Wanted to do something similiar to the workflow Minos describes in this article http://www.thiagoklafke.com/modularenvironments.html so I decided to do a futuristic chinese fish factory!
So far I'm only using a bunch of trim sheets for the whole environment. Colors come from the vertex colors. Everything ist still quite WIP, but I'd love to hear your feedback :poly121:.
How are you achieving your pockets of atmospheric fogging? They're not uniform so I'm assuming you've made effects or possibly volumetric based fog?
Nice work!
Awesome job! LOVE the colours / post direction.
Same here, definitely loving the shader. Great link too.
@Endfinity Jon:
Using planes with a fog texture + some particle effects. I set up the material for the planes in a way that you can paint in the color with the rgb and control the opacity with the alpha of the vertex colors.
Nothing too fancy, just the dx11 image based reflections:
Atm I'm multiplying a cloud texture over the spec to tell where puddles are and where not. I combined it with a "Object World Position", so that it's different for every instance. Probably should also multipy it with the vertex colors so that I have some more control over it, but it works quite well now anyway.
Needless to say I am really loving this. Great colours.
Sure, however I'm not really using a diffuse for most of the stuff in there. I wrote a little mini tutorial to show you what I mean:
So yeah, these are the flats (original textures are 2k):
Only using other textures than these for some of the props.