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Jin Kazama Redesign as a Female

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Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
Hello everyone,

I am doing a module based on redesigning our favorite fighting game character. I have chosen to do jin kazama but i wanted to actually challenge my self. So i decided on redesigning him as a her, this moved onto redesigning her clothing as a steam punk/business style. I do understand certain unique elements would need to be incorporated to make her recognizable to the current jin. I have finished my concepts and base mesh. I am now moving onto the sculpting.

This is my progress so far and hopefully i am looking for some sort of feedback:

Close up off the face, and some improvements i have highlighted.


Front Body






Certain elements are going to be covered, so i didn't bother adding detail like the hand and the boots. Just the overall shape was needed. If i can get some feedback this would be great, i am moving onto the clothing aspect now :)


  • DWalker
    She looks strangely emaciated in the side view, especially around the breasts and ribcage.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    So you're turning a male martial artist to a female steampunk character. I don't really see how this can be called a redesign, it's an entirely different character.
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    hmm true i do agree, but it was accepted by my tutor. The idea will still have features which jin has, i guess this is where the challenge is.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Interesting task you've set yourself.

    You've currently got some real issues with the anatomy across the entire model, but before you go any further with that, I think you really need to take a step back and work out exactly what you're doing here.

    This here is your iconic Jin appearance. There's some variations across the games, but they're always roughly the same as this. I'd say your most important elements are the asymetrical flame on black design, those iconic studded red gloves and perhaps the pointy haircut and big eyebrows. I can imagine a few directions you could take it, but I'm not sure that business attire is going to be quite what you're going for - Jin's design is bright, bold and contrasting which isn't really what you'll get from a business dress.
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Well i really cant draw much but i managed to concept this out a couple weeks back for deadline, this is the direction i was gonna take since, i'm moving onto the next phase. My tutor also had the worry of the iconic elements been lost. But having said that, my drawing skills dont compliment the design much but i have taken everything into consideration. Initially the Spider hair cut, the studded gloves was already incorporated, The asymmetrical flame design could be used on the shorts. This concept still is ever changing as i'm adding improvements to it but the overall layered clothing i want to keep in this general style. I am also open to ideas and improvements. thanks for the feed back.

    Also for the anatomy, could you line up some pointers on where i'm going wrong?

  • Boozebeard
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    Boozebeard polycounter lvl 11
    Redesigning him as woman is cool idea but also totally pointless if you're also going to change the clothes to something completely different. How is anyone supposed to tell it's a female version of him if everything is different? Redesign his clothes to be more feminine but still recognizable.

    If it were me I would stick to the colour scheme of black and red, and definitely keep the flame. His clothing has a very practical athletic look so I would try and keep to that as well. Maybe even just a sport bra on top the same colour scheme or flame design. Maybe change the trousers to shorts if you want to make it a bit more different.

    I think that the gender change is the big thing and the main focus and that you should concentrate on making the face as similar as possible while still feminine, this will sell the piece. The clothing should be second place to this and only needs adapting to be feminine other wise you are changing too much and you might have well just designed a new character.
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Kool thanks for your feedback, i do understand and i have come to the point and agree with the color scheme and the flamed design, i could possibly use jinz current bottoms as shorts but i will deffinately experiment with the clothing to make it more alike jinz. The face i will be adjusting constantly until the deadline :)

    Progress today on the anatomy



  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Final update for today on the clothing elements, deadline is this Friday and i need to push my self to get the high poly sculpt done so i can start the retop. Some elements are not complete, tomarrow i will get on this, alongside adding detail to the clothing and experimenting further on different styles.

  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Jin Update for today. Jinz left leg is more reavling now so the flame design stands out more


  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Improvements Made on Proportion from the feedback given by jackablade

    The things i pointed out and fixed k neck was way too long, this was adjusted down quite allot to look right, the face will further need refinement to fit the correct proportion. A comparison to Loomis guide was constructed, and the base mesh was then adjusted to fit with industry stander ed artwork for human proportion. The chest was adjusted to its more straight and curved from the chest to arm, rather a concave shape it previously had. Finally the awkward fold bunching on the shoulder has been taken out and the folding looks more natural. The k neck could be lowered slightly more, but for now refining the facial features and adding detail is the priority, deadline approaches soon 3:30 Friday.

    Any other improvements please comment, as i am still in zbrush and their is time for further refinements
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6

    Here is the comparison sheet created
  • valuemeal
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    valuemeal polycounter lvl 6
    The hands and arms need more detail,.
    Perhaps make the arms a different subtool you know?
    Extract them from the paint mesh and then detail from there.

    Also you should consider making the figure 8 type biceps just for definition's sake.

    Also I would soften her face you know, needs more chubby cheeks.
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the Feed back, the hand and arms are mostly going to be covered with jinz gloves. So my intentions was to give to gloves a detailed finish since the actual hands and parts of the forearm are not going to be covered.

    With the face i do agree, she needs chubby cheeks, but 1st i did some measurements and the face was out of proportion. Such as

    The previous lips was very small, this has now been compared to a real life reference and has been adjusted accordingly. The nose needed a slight tweak but was generally fine and the jaw line was ducked in and small. The curves on the jaw wasn't present and now looks more promising. The eyes was not in the center of the face currently and now moved into the correct place, alongside giving a slight adjustment to the actual shape.

    Below is an image of the comparison and newly adjusted face, Yes it looks bit like her now but, the general proportions are their. Now i can add in the chubby cheeks and other features if necessary.

