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Aperture Samus - WIP - Judgernaut (Judson Eley, Character Artist)

Hello and welcome!

I am currently working on a concept for my 3D Portfolio of Samus Aran from the Metroid series, combined with the design of Portal 2. I am aiming for it to look as if Aperture Science designed and built the power suit that Samus is famous for, as I thought they would be great to mix together, while retaining the iconic aspects of both.

The final gun will probably be somewhat of a combination of the two versions you see here. Even though I will be reworking the visuals substantially, I like the ability of "A" to compress down into an oval like the turrets in Portal, but "B" is obviously the one that is further along. I’ll probably take the barrel of "B", and put it into the shell of "A", for the most part.

I still need to go in and refine a few more areas, and add some smaller details here and there before it’s finished, so I’ll do another update once that’s done. I know some (or most) of my perspective is off, but hopefully you get the idea (I'm not a concept artist haha). Also, the shoulders are different sizes, as I am still working out what size they should be, and will nail that down when I go to refine that area.

(Don't worry, there will be a Morph Ball as well haha)

In conclusion, huge thanks to Gorrem who helped me out in terms of brainstorming how everything should blend together, as well as for some incredible design discussion / direction!

Feel free to post any comments or critique below! I would love to hear your feedback!


PS - Links to my portfolio, as well as my blog are in my signature below!



  • DougClayton4231
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    DougClayton4231 polycounter lvl 3
  • Judgernaut
    Super quick sketch of Samus in a different pose. Started loosely just to figure something out, but ended up roughing in the whole thing haha.

    Oh well, it was kinda fun to just attack it loosely just to see what happened in a short amount of time.

  • Overmind5000
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    Overmind5000 polycounter lvl 11
    My only problem is that the shoulder globes look like life-size F-15 engines bolted to her shoulders. I would personally scale them down, but the overall idea is cool. Definitely looks like it was manufactured by Wheatl--Er I mean Aperture Laboratories.
  • Judgernaut
    My progress so far with Samus's underlying body. I have been contemplating doing a Zero suit version of her, so having this anatomy will be useful later. Plus, you can never know enough about anatomy, and I greatly enjoy studying it, and putting it into practice.

    I also decided to reduce her breast size, which can be seen between "A" and "B" (Larger and reduced, respectively), even though Samus is typically depicted as being quite busty. I would like her to look a bit more athletic, while still retaining the subtleties that make the female form so beautiful.

    I have a lot of work left to do on this sculpt, as can be seen by some areas being clearly unfinished. I have just moved to the head, and have blocked it out, but need to go in, and do some more proportion adjustment, and detailing. I think I may take a break from it and start the arms and lower legs, but we will see what happens.

    As always, critique is welcome!


  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    :) She still looks like a D+ in B.
    I think you'll be fine for the breast lovers.
    The hamstrings look a bit odd though. Never quite seen that much definition.
  • ddoan88
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    ddoan88 polycounter lvl 7
    Very Cool design. Reminds me of Portal for some reason :D
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    this has some serious potential. Looking forward to whats next.
  • Xelioth
    This looks awesome! Can't wait to see it finished! :D
  • Judgernaut
  • Judgernaut
    @ Vailias: Hamstrings are just blocked in hehe. I haven't put the flesh on them yet. I was also wondering what you meant by "D+ in B"? Do they not look right? Anything specific about them that should change?

    Thanks for the crit!
  • Judgernaut
    Basically started over with the female body, and this is where things stand right now. Ignore the front half of the body (what is visible at least) I haven't really gone into it more than blocking out, but the back is pretty much done.

    I was trying to capture as much subtly as I could, and it kind of turned into a study. Oh well, haha.

    Feel free to leave any comments or critique!


  • Danny-art
    I love the idea and your concept but i think than her "Bubble Shoulder" are way too big. I almost see only this on your character.
    But Keep going, i'll see it !
  • Judgernaut
    Thanks guys!

    I plan on reducing the size of the shoulders. They will probably be somewhere between the scale they are in the front view and the back view (leaning closer to the back's size).

    Honestly, I have been thinking of doing a redesign on the shoulders, but will get to that when I get closer to modeling her suit. For now I am just getting her body in. I was kind of thinking of making the shoulders a bit cleaner, but I'll have to play with them.
  • Judgernaut
    Update on the back. Fixed spine issues, made it slightly shorter in the upper half, added fat, and did a lot of scapula work. Hopefully this is an improvement.

    Ignore the legs I have not put the muscles in. I have not put in the Serratus Anterior, or the External Obliques either. For now I am moving on to other areas to get a break from the back. Let me know what you think though!


  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Them back dimples! :D

    I'm no master of anatomy, But she seems a little skiny atm (ribs showing, Neck fairly slender). I'm not intimately familiar with the character, but she seems to be a healthy full figured women with herioc proportions.

    Looking good though :) Can't wait to see you get into the suit.
  • Judgernaut
    I got some work done on the front of the torso. Please let me know what you think!


  • Judgernaut
    I am finally finished moving, and was able to get some work done for the first time in what feels like an eternity!

    This is just a block out of Samus's armor from the concept. The goal with this is to quickly figure out what may need to be rethought from a 3D standpoint before I jump all the way in to the actual pieces of the suit. I am still nailing down certain areas of the concept that I previously didn't flesh out as much in the drawing as well, so things will probably change a bit as I continue.

    I still have a long way to go, but either way, it's super exciting and energizing to see her represented (albeit quite jaggedly) in 3D as I'm really excited about pushing this further!

    Feels great to be doing art again!

    (and also not to be packing or unpacking boxes)

  • Judgernaut

    Starting to model the armor in Maya.


