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[UDK] God of War inspired scene

polycounter lvl 18
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iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18
Hey guys been working on this God of War inspired level for quite some time now and I feel like I need some inspiration/feedback to keep going.

I have the layout that I want, and I am about to go and redo alot of the textures in Zbrush and materials as most of what you see are just Google/CGTexture texture maps for placeholders.

I am also going to go in and replace all the rocks / vegetation with my own, I am just using them for block in and space planning.

I would love to hear some suggestions on upping the quality of the scene to AAA quality as I don't feel like it's where it needs to be at a technical standpoint. Also any suggestions to make the decor look more elaborate and decorative would be great..


and a panorama



  • NomadSoul2501
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    NomadSoul2501 polycounter lvl 10
    Wow! What a way to open a thread!
    It looks fantastic.

    One thing I would tweak though would be the lighting.
    I love that its moody and atmospheric but at some points its too diffuse.
    It almost washes out your shapes.

    Another thing to consider about the decor is, what do you want your influences to be?
    Your architectural elements are greco-roman but your statues are angels.

    Can't wait to see more :)

  • Wingednosering
    This is an incredible start, but it's difficult to critique knowing you intend to replace most of the textures.

    The first thing that jumps out at me is that foliage. It's such an intense, heavily saturated green, that it sort of throws everything off to me. You've already said you're going to replace it, but I figured pointing it out can't hurt.

    Nomad also hit the nail on the head regarding lighting. Your lights could be a little more focused and speaking more generally, there's no lighting props in the scene yet at all. Something with winged statues like this will have religious significance and would be lit with candles, braziers, torches, etc.

    Second, for something with a religious vibe, I'd enable light shafts (AKA god rays).

    Finally, what's the intended use for this scene? What's the story you're trying to tell? If its a temple that's currently in use, add some wear and tear and leave props lying around to show it's lived in/frequented. If it's old and abandoned, throw some rubble in there, collapse a wall, break a statue, or knock over a pillar. I feel like you're in a strange in-between right now where the architecture is all pristine and upright, yet it's still overgrown and abandoned.

    Can't wait to see where this goes! Keep it up!
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18
    NomadSoul2501: I'll be completely honest, I'm not entirely sure what type of architecture I am going for, which was my biggest issue starting out this scene, I basically went with whatever looked "cool" to me but I realize I need to stick with one style or atleast keep it consistent, is there any time period in particular that this architecture is similar to that I could refer to? I particularly hate the bannisters I feel like they need to be more ornate and fancy looking but I have no idea where to look for reference! :(. Also I'm not too sure what you mean by too diffuse in certain areas?

    Wingednosering: The main purpose of the scene is to have a fully playable area, which you see in the main shot with the gold floor decor, basically a small sandbox that shows off a small slice of what a game level would look like (something like a visual target). Great idea adding some lighting props, I hadn't even thought of that but those are definitely some details I want to add to the scene along with vases and maybe more decorative trims. The story behind this is supposed to be a well preserved city lost in the mountain tops, hence the overgrowth of vines and moss. This place was not abandoned due to war that's why nothing seems broken down in rubble (plus I wanted to stay away from the common destroy everything approach, maybe a flood?) I'll still have to add a bunch of dirt and fallen leaves etc on the ground to make it seem like its been there forever.

    Here's a couple more shots, I played around with different wall/pillar texture treatments which I'm liking alot more. Also got the ground geometry cut up properly now, just need to setup the vert paint materials for some moss and dirt buildup.


    Here's an image taken from the otherside as if you were coming from the round stair case. The idea here is something resembling a cenote with a continuation of the structures already seen in the main section. That terrain is strictly block in, I plan to custom/modular terrain the whole thing in the end.


    Still tons of work to do, great feedback so far guys thanks!
  • Firefly
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    Firefly polycounter lvl 4
    Wow! Phenomenal work so far!
  • E_Hollaway
  • MGE_PM
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    MGE_PM polycounter lvl 10
    I think It looks really good, I would add some red colour to the scene, some torn cloth? torn flags? or some sort of ribbon? Banner?
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    Yeah man this stuff is looking superb, really liking what you are achieving here.

    I'd say one great place to look at is your colour grading. Maybe have a look at how peris colour grades, it might give you a bit of direction.

  • anthonymcgrath
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    anthonymcgrath polycounter lvl 3
    really nice start mate - the one thing i would try to get in there besides the things other ppl have mentioned regarding god rays & foliage colour etc (i like the vibrant green) is a sense of 'history'... its something i always suggest with environments...

    you have to make it feel like some person/people USED that area... for example is there a table or plynth with items on it? Perhaps a carriage? This gives a better sense of scale in regard to people - right now there really isn't much besides the steps and maybe the handrail at the side. The banners and flags are a good idea... perhaps a central plynth with a tome or bible like big fat book - is this a place of prayer/worship or celebration/banquet?

    overall tho superb start - keep going :)
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks guys for all the suggestions! Definitely what I was looking for in terms of feed back.

