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Hi everyone!
so i just finished this art test for a freelance job offer that i received.
i had to sculpt the bust of a awesome concept
by Rabbiteyes
i had a little bit extra time to sculpt the belly areal and to add a littl bit of textures.
i had alot of fun doing it and i would like to do the rest of the character now that the test is over.
also its the very first time that i had to sculpt an aanime-style face so it took me forever to do it and im not quite sure about the result.
so any crits wopuld be greatly apreciated! thanks!

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not a fan of the face, but you nailed it compared to the concept so congrats on that
Really cool overall man
You really should do the full character now, turned out sweet.
But I feel like the nose is upturned too much and makes her look a bit piggish. And I don't think it comes off the face enough, same for the lips.
Other than that well done!
So does the concept artist work with the client or something? Or did he just pick some art from CGHub?
Wish I knew how.
so yeah finally i got the contract out of this test and been really busy since then!
So recently i had a little bit of spare time so i decided to finish that character!
i will definitly go back on the face and make some fibers hair( a litle bit like i did with the feathers)+ will add all the other elements on the concept.
also i plan to do a render this tim insted of a real time asset. so i did some test in Keyshot to see what i woould look like (no textures yet).
so anyways , i hope that i will find the time to finish it! and let me know what you think about it so far!
Did you sculpt the lace and then bake it? Or is it simple texturing + alpha?
Let me know what you guys think about it and the shader. Also note that this isnt finale and i plan on spending alot more time on them.
I can't wait to see this final render inside Keyshot
Any toughts on the hairs so far?
Here is what i have so fare witw the skin shader. im still testing diferent lighting... its alot mor job then i expected!
i also did some other tests in keyshot but i ended up having alot of problems with the stability of the software so i think i will use marmoset 2 when it comes out to render the textured version!
if you were to match up with the concepts pose and camera angle, it would look doubly weird now.
still... the hair is excellent!
Guedin: thanks! im glad that you like it!
i also did a quick tutorial on how i modeled the collar.and ill probably make more soon