Hey everyone! Being recently inspired by the awesome
WOW art dump earlier in the week, I decided to do a little fan art. My plan is to concept, model and texture a weapon and a shield that looks like it belongs to a specific race in Warcraft. What race you say? Tauren of course because they are the best!
Shield concepts first! For the Horde!

Im leaning towards number 3, but any C&C is always welcome! weapon concepts soon to come.
Have fun! =D
@Fenyce Thanks!
Weapon concepts incoming!
Up next is color concepts and modeling these suckers out. C&C always appreciated.
I like the 5th shield but none of the weapons really speak to me
It was also brought up by a buddy of mine that these werent really working as a set. so i started working on the weapon and shield together to make them more cohesive. any c&c will be consumed and digested for the warchief.
I agree with Fenyce you need spend some more time developing the silhouettes if you want to more accurately portray the WoW style. Aim to hit those chunky shapes and curvy silhouettes. I made a super quick draw over on your concept, hope you don't mind, to try and illustrate my point.
Cool stuff so far! keep it up
@Fenyce and Pixelatedkiwi Thanks for the feedback guys! and you're both totally right about the silhouette stuff. That paintover is super helpful. back to the drawing board for a bit to chunkify that hammer and then onto modeling!
Lookin good so far!
So here is the updated concept and shield mesh with base textures. The Warchief demands C&C!
That's only the relevant bit, haha. The rest is in my old thread, along with the paintover he gave me.
My plan for tonight is to try to get the mesh for the hammer started and completed/near completion. Will update when I get home!
For the Horde!
Started on the Shield textures.
and finished the mace mesh.
C&C welcome and appreciated.
Make the paint look worn off slightly in areas. Also check to make sure all the values are separated enough.
enough of me blabbing. here's a picture!
I think you also need a bit more color variation in your materials, and your painted pattern looks brand spank'n new. I'd try wearing it out a little bit and dulling parts of it. The whole wear and tear thing.