  • Pabs
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    Pabs polycounter lvl 12
    use this instead

  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Everything is in proportion now, and thank you for the Reference:

    The heel lift is now adjusted and is more accurate to this referance... Also the sculpt is at a lower sub d under 600,000 still need to add more detail around the areas which will be revealing

  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Showing of the complete sculpt thus far with the Adjustments

  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Any help on sculpting hair please send some references or vid tutorial if possible n thanks. Time for a break been working since 1
  • iheartmyself
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    iheartmyself polycounter lvl 5
    You're comparing your sculpt with a proportion reference in a different pose [your sculpt has legs apart, whilst the proportion sculpt doesnt. Thatll add a few inches of height and will throw off the guide]

    To be honest, your proportions aren't really the problem. Its your forms.

    You need to be looking at the major planes on the body and face - Here is an example of the face planes

    I can't find one of the body, but hopefully you get the idea. I'm sure there are some on the polycount wiki.

    Rather than using a drawing of proportions as a reference, use an image of a real female.
    Personally, I dont think some of loomis' drawings were ever intended to become gospel in terms of how we should draw and sculpt, but more of a guide to how many heads tall a figure is, body part ratio's etc. I find the female loomis drawing really odd [not bashing loomis, his books are fucking gold]

    Regarding the face - again the same applies, your proportions arent bad, but the forms need some attention.

    Keep it up dude.
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Final Progress for today, on the face. (iheartmyself) i tried build on the forms on the face and looked into the facial anatomy and how fibers effected the flow of the shapes. This is how far i got. Any more feedback would be great on what could be improved on the face or what i'm doing wrong. Next i will be working on the Face until i drop dead and sleep :)

  • DougClayton4231
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    DougClayton4231 polycounter lvl 3
    Instead of using those proportion drawings, I would actually use nude anatomy models from drawing and sculpting sites as reference and build on a low subdivision model until I couldn't add more detail. Getting proportions down is one of the toughest things about sculpting, period.
  • Azure_Dragon
  • iheartmyself
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    iheartmyself polycounter lvl 5
    Hey, did a crappy paintover. It's not brilliant but should give you a rough guide of where you need to flesh out. I kept the Jin eyebrows haha

    The way youve sculpted the eyes is a bit odd, it seems like you have sculpted in an indent of the eyelashes. I tend to make an eyelash plane/placeholder piece of geometry, it gives you a better indication of whether you are getting the flesh underneath correct.

    For the nose, i'd definitely flesh that out a lot more, research the interior anatomy and where the cartilage lies. The bridge of the nose is very sharp as well, youll want to soften that off with a fleshy sweep either side of the nose

    Your neck needs to be brought back in, its very wide and manly at the moment - feminine necks are usually just a little bit thinner than the head itself.

    The mouth needs a good soften. Look up scans rather than photos and youll see that the lips colour is what sets the definition, as appose to the sharpness youve got there.

    Your overall face shape from the front seems okay, but from the side her head is quite deep, bring that back in and this will help the neck

    On the hair? Sculpting hair in zbrush is a knob, and it's usually useless if youre going to make it game ready anyway using planes. If you really want to, Ryan Kingslien has a great hair tutorial over at zbrushworkshops

    Anyway, keep it up, can see an improvement from the start.

  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks i have hopefully made these few improvements, but my deadline is over now. so im going to have to move onto the texture work of this character and getting her painted. But thank you for the amazing advise, i do have another assignment i am putting up soon of a storm creating (the mowhawk storm) that i am starting on the sculpt and any advice on that would be great. i will hopefully soon put it up
  • Azure_Dragon
  • GenericGoodGuy
    You could of just made her in trousers that look the same as Jin, sports bra with flame pattern, with overly pronounced muscles, I think this looks like a whole new character with nothing in common/similar, the colours will only take you so far with such a large difference. Also the face looks incredibly scary, the brow and nose are too sharp, female faces are softer.
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Thank you for the feedback, When i do my paint over and improvements i will have to look back into the character design again and create a Much similar character to the original with out the steam punk look. Just do the change over to the female with out the additional features. But i thought it be more challenging this way, but hey the feedback i'm getting is priceless, this will really help me build into a better artist and understanding the process. This is my 1st actual character sculpt with clothing, and i'm learning so much but most importantly greatful of the feedback.

    Below is the progress of the Textures so far in zbrush, i am still working on it and improving. The actual body/face i will be adjusting before i poly paint so hopefully this will differ from the current. But 1st i need to get on with poly painting the rest of the cloths so i am comfortable making changes to the face, before my next deadline; which is the character completed and presented .

  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    I have finished the character now just need to create the final maps and present, but before i do that, i decided to sculpt a new face. Hopefully the new face gives justice to the model. Any feedback would be great, and i am trying to improve on the areas being criticized by you guys and my teachers.

  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    Final Low Poly Beauty render for hand in tomorrow: Everything is finally done, any critique would be great, paint overs etc.. to help me with a better evaluation of my work and generally help improve myself as and artist.

  • Azure_Dragon
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Add some hue variation to the skin. It's too flat and uniform right now.

    Your hair doesn't seem to have enough volume, so it looks like your character's head seems flatter than it should be.

    Also, avoid the white to red gradient background. Use something more neutral, like a gray background.
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLZli6lcriM"]A026439A AMP Jin Kazama Final Presentation Video - YouTube[/ame]
  • Azure_Dragon
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    Azure_Dragon polycounter lvl 6
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