The edgyness of the roof is a turn off for me. Even if a model would be nicely tetured and well thought out, You placed more polys to get a good feeling on the exhaust even though its a small part of the entire vehicle. If a major shape that is clearly visible is a bit blocky it drops the overall score in my opinion. You could place more polys to get a better roof shape and it shouldn't matter performance wise that much.
That looks really cool man, the mud looks cool although a bit more to it will help, and the reflection hind of throws me off, but thoses are just minor issues, more engine damage/fire damage on the damaged version
The material for the lights is far too white. It might be the specular, or it could be the reflection. The tail lights are especially problematic, appearing white in most shots. The red color should be dominant from any angle.
Also, if you're going for realism, lose the vanity plate.
The paint is too reflective, especially for the damaged & mud-covered versions.
Also, if you're going for realism, lose the vanity plate.
The paint is too reflective, especially for the damaged & mud-covered versions.