Hi polycounters!
Borderlands 2 is one of my favorite game of these last years, whether for the gameplay, story , and of course the amazing art! (I still recall the Borderlands 2 art dump! :poly124: )
So I decided to model one of my favorite guns in this game, a Vladof assault rifle!
But I choose to make it in a realistic way. I'll take some liberties for the design, I'll add flash hiders, a sling , red dot (from BL2 obviously) etc...
I'll use Ndo2 for small details.
You will bury them under an
avalanche of lead!"
My progress so far.

Small update!
i'm not going to do the sling, I don't want to lose a big chunk of Uv spave
I'll try to do some nice high poly renders for the final presentation!
Looks cool though! few edges look a little thin, But should bake well overall.
Is there a proper way to bake symmetrized meshes without having weirds artifacts, or an "hard'' edge in the middle?
Sometimes it works, sometimes not, I really don't understand the workflow for this particular action! :poly122:
Edit: maybe this?
The basic rule of thumb is If there is a break in smoothing, you MUST split the uv's.
Smoothing split, you MUST Split UV's.
Say that a couple times a day for a few weeks, and you'll remember. Took me a while to stop messing that concept up
The reason you split the smoothing is to ease extreme gradients. Extreme gradients in the low polies smoothing results in extreme normal gradients which are more prone to artifacting and errors depending on your renderer. and if your synched or not.
Like i said, Check those threads in tech talk. It goes over all that stuff in painful detail.
You don't have to split smoothing because of a uv split though. So models that you need symmetry on can share a SG, or in your case, Go without doing a hard edge on the face near the seam. It's important to note, you can't just delete half the model. The smoothing is going to change on either side near the seam if you delete the other half. So you need to bake both halves. Just offset the duplicate UV shell by 1 unit (if that's possible in maya)
Again, Thats my quick and dirty explanation. To unconfuse yourself, Check those threads.
EDIT : Problem solved!
I look forward to seeing how you handle the realistic texturing!
Might be just me but the handle looks a bit funny.
Can't wait o see this textured!
I'll start very soon!
(One or two AO bugs)
You can find the shader here :
Imagine some dirty Borderlands bandit using this gun. He may have been fixing up his broken down Technical in the desert dunes and gotten his hands or gloves all dirty. Then he sees some enemies and grabs his gun, getting the dirt and oil into the grip. Maybe a bit on the front grip too. Then after he killed a couple of merchants he scratched some marks onto his gun like a tally, marking his kills.
Basically think of a story to fit this gun, and try and tell it through the texturing. It'll make it from cool to BADASS
You're totally right! I plan on adding a name carved in the metal , something that fits the Borderlands universe (Moxxi maybe!)
I'll add more dirt on the handle etc! Now that you mention it , it's maybe too soft for being noticeable!
I'm done with this one
Rifle : 12072 tris , 2048*2048 Diffuse / Gloss / Specular / Normal
Red dot sight : 1900 tris , 1024*1024 Diffuse / Gloss / Specular / Normal
(I'll post wire and texture sheets later !)
dirtyhairy : Rifle : 12072 tris
Red dot sight : 1900 tris