    MGE_PM: Awesome suggestion for the red flags, I've gone ahead and blocked out some red colors in there and it really helps the scene out, i'll have to go in and tear them up eventually and play around with the red a bit more, probably too saturated at the moment

    Muzz: Sorry I'm not sure who Peris is? Any links you can refer me to?

    anthonymcgrath: I threw in the default UDK guy in there, I hope that gives a better sense of scale since I don't have any props atm, but I think some vases and other props for scale will help alot!

    Just a small update, added in the statues at the front and enlarged the areas they sit in, it's starting to flesh out a bit more which I'm happy with. I ended up wasting a lot of time posing the character lol


    Probably going to change the bannister designs and do a bit more detailing/patterns along the walls up next ... hopefully i'll have the full design i'm looking for by then.

    Afterwards I'll be replacing the stock UDK assets which are rocks, vegetation, statue in the front and flags.
  • MGE_PM
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    MGE_PM polycounter lvl 10
    iflingpoo: I think it looks good with additional colour (red), add some sort of logo to a bigger banners (1-2 banners in the whole scene) ? Also make it dirty a bit, burn them (fire particles?) ! Or maybe I'm going over the top. You've got a lot of foliage in the scene, so maybe you will consider adding a particle system (falling leaves?)
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18
    Definitely will add some particles and fix the flags soon.

    Small update, just did some railing work didn't turn out as fancy as I liked unfortunately :( Finally finished the geo for the floor, still gotta fix UVs. No normal maps or shader tweaking done just proving out some concepts first.


    Fist pumps FTW!

  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18

    Closeup of railings, eeek texel density way off
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Looks great so far :) I don't know if I'm a fan of the overgrown on the ground though. Maybe delete some geometry, make some missing pieces and have grass coming out of there, or use some decals for cracks and damage.
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18
    aajohnny: Yeah now that I look at it with fresh eyes it kinda looks like barf on the ground :P Do you think I should model cracks in or vertex paint some overalys instead?
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18
    Quick vertex paint pass, took your suggestion and added cracks with moss growing in them, maybe a bit too much damage right now, like someone took a sledgehammer to the ground :P


    Gold doesnt crack does it? I'll probably have to change the mask for that part ...
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Loving this! Shadows seem a bit dark though.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    iflingpoo wrote: »
    aajohnny: Yeah now that I look at it with fresh eyes it kinda looks like barf on the ground :P Do you think I should model cracks in or vertex paint some overalys instead?

    I think the decals you have now work pretty well in a few places, in some areas they look a bit too big and out of place, in particular the light concrete trim. Try scaling the decals down a bit and maybe add some geometry of chunks scattered here and there.
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    looking nice so far

    Just wanted to say, try using the "tiledshot 4" command to get screenshots without as much aliasing, makes it hard to see detail in the distance and just isnt nice
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18
    aajohnny: yeah they are starting to look a bit cartoony to me, I'll have to adjust the mask or material settings when I start tweaking things out

    Didn't do too much, just added some small statues in the front. And yes these statues are Dr Who's Weeping Angel, thought they would give the scene an eerie vibe.

    I also put a LUT on the scene, I quite like the current look it's headed.


    Don't mind the intersecting and floating facades, I ended up adjusting the scale of them and need to stitch it back to the wall.

    It looks like I'll have to adjust the scale of the top statues, since the ones on the bottom are player height.. arrgh or do you think the top ones could be some kind of super exaggerated human figure? I kind of want them to be large, but maybe the small ones in the front are throwing things off?
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15

    Here is just a quick suggestion man. Right now you've got a lot of black in your scene, which is actually hiding a lot of detail that carries a lot of the punch. The biggest problem areas that I can spot are the totally black areas. One of these are underneath the balcony. Usually you'd get bounce light from the floor and walls to light up that area but I don't really know why yours doesn't.

    Take this as you want ofcourse :) It's just a suggestion after all.

    Really good work so far! I like it a lot!
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18
    chrisradsby: Hey thanks for the quick paintover. It looks like my monitors at home are way too bright. Went to my work machine and your right there are alot of complete darks. As of right now there are no lightmass bakes, so no bounce light happening just yet. Do you recommend relying on lightmass to do the bounce or should I go and fake some of it? I'm thinking a combination would work?
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    You can rely on lightmass for the bounce, no worries and if you need more you can always boost the diffuse :)
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    Well, when looking at this from a distance you certainly captured the feel of god of wars environment, so great job on that!

    chris suggestion was also great, and I would try to not crush the blacks just as much as you have.
    The biggest problem i have with this scene is the low fidelity in the assets when you look closer/fullsize image. You could easily crank up the polycount and roundness of your balconies and arches, aswell as making a better looking and higher rez material without stretching. I think compositionwise and the big picture you are already almost there, but you need to up the quality of the individual assets. keep it up!
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the crits!

