What am i doing wrong in 3ds max trying to RTT a normal map (first picture)? I have turned off final gather and there are no lights in the scene and the low poly cage is not even close to being inside the high poly object. The UV's are not overlapping. Second pisture is how the normal map looks when i open it with photoshop (very wrong looking).

It renders a complete map. In your case, object is black because you have no light. However it (may) shows in red what are the pixels missed during projection.
Be sure your cage enveloppes the highpoly everywhere.
Try to reset xform your objects first.
Under "projections mapping" in the RTT, click "options", then be sure that "tangent" is checked because your map looks like an object space normal map (unless you want that). Might be due to weird object scale/normals tho.
Also your normalmap should be in the directory&format you specified in the BTT window. Even if you failed completely with the bake for some reason it will still have that average blue color in the empty parts of your UV space... so that black image can't be the normalmap.
you bake normal maps with the standard scanline renderer, not mental ray.
As i said, the render window is a complete map, which means a render with all lights/materials/environnement, whatever..in your scene. It's not reflecting the render to texture result. As you have no light, the object is black. Put a light, and the object will be lighted and gray. But it wont change anything to your normal map.
Ah, smoothing roups affect the normal map. You learn something new everyday as a noob
Thank you for the help!