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Ewing's Workshop Thread

Hey Polycount!

So I finally mustered the stones to post my first item on the Dota 2 workshop.

It was an awesome learning experience actually going through all the different hoops that you need to go through to get your item imported. Before this project, all of my models have been diffuse-only and pretty simple.

I would love some feedback on the diffuse texture, the masking (which I have never done before), the overall feel, and any other feedback!

Also, unrelated, I am so consistently amazed at the helpfulness of this entire community. I decided in May of this year that I wanted to do video game art and started trolling the forum with NO experience, so submitting something to the Dota 2 shop in just 6 months feels pretty big for me, and it would have been a much rockier road without this community, so THANKS!


Workshop link (I wrote up a little story to go along with the item if anyone feels like a quick 1 paragraph read)


  • Ewing
    So I started in on modeling and texturing a pair of axes for beastmaster. I wanted to incorporate some sort of branch situation, as it seemed more consistent with his lore that his weapons would be very rough-hewn and rugged.

    This is a render from blender with diffuse only. I made it in at 224 tris per axe, which is the exact upper limit for his in game LOD. Took forever to pair down the original design to few enough tris.

    Would love some feedback!

  • Tyn
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    Tyn polycounter lvl 10
    I really Like the branch/bramble idea! The wood on the handle worked out really well texture wise. Looking at the entire texture you could probably use a little more variation in hue through the different values. I would probably also make the lower edge of the blade darker. Currently it looks like the grip has top light and the blade has lighting from beneath.
  • Ewing
    Thanks so much for the feedback!

    I totally agree that the blade has some inconsistency in the light source. I do have a question though; is there a best practice for defining the direction of a light source on your diffuse map for an item that moves around a lot like a weapon? What I mean is, the direction of the light source I created makes perfect sense when the blade is held at a 90 degree angle to the ground, as it is in the posted render, but when it is actually in the game beast master will be waiving it all over the place. Is best practice to chose a light source that makes sense for the item when it is held in an idle stance?

    Also, the only rule of thumb I know for adding more variation in hue is that highlights tend to be warmer, and shadows tend to be cooler, any other suggestions?

  • Tyn
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    Tyn polycounter lvl 10
    Yup! Although I'm not 100% sure if this is the correct way, but I look at the general position the weapon is held ingame and then base my values on a frontal top down light. As for hues when I started painting textured I found this thread via the polycount wiki which was quite helpful. My advice would be to not be shy and experiment. We I first started shifting hues I was utterly shocked at how far you can push hues while moving through values.
  • Ewing
    Well I did another pass on the texture last night. I think I fixed the lighting issue, and I threw down some more change in hue. I think I could push the hue even further, but I really think the whole texture feels much more alive.

    Thanks again for the feedback. Also, that thread is exactly what I was looking for thanks!

  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    it looks like you've got some smoothing groups baked into the normals
  • Ewing
    So I'm not sure what that means. It is currently just a model in blender with a material that has spec turned all the way down with the diffuse texture applied to it.

    Would you mind explaining?
  • Ewing
    Got the Bramble Axes rigged and compiled into DOTA 2.

    Here is a quick board I put together for the workshop page.

    Looking forward to some feedback!


    Here's the steam link if you want to read the little blurb I wrote up about it.

  • Ewing
    So I am trying my hand at a full set. Its a swampy, darker interpretation of furion. The idea is that he has been corrupted by the more sinister and swampy parts of the forest and he is more of a zealot in his protection of nature. I hope to also make a new treant summon for him, but one thing at a time.

    I also discovered the "freestyle" render option in blender today, which I think looks pretty sick for process renders. That is what gives it the hard outline for anyone not familiar.

    Looking forward to thoughts!

  • Shock
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    Shock polycounter lvl 5
    i rly love the shoulder design, but for any reason i think i saw something very close anywhere (maybe in another game) already - sadly i cant remember anymore
  • Ewing
    Thanks for the heads up! If you happen to remember it let me know! The last thing I want to do is rip off someone else's IP on accident.
  • Ewing

    So I got the shoulders textured. I changed the theme of the whole set after coming to the conclusion that a swampy set for Nature's Prophet just wasn't really consistent with the lore in the game. New idea is thus....

    Before Verodicia planted the last seed that became Nature's Prophet, she planted a seed which would become a tree imbued with some of her power from which he could harvest the necessary materials for a set of armor and a weapon in dark times. Nature's prophet has nurtured the tree throughout his life and the time has come to harvest its bounty and fashion a set of armor.

    The whole set will be wood with a glowing blue/green in several elements to symbolize the magic heart of the tree.

    Working title for the set: Verodicia's Gift. The shoulders specifically are called Verodicia's Embrace. Totally open to suggestions. I find my back stories tend to sound good in my head but come out totally corny.

    Looking forward to some feedback!

    Also, very open to some crit on the texturing and model; I am still trying to figure out wood so any tips would be great. (Already read the Wiki stuff...I think my wood is improving over the axes I posted above these shoulders, but still finding my style.)



  • Ewing
    Still figuring out color, but started in on the antlers for the set.

    All feedback is appreciated!

  • Ewing
    Tidehunter concept based on the Canadian tradition of clubbing seal pups. Twisted.

  • Ewing
    Havn't been on the Dota 2 train in a while, but now that things are settled in my new job I want to jump back in. I came up with an idea for a ward that I think is clever, but very well may not be so I am super open to feedback.

    Just a quick update to get some ideas out there. 5 minute sculpt on top of base mesh, so lots more sculpting to do.

    Also if there is already something similar to this in the workshop that someone else has seen please let me know. I always make a point of looking through the shop first to make sure my idea is different enough, and I didn't see anything quite like this.

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