come into this industry the proper way and work your way to the point where you can produce such on your own, its possible. If you truly feel a passion for this and understand that its not as easy as cutNpaste, learn from this mistake and become a better person. Then join our community and start studying and posting your work.
"Lol, u Ahmad bro?"
EDIT: Actually, can't really do that, it will hit everyone called Ahmad, would have been better if he had a nickname/username.
i respect ur consideration sir
a lot of people share the same name ( including me )
but no offense taken here
1. Drink morning cup of tea
2. Sort out bills
3. Take care of the washing
4. F**k myself at Corner
This one got me the most as those first 2 scenes are straight out of a pretty well known benchmarking engine, unigine.
There was a case at my college (not in my year though) where one guy on the course was posting another guys stuff on the internet claiming it was his own. Amazing that people have the nerve to do stuff like this especially with someone you know in person. He even tried to deny it was him at first but there was pretty damning evidence it was.