Hi, few weeks ago in my free time I've started modeling an X-Com rifle model in high poly. As you remember, UFO1 was and old game so there's no proper, hi-res references. Most of the weapon's details are taken from reference pics of modern weapons. Only the main shape (but a bit modified to be more user-friendly) is taken from X-Com:


Here's a progress so far:

the weapon on the "reference" had weird proportions. I've modified them a bit to make it more like AK47 but still with fat and heavy style.
I see that the single/auto shot "thing" is in a wrong place. Will move it later.
- added laser rail (way to short but I don't want to cut the barrel cover
- added laser aim (WIP)
- fixed the fire type switch
- added that thing that throws away a shell-case
Aim stuff is ready, new barrel, added X-COM text on the side plus some details.
Now it's time to model trigger, trigger guard, stock and the grip.
@ivanzu, Nistrum, Alex: Red dot stuff needs to be way bigger. Will do that. Are there any other scale issues? I want to move magazine deepter into the body. The text will be removed, adding it later on 2D texture will make better effect. Actually it should be sunken.
I've heavly modified the proportions of original gun because it was very cartoon-ish. It's hard to get proper sizes from a bit of pixels
I will made comparison with different rifles. Will work on the proportions
@SaferDan: Yep, it's hipoly, is that something wrong with edges?
Currently the scale of yours makes the weapon huge in comparison. About 3-4 inches thick, 8-9 inches tall and the handle being larger than most people's hands...
BTW I'll post an update in next 2 weeks, now I'm ultra busy
I hate to be that guy but your edges are really sharp. It may be a combination of your edge loops being too close to the edge you are hardening, and your render set up. I think this would be a good move to get better baking results!
The Holo sight still seems a little small, same with the shoulder rest. Just made a little comparison with your gun (the red one) and a scar (grey).
Mathis: Wow, nice. I've checked the AK47 to get the proportions and I've seen I had the barrel to short but as you mentioned the Holo and the shoulder rest is far to small. Thanks for noticing that! Will do!
Starting with LP and after LP, texturing. I'd like to prepare a white-gray, desert camo and classic grey versions.
Cant wait to see it textured.
Here is a nice mental ray material that can show your wireframes too.
At the very least you could go with a standard Max default material and bump up the specular to around 70 with a glossiness of about 20. Play around with the values and lighting setup and it should make your model look better and make it easier to critique.
You could then use this to make some quick screenshots if you don't want to wait for render times.
Hope this helps
You're right, I've never liked the 3DSMax materials in any kind, I used the material you've showed but I have the same problems with brightness as guys from that thread.
Also, try darkening your material diffuse colour, and bumping up the spec/glossiness a bit. And work on your lighting too, just one strong orange key light and a couple of blue-ish fill lights, and you'll get a much better render in the viewport!
It doesn't take that long to set up; I wrote a very simple script to do it for me and put it on a button on the toolbar. Currently it only works for the model you have selected - multiple selections don't work but I will eventually improve it.
I also have another one with just a standard diffuse so I can switch between them.
And then what PogoP said, use some orange and blue lights to get that nice contrast going.
New render:
Low Poly quick render:
Low Poly viewport wires: