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New Model, same problem

Hi Guys.

Well this is my assignment for school before I considered finish i would be very please if you can share some feedback

Thank you in advance


  • AsaNYC
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    AsaNYC polycounter lvl 14
    I think you'll get a better grade if you go over the topology section of the Polycount Wiki. http://wiki.polycount.com/CategoryTopology

    Your density and topology are uneven throughout the model. 6k is a bit much for a model this simple in silhouette. The extra loops down the leg lengthwise, while the thigh silhouette itself gets no love from those polys. Back of the neck and the feet also seem really dense.
  • aferalva6
    Offline / Send Message
    Thank you AsaNYC.

    would you think I should take this loops ??


  • AsaNYC
    Offline / Send Message
    AsaNYC polycounter lvl 14
    Unfortunately I can't see the wires here and I can't run the 3d plugin from work and do screencaps.

    The stuff I remember was the sides of the legs and and the back. But read throught the wiki and apply what's there to your model. Simple rule to follow for now is that if it doesn't help the shape for deformation and/or silhouette you can probably get rid of it.
  • uohm
    Offline / Send Message
    here- I assume this is what you mean, AsaNYC.


    The horizontal loops are not the issue- the vertical loops are. You can reduce your tri count on the neck and back of the head without loosing much definition.
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