Hey polycount, a question appears.

I want to model something like this in 3ds max. What are my options to make something like this into a game model? Do I do it all by hand and not worry about poly count? Do a tile with geometry in max, bake it into a normal map and apply onto a mesh with opacity map etc? Wouldn't it be looking too flat like that?
I just want to make a chainmail properly, and I'm humbly asking how to

Zbrush if you use it
This is exactly what I need. Can anyone help me on how to make a chainmail cool looking like this?
No need for modelling or baking anything, unless you want to model a couple of interlocking rings and render that out as the base tile with normals. But I wouldn't start modelling the entire chain mail ring by ring.
All those indicate that they either did a flat-square unwrap, and tile the hell out of it, the mask too, same with the arms/shoulder area, or they tried and keep the position the seams of the mesh in such a way to help with the tiling effect and minimize the seam itself.
They didn't model anything at this point I would say, and the black 'holes' are helping to cover up alot of the issues.
this is probably the best method I have seen.
http://cghub.com/scripts/view/79/ << slideknit is available here
Interesting stuff here.