    I will have to give lightmass a go once I have my lightmap Uvset done for everything.

    Sigh, the last project I worked on was on the Wii, old habits are hard to get rid of :P. Definitely will take a second pass and uprez geo where needed and unify all the texture resolutions. I tend to start off quick and sloppy to see progress early on. But I'll make sure I avoid the "placeholder art becomes final" scenario lol
  • oxblood
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    oxblood polycounter lvl 9
    Hi, the first set of statues do look a bit flat like its just a diffuse on a flat surface, i would personally just take them out as the scene is impressive enough without them. besides that your doing a really good job keep going :)
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18
    Making slow progress, as usual life and the real world gets in the way ...

    Decided to redo the composition, as if it were a game and the player entered from the hallway and was being lead down towards the statues. Just using them as placeholders for now gonna have to rebuild them.

    The lighting is totally faked so I may have to figure some way out to make it make sense.


    Also replaced all the stock UDK rocks, the sculpt turned out like poop but seemed to look alright in game :P


    Still gotta play with shaders on them to fix the hot spec
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18
    Trying to up epicness, filled in the background a little more with reference from Minas Tirith.

    Still really messy, I think the composition is getting there, finally time to fix up all the crappy quality of the assets put together :P

  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    Your scene is simply gorgeous, but....I know it's hard to simulate real life lighting in UDK...but try even more to boost those dark areas with subtle point lights and I think it will be fine. It will take some times i know...(sarcasm on)thank you Epic for this great feature called build lighting (sarcasm off) !!! So many hours wasted with that.
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks, it seems like the lighting is common feedback that I get. The current shot is just a directional light with a few point lights and no lightmass.

    I tried a bake with lightmass and I don't get any bounce? Is this because I don't have a second UV set on my meshes?

    I had a look at your Forgotten Town scene and I'm really digging the lighting, any tips you could give me? Or should I just paint in fake bounce with point lights? Any good lightmass settings you could recommend or world scene post stuff?
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18

    Replaced the UDK foliage with my own I think I need to tweak some of the leaf placements they're looking a bit erratic

    Afterwards going to move onto that flag and then FINALLY no more udk stock assets in the scene :)
  • Fenyce
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    Fenyce polycounter lvl 11
    Wow. Really lovely! I like that style you've going on here!
    Can't wait for a fly through video!
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18

    Almost there ...
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    I think I liked the colors and lighting that you had in your post from the 8th better. This is really looking fantastic, wow!
  • Rageleet
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    Rageleet polycounter lvl 6
    hey there cool scene! its looking much better with the lighter areas now :) and in regards to your lighting issues, if your building with light mass and you dont have second uv channels set on your meshes, and the assets are set to use the second uv channel i can imagine this would cause all your problems as its not baking the light maps correctly or at all i think :) so it might be worth setting the meshes up with some second uvs, then ramp up the bounce in the world properties + im pretty sure your missing out on really cool features that light mass can do. :) keep it up! :)
  • Fenyce
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    Fenyce polycounter lvl 11
    I'd agree with Makkon. I like the colors on the older img better. It feels more alive and colorful to me.
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18

    Took some time into doing some lighting/rendering to create a more fantasy looking vibe.

    Few things in the latest shot such as custom LUT, blinn specularity, chromatic aberration, dirty lens and finally proper lightmass bake!

    time to clean up all the geo and textures/materials!
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    impressive! that chromatic aberration is pretty intense though. Is there going to be a statue or fountain or something on the pedestal? seems like the focus of the scene is there.
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18
    thanks! I was planning on putting a couple statues way in the back like my previous images, but my poor character zbrushing skills didn't pan out :( if anything i'll detail out the braziers more
  • spectre1130
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    spectre1130 polycounter lvl 6
    This is looking really good. I agree that the main pedestal area needs some type of focal asset(s) like the statues you had up there. If you don't want to do the statue thing, maybe just put in some kind of fire pit type pedestal or something that draws the player there.
  • RogelioD
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    RogelioD polycounter lvl 12
    Scene is looking awesome. However, your new Chrom. Ab. is burning my eyes :C
  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18
    Been a few months since I looked at this scene, finally decided to take a high res shot of it and played around with the colors. Already starting a new one so calling this done, with the exception of some minor bug fixes ofcourse, thanks for all the feedback and crits along the way!

  • Greenmutze
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Yep you can walk away from that last shot proud, no crits here, great job.
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