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WIP Beatdown Character

polycounter lvl 11
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NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
SooOo I figured I'd start a thread to (hopefully!) get some feedback as I progress on this dude.

I'm going by a concept (with permission) that was created by Adrian Dadich. Check the concept out here: http://adriandadich.deviantart.com/art/Beat-Down-299482068

This is where I'm at so far...still really early into it, so mainly just blocking everything out. The head is more or less done. I'll probably go back and tweak things here and there. Anyway, enough talking. Crits/feedback/all that stuff is welcomed and appreciated...thanks for looking!

The helmet is going to be detachable; so I will have an alternate shot of him not wearing it...

Quick Paint-over for fun...

*Latest Update*



  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    Been squeezing in some more time on this. I spent quite a bit of time learning new tricks in zbrush so I dont have to bounce so much between it and max...

    I'm going to go back and re-visit the pant wrinkles/folds, so ignore that mess...

  • DougClayton4231
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    DougClayton4231 polycounter lvl 3
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    really interesting concept, I think this is gonna turn out really cool. so far the sculpting looks great.

    The only problem im having is the cloth on the pants, it looks to fat and inflated.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    love what you have of the anatomy so far....face reminds me of the old johnny hicklenton Torquemada from nemesis book nine....which is an awesome thing. Looking forward to more
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    Long time no update :/ Still plugging away on this dude. I'm nearly done with the hi-poly (I think.) Still need to polish everything and add all the wear and tear details but I'm saving that for last until I know for sure I'm completely happy with everything else. I actually did a few iterations of the back armor and pieces. I think I like what i have now, would love to hear what yall think though. His big gorilla hands are still dynameshed so I still have to polish that up.

    Thanks for the comments, I really appreciate it :) I'm really pushing to get better and make this a solid piece, so dont hold back anything...rip me a new one! ;)

    @Doug - thanks man :)

    @lotet- yea man, I agree. I did another pass on them so hopefully they read better now. Thanks for the crit!

    @seth - I wasn't sure who Johnny Hicklenton is, had to google that one...haha. But totally see what you're talking about. Thanks :)

  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    And a couple more views....



  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    really great concept there and so far your model looks like a good start but since you asked for a feedback i decided to do couple of paint overs. hopefully this guides you to progress :)

    here are the main points for the body:

    1. the legs looks a bit short and too bulky around the knee.
    2. the center of gravity looked off based on the way he was standing. pushing the feet slightly back helps that.
    3. feet looked too big and shape looked off. also keep in mind to convey the left.vs.right foot. right now its difficult to tell which foot is left or right.
    4. the back of the torso (top/back) could be push out and up a bit to make him slightly more top heavy and stronger looking.


    for the face:

    1. the over all bone structure is too soft, need to pronounce it more. the cranium could be bigger too. some more skeletal anatomy study is required.
    2. eyelids shapes are off, eyeball position in respect to eyelids looks too high.
    3. sculpting style looks very inconsistent - you have many areas with flatten/pinch and others with lot of organic fleshy bulging. if you do both then it has to be consistently applied to ALL sculpting details everywhere (sort of like dishonored style). you mentioned you were inspired by brink style and was aiming for something like that and in that case the planar style does not respect that. brink character sculpting are mostly if not all mainly organic fleshy with no flat planes.
    some really nice example here: http://cghub.com/images/view/701703/


    let me know if there is any more questions.
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    Dude, you are a legend! Thanks so much for the crits. Totally agree with ya on all points, and you even opened my eyes to things that didnt even cross my mind in regards to the head and face. You've given me a lot to work with man...cant thank ya enough for taking the time to do that. :)

    And thanks for the link...those will be some good refs to go by. Those brink/batman arkham origin sculpts are seriously insane.
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    Got quite a bit of time to make the changes MM suggested, and a couple of other small things. Still messing around with the head size. He's having a hard time squeezing his big noggin' in his helmet after I made the initial changes...I'll get it there though. :)

  • Abrvpt
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    Abrvpt polycounter lvl 4
    Hope you're still working on this project. You picked up a nice concept and did it well so far ! Are you about doing some polypaint then bake it or texture it straight in photoshop after the baking ?
    Hope to see some progress soon !
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks, Abrvpt! I havent worked on him much at all the past couple of weeks...things got crazy busy! But I'm about 95% done with the highpoly...just gotta do a few detail passes and tweak a couple of more things. But after that I'm going to polypaint most of him, then knock out the rest of the texture detailing in PS after I do all of my bakes. Appreciate ya checking it out man! Hopefully I'll have some updates to show here in the next few days. :)
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