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Raziel, Legacy of Kain Redesign



  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    Thanks Jmiles, I've contemplated doing Kain although I think my next pieces are going to be smaller with a faster turnaround so I can get more practice in.

    The markings are definitely going on Nerf Bat Ninja, the diffuse isn't finished yet, it's probably going to be one of the last things I get around to doing. Having his shroud down was an artistic choice of mine, although I'm thinking of doing multiple poses with the intention of having it covering his face on some.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I actually prefer the shroud down... It shows how gruesome and terrifying his face really is. I approve of this.
  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    WIP update, sculpted a high poly Soul Reaver and did the low poly. Gonna need to sit down and spend a day or 2 now going through all the diffuse maps :D

    Thinking of having the Reavers eyes glow along with the runes on the blade, but only faintly, also going to add another layer or 2 in the backdrop.

    Feedback welcome

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    having the shroud at nose level was supposed to give the impression of a tearful/saddened expression by combining the shroud and the eyes. it's a pretty big defining part of the character.
  • CougarJo
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    CougarJo polycounter lvl 6
    +1 Almighty!

    I love where this project is going! Can't wait to see it done!
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    having the shroud at nose level was supposed to give the impression of a tearful/saddened expression by combining the shroud and the eyes. it's a pretty big defining part of the character.

    I never noticed this and now I can't unsee it
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    looking really nice! I agree with almighty gir though, and cant wait to see how it looks with the cloak pattern.
  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    Had a play with things this morning, thinking of wrapping this up soon, still need to do some breakdown shots and better images relating to the high poly sculpts.

    What do people think?

  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    looks great, although admittedly upon seeing that at a quick glance i thought it was a paintover of your other one, not sure if thats a good or bad thing but regardless it looks nice.
  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    Thats a good thing I guess :D It's not a paintover, Did a bit more diffuse work and played with the materials and lighting in Marmoset. The borders, text and some colour correcting was done in Photoshop.
  • DougClayton4231
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    DougClayton4231 polycounter lvl 3
    Fantastic work! :)
  • CougarJo
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    CougarJo polycounter lvl 6
    Oh hell yeah , now IT'S Raziel :D
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Looks awesome!
  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    Ty people :)

    Some breakdowns, with more to come later this week :D


  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i think you made a bad call on the sword, personally... it's not even so much in the redesign, it's in the fact that it's there at all.

    Raziel only ever once wielded the physical blade, and he became death incarnate with it. but more importantly, the blade wanted to consume HIM, because Raziel himself IS the blades essence. the entire third game was about Raziel wrestling with this realisation, that he was a weapon... but more than just being a tool for the use of others he actually had free will and choice, and also conscience.

    even without all of that... the spectral blade projected from his arm is THE iconic look for raziel. the physical blade has always and will always be associated with kain.
  • SveinY
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    SveinY polycounter lvl 6
    Hey man this is a cool model!

    But I think you should not finish it just yet I find the textures way to flat right now. The skin should get more color like a bit green and red in it and try maybe to use the skin shader in Marmoset I think it will look awesome with that. And the cloth would pop more if you put more color in it as well. And when it comes to the sword I think it look more plastic now then metal so that should really get stronger spec and more color.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    good job! I think this turned out really great. you could nit pick things forever but I think you should call this one done, be proud of yourself and start your next project.

    with that said i gotta agree with almighty gir aboit rhe sword.
  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    Thanks for the feedback people, very much appreciated.

    Thats what I plan on doing lotet, I plan on doing some smaller assets/sculpts with a quicker turnaround to help get some practice in.

    As for the Reaver, I see the point about which manifestation of the sword they wield but I think the physical blade is just as much associated with Raziel. Infact the most memorable scenes in my memory from the LOK series are the scenes in William the Justs tombs in SR2 as well as the ending

    From the start I wanted to have the SR in there somewhere, I contemplated the wrath blade but ended up with the physical sword because I prefer it and in terms of the lore, the physical blade is far more present and recognizable, spanning the entire series. I made sure to not pose him wielding it as it didn't sit right with me for some of the reasons _gir mentioned.
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    Optinium wrote: »
    Had a play with things this morning, thinking of wrapping this up soon, still need to do some breakdown shots and better images relating to the high poly sculpts.

    What do people think?

    hell yea, it's amazing like this really. I really prefer it with the shroud up :P it's Raziel.
  • Xelioth
    Just to chime in on the sword: Regardless of its relevance in terms of the story itself, compositionally it battles with Raziel for presence. You've got two objects of similar size and shape in the same compositional space, and they both have equal levels of contrast.

    I mean. You did what you could to make the sword look the best it can given the space available, but if you remove the sword entirely, it will do nothing but make the image look more complete.

    You could fade the sword against the background a bit, but the best move would just to remove it entirely and let Raziel take center stage.
  • SsSandu_C
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    SsSandu_C polycounter lvl 13
    Really cool man. Personally I would go more blue on his skin. The texturing comes across really darksideish which I think it is a good idea. You made me listen to the soundtrack again. The first song is so awesome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HfYVKJEGvo
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Love the presentation of your texture maps, really novel idea. But the only problem I have is the hip area where the leg joins to the torso as it just does read as well as the rest of the piece.

    But I really glad you got this finished and I really miss The LoK series, such good memories. Well done!
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