    Maya armor pieces loaded into ZBrush.

    Critique welcome!

  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    Oh sweet! Nice concept man. =D
  • Judgernaut
    Thanks for to compliment! Hopefully I'll be posting a new update soon. Been trying to figure out how I want to knee joints to look / function, but I think I'm closing in on something :D
  • Slaught
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    Slaught polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome concept, awesome execution!
  • Judgernaut
    Thanks! I'm having a great time bringing it to life! Challenging, but learning so much!
  • Judgernaut
    Just a quick update on the leg braces / "Long Fall" inspired shock absorbers. Many iterations were done, some more complex and some less so, but I finally landed on these as being the ones I wanted. The legs are nearing the end of what I will do before I add all the fine details later on. Just a few more refinements to make and then we'll see where I move next! It all has to get done!

    The arms, shoulders, and torso are still just block outs for now.

    Critique is welcome!


    Shaders provided by Leo Covarrubias.

  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    I feel the black material is taking away from your sculpt/SubD's, otherwise this is looking good. :)

    Let me explain the inner leggs look good but once you start looking downwards you can hardly see the side "panels" at her knees, the circular discs looks like its detailed there but I can't tell.

    Maybe it is my eyes going bad from staring at a screen all day for days on end. ;)
  • Judgernaut

    Thanks for the critique / compliments! The black under suit is still just a block out right now, and has not been sculpted other than just worrying about silhouette. I will be doing some stuff with spec when I texture it to bring out the forms there as well, but currently i do agree with you, and all the black areas will probably be a bit lighter when I make the textures.

    The knee hinges I made during a previous iteration of the leg braces, and scaled them down to work with the latest idea. I think that when I scaled them the details became too small, and I agree with you that they just don't read well anymore. I don't want them to pull your eye too much though, as I'm trying to have a nice balance from top to bottom. She has big forms at both poles, so I don't want one to override the other. I may wait until I get the shoulders figured out before I jump back down into the legs.

    Also I may Bevel the edges of the supports on the braces, as maybe that will help things read better. Additionally I plan to bring the edges out a bit when I texture it so they pop a bit more, although I want her to remain fairly clean.

    I plan to put a specular pattern on the black under suit to accentuate forms on it as well, although I do want to preserve the high contrast of the concept.

    Thanks again!

    PS - I like the white alien creature on your blog! Lots of cool personality!
  • Judgernaut
    Lately I have been extremely busy, and have not had much time to work on Samus. When I have gotten time to work on her, it has mostly been polishing existing pieces of her armor, and the changes have not been significant enough to warrant an update. Mostly behind the scenes work.

    I will be updating her when there is more of an obvious change.

    Stay tuned!
  • Judgernaut
    Where things currently stand with Samus. Still a lot of work to do, but pretty happy with how it's turning out so far. This will all be given extra details in ZBrush like additional bolts, screws, etc, but will remain as clean as possible to match Portal's art style. And, yes, her gun will be in the final model, I just have to figure out how to make it first...

    Placeholder geometry: Undersuit (silhouette done though), Bolts on legs, Shoulders, Chest Armor/Collar/Back

    Let me know what you think!

    Shaders by Leo Covarrubias

  • Judgernaut
    Some people had requested a grey version of the model, so here it is :)


  • Judgernaut
    Progress on the helmet. Remaining details will be done in ZBrush. The face is just a stubbed out base.

    I will post another update soon containing the updates to her armor. I want to try out a new rendering program before I post those. Stay tuned!


  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    thats pretty freeking cool, great idea!
  • Judgernaut
  • Popol
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    Popol interpolator
    Really love the design! Now you just need to nail the face and the mod will look great.
  • Judgernaut
    After an extremely busy couple of weeks, this is where things stand. Still need to model the gun and gloves, but then it's on to ZBrush for detailing. Oorah!


  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 20
    Absolutely brilliant idea man! Great work so far! I have to say I liked it better when she had the gun for her right hand though. And you should use Orange instead of blue for the highlight color to give a nod to the original Samus suit's color.
  • AimBiZ
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    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    Lovely forms so far. Design-wise I'm not liking those high heels though.

    Yes definitely give her an arm-gun. It's so iconic or the character and the asymmetry will make her much more interesting.
    Might wanna make the shoulders smaller. I'm skeptical to if she'd be able to move properly. Strongly recommend to implement a simple rig asap for testing if any pieces intersect.
  • Burnzy
    This is really awesome. I have 2 things. The legs look a tad thin, I might slightly increase the width. The other things is the visor reads more like samus if the edges the approach the ears are more narrow.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    Really cool idea. I like some of the elements but I feel the design is getting mixed up. I'm no Portal expert, but I tend to think of its direction as clean, minimal and sterile. In these terms, you've got a mix of curvy shapes and hard-angled ones (the blue energy). Some of the organic forms (arms) also contrast the mechanical ones (shins). You might want to consider 'less is more' and focus on a single, clear design. This will help re-icon-ize this version vs. the classic Samus.

    What has always impressed me with her design was that she was unmistankingly female, despite her robust proportions. Your version's current state looks more male, having a wide torso & narrow hips. The hip-bone area, which should extend furthest-most to the side of front-view silhouette, is practically a hole. The form around it might look cool, but from the feminine POV I think its counter-productive. The stiff lower-legs don't help either.

    A 3rd element which just seems an odd-one-out is the inner-thigh 'padding'. They look cool by themselves, but they should repeat elsewhere as well, or none entirely.

    This is probably too late for being a constructive critic at this point, but might as well consider this for next time :)
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