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Zing! Job

Finally got a full time gig! A year after graduating, working in a restaurant, and as a baker...the time has finally come. I don't post very much on the PC forums, I just lurk and absorb. Although I am not in the "game industry," PC has taught me so much through looking at peoples processes, tips, and especially How to make this shape thread.

If I can give advice to anyone who is still struggling to find work, don't give up! Yes, it's cliche but it is the truth. I went through several interviews this past year getting shot down one after another. I have had physical copies of contracts in my hands only for the projects to get canceled. You are not alone! I had days were I wanted to just quite and months of frustration. The past three months were the toughest of my life yet. Working full time during the day and coming home to do 3d for another 11 hours, I thought I was going to die. Pain is only temporary, it may last a day, weeks, months or years but you have to know it will eventually subside. I lost inspiration through my process numerous times but something little would always ignite it. There will be dark times, find the light!

I still have only touched the base of my knowledge and still have many challenging hurdles to overcome but I'm excited! Know that your job IS out there waiting for you.

Here's some tips that worked for me:

1. Work, pay the bills.

2. Set a goal (I would try to put something out new every week or two depending on the scale of the project. Since I was going for product design it was about every week.)

3. Build a relationship with recruiters! When you have something new that sticks in your portfolio, send it out. "Hi *Name*, I just wanted to send you my updated portfolio, blah, blah, blah." When they start noticing the frequency and quality going up they will respond with interest.

4. Put your new stuff at the top and beginning of your portfolio! Try to always exceed the last piece. I have a whole folder full of "not good enough."

5. Send out resumes like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would spend days just writing cover letters and making list of companies I wanted to apply for. The funny thing is the job I got was a complete fluke by going onto Indeed.com and seeing what was posted in the past month. It was a shot out of the dark that paid off.

This was just a weeks worth.

6. Don't let life beat you, you beat the sh*t out of it.

Big shout out to Jon Jones. Even though I don't know you, your tips are life savers. I broke some of them (Wix web hosting, I'm sorry!) but you still have had great advice. I constantly send friends your stuff. So everyone, Jon Jones tips, check them out on Polycount. You can't go wrong with them and follow all of them (do better than I did.)

Jon's tips

Also, watch the Crunhcast too. Some really great things you can pull from those.

- Zack


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