SooOo I figured I'd start a thread to (hopefully!) get some feedback as I progress on this dude.
I'm going by a concept (with permission) that was created by Adrian Dadich. Check the concept out here:
This is where I'm at so far...still really early into it, so mainly just blocking everything out. The head is more or less done. I'll probably go back and tweak things here and there. Anyway, enough talking. Crits/feedback/all that stuff is welcomed and appreciated...thanks for looking!
The helmet is going to be detachable; so I will have an alternate shot of him not wearing it...
Quick Paint-over for fun...

*Latest Update*

I'm going to go back and re-visit the pant wrinkles/folds, so ignore that mess...
The only problem im having is the cloth on the pants, it looks to fat and inflated.
Thanks for the comments, I really appreciate it
@Doug - thanks man
@lotet- yea man, I agree. I did another pass on them so hopefully they read better now. Thanks for the crit!
@seth - I wasn't sure who Johnny Hicklenton is, had to google that one...haha. But totally see what you're talking about. Thanks
here are the main points for the body:
1. the legs looks a bit short and too bulky around the knee.
2. the center of gravity looked off based on the way he was standing. pushing the feet slightly back helps that.
3. feet looked too big and shape looked off. also keep in mind to convey the left.vs.right foot. right now its difficult to tell which foot is left or right.
4. the back of the torso (top/back) could be push out and up a bit to make him slightly more top heavy and stronger looking.
for the face:
1. the over all bone structure is too soft, need to pronounce it more. the cranium could be bigger too. some more skeletal anatomy study is required.
2. eyelids shapes are off, eyeball position in respect to eyelids looks too high.
3. sculpting style looks very inconsistent - you have many areas with flatten/pinch and others with lot of organic fleshy bulging. if you do both then it has to be consistently applied to ALL sculpting details everywhere (sort of like dishonored style). you mentioned you were inspired by brink style and was aiming for something like that and in that case the planar style does not respect that. brink character sculpting are mostly if not all mainly organic fleshy with no flat planes.
some really nice example here:
let me know if there is any more questions.
And thanks for the link...those will be some good refs to go by. Those brink/batman arkham origin sculpts are seriously insane.
Hope to see some progress soon !