So hello everyone

I just graduated from college at the beginning of August. And I am currently trying to look for work anywhere I can find it, since my loans are threatening to rape me. But more than that because I absolutely love the Industry and everything that goes with it.
So Iv'e spent the last few days sending out resume's to every company and job lead that I can find.
But I was hoping that maybe some of you guys could maybe look over my online portfolio and tell me what you think about my projects and video reel. Any advice would be greatly welcomed and appreciated. And any suggestions also.
Thank you all for everything and anything you might advice or suggest.

My portfolio and video reel is at
Yet again. Thank you all very much!
2.) You're going to want to include some small amount of written information with the renders. What was it made for? What's the geometry count of the scene? What was it built in? Was it made for a specific engine?
3.) You're going to want to make it as easy as possible for a possible employer to get ahold of you. The more steps you put in between yourself and them, the less likely it is they're going to bother with you. Ideally you want to include your email on the banner at the top. When they click the Contact link, you want to give them information that I can copy down and pass on to other people, not a generic "Leave a name and comment and I'll get back to you."
4.) Think about what kind of work you're looking to do and make your portfolio all about that. "Hard surface modeler" isn't terribly specific. If you favor doing environments, you want to be marketing yourself as an environment modeler. But if that's your goal, you're going to want to learn how to build organic shapes. Even an office building has potted plants.
And while we're discussing this, why on earth do you have photos of ceramic pots and stuff on a modeling portfolio? It's not relevant to what you're trying to get a job doing, and it doesn't really belong there. If you feel the need to show off your ceramic sculptures, make a separate website for it.
5.) Your resume page should not be labeled "About". It should be labeled "Resume".
It should also actually have your resume available to be read in full, not just a link to a download. The download link is good to include, but more as an afterthought.
While we're on the topic of your resume, I should again press the "Relevance" point. Working in a warehouse for a clothing chain isn't relevant to the job you want to have, neither is your sculpting work. You'd be better served by removing them, and adding an "Achievements" section with your relevant work experience, discussing in brief how you were a benefit for whoever you worked for.
Hope all this is helpful.
Just thought you should be aware.
Hello. For starters, thank you for all the advice
As to what you said I agree with most of what you mentioned and I've actually already thought of some of those things you mentioned it's just that after having graduated last month I kind of like forgot about everything art related for like a whole month. As to the ceramic's and the fact that both that and the warehouse job were added to my resume. I added those in at the suggestion of my college advisor. Mostly because we both thought that in regards to the ceramics, it would show that I have a greater understanding of art and different art forms other than just 3D art. But I also understand your point that it might not really have a place in a 3D portfolio. As to the "about" page, I added that one in today actually and I know that right now it looks pathetic. Problem is that I made the site in WordPress and I have not yet been able to get a good grip on the program. So that's one of the main reasons why the site does not look as good as I want it to.
Like I mentioned in my original message I appreciate everything and anything that you might have to tell me. And I will take everything you told me under consideration. And soon enough when I have a better grasp of WordPress I will try to make it better and to add in all of the suggestions you have given me.
Also besides all of your suggestions on the site itself, I would really appreciate anything that you might be able to tell me about the art itself. About anything that you might think looks good or bad, or that you think might need some change. As I said, I am open to any and all type of advice and suggestion.
Yet again, thank you so very much for everything
Thank you for the heads up. I myself have not experienced that problem before. Although I had had the problem that once I opened an image, the image would be so big that the bottom right corner where you can hit the "X" button to close the viewer would be outside of the window itself. As to it going black, I have never experienced it or had anyone told me that its happened to them either. I will try to see if there is anything I can do about it.
Thank you so very much for everything.
I don't think the warehouse job just has a place on your resume, unless I'm seriously mis-understanding what the job entailed. I'll put it bluntly, like my advisor told me: The worst thing you can do is waste a recruiter's time, because they don't have much of it. So why would a recruiter care? If you're going to put something on your resume, you have to be able to connect it realistically to your job in terms of how it has advanced your skills. The ceramics I can kinda make an argument for. Day're better off leaving them out.
As for your work itself, right now my big complaint is that the images are too small to see much detail. They're good for showing your layout work and how all the textures work well with one another, but I can't see them at the size they'd be encountered in a game engine. I'd like to see a bit of a scene breakdown, where you show individual elements of a scene on their own.
I'd like to give you some critique on the work itself, but I just went back to the website to have a second look, and I'm having the same problem that FasterBlaster is having.
I get the same thing, unfortunately.
Hello again.
In regards to the warehouse job, I understand what you mean. And as to what it entailed well, it was a warehouse job so basically moving boxes around.
In regards to the work itself, I just went back to the site myself and I am having the same issue as everyone else, which had never happened to me before. Im going to have to go in there and deal with that today. Now, as to everything else you have said. I don't know if when in my site you by any chance hit the portfolio link itself instead of going straight to the hard model or ceramics tab under the link. If you did you would have seen that what I have there is just 2 pictures with titles on them that when you click them it sends you to their respective galleries. What I was thinking about doing now was doing that exact same thing in the portfolio page itself, but instead of it leading you to two separate galleries, just have one picture of all of the different projects with its title and have that picture lead you to a page where that whole project is shown and described with various images, including what you have already mentioned of the wireframes and the textures and everything like that. In regards to what else you said about showing individual elements of the scene by themselves, in your opinion do I do that with a screenshot of the assets in Maya or in UDK itself? I ask because my UDK is on a different computer so its a pain in the ass to go from one to the other. And I would like to ask the same in regards to the wireframe pictures do you think it would be better directly from Maya or from UDK.
Other than that I wanted to ask the simple question of how to contact you once I am able to update everything or at least parts of it. Because I have heard of PM'ing people here on the forums. But to be honest I am new here, so I really dont know how to go about that.
As I have mentioned many times before, thank you very very much for everything
Show us nice fat pictures and let us scroll all day and have a clear location to let us download your resume, I had to search for it which was annoying.
Don't worry about fancy shit. ♥♥
It's hard for me to comment your actual 3D-work cause your gallery is all fucked up for me. It's just very dark all over.