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Environment portfolio piece

polycounter lvl 10
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Parth polycounter lvl 10
so I am in my finals now and we have make a portfolio piece in 4 weeks.

Here are the concept art that I have shortlisted.








I would like your opinions on which one would best suit in an environment art portfolio and also it would be great if you tell me why.

The environment has to be completed and be inside of UDK within 4 weeks.


  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    The fifth one I think would be the best one, lots of detail and looks challenging, also has alot of unique pieces, so personally I would pick the fifth one.
  • a3sthesia
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    a3sthesia polycounter lvl 10
    Ok so these are all great pieces of art work, no doubt, and they would all be great environments to see inside of UDK. Why? Because they're rich with detail and opportunities to create a great model silhouette and nice textures.

    They're all a great reference to start with, but I think there's questions you need to ask yourself, which you could then put to us, and maybe we could help you a little more.

    How comfortable are you in interpreting 2D art into 3D?
    Some of that artwork gives you a lot to work with, and some of it is open to a bit of interpretation. If you need specifics before you start modelling, you'll want to pick the picture that gives you the most information so that you can rely on the picture for reference, and not spend all your time guessing.

    Which of those scenes do you feel most likely to enjoy creating?
    This is important for personal projects, because if you aren't enjoying the process, your lack of passion could effect how good it turns out. Pick the picture that you feel most excited by.

    How much could you get done in 4 weeks?
    That interior scene or even the trainyard scene, look like 4 weeks is more than enough time to create something beautiful. The other ones though, would probably require a little more experience to tackle in that amount.

    Food for thought anyway! Let us know how you go ^_^
  • a3sthesia
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    a3sthesia polycounter lvl 10
    ok fine, i like the 1st, 2nd and 6th one ;P
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I like 1 or 7, the other scenes look like stuff that has already been done more than a few times.
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    i would choose the 2nd. Reason being. There are a lot of repeating objects in that scene. You could spend more time on the props in the scene and make them look A LOT better since there are only a few in there.
    1 pillar
    few kinds of boxes
    1 cannon
    1 hanging sheet

    all you have to do is rotate them and place them properly and it will be hard to tell they are repeated meshes.

    best of luck
  • kimchee519
    Very cool concepts, looking forward to seeing how this one turns out!
  • CharlieD
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    CharlieD polycounter lvl 11
    If you're going to do them just like the concepts, I like 1, 5, and 7. I also like some of the others with modifications. 4 would be pretty awesome if you built a story around it and added a cool focal point.

    7 is my personal favorite. Really creative concept, and it'd be awesome if you did an interior too.
  • mats effect
    If you are limited to four weeks I would say the 4th one, the stone walls and floor could look awesome if you nail the material definition on them. That said its also the most generic of the lot.
  • Snafubar7
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    Snafubar7 polycounter lvl 8
    For four weeks? I'd choose #2 because it's interesting and has lots of repeating props/textures. Next down my list would be #7, and then #4.
  • MetaAlex
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    MetaAlex polycounter lvl 8
    For four weeks I'm digging either 4 or 7. Otherwise I'm really liking the detail in 5.
  • Parth
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    Parth polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the advice and comments guys.

    So after evaluating more based on what you guys said I have narrowed down to 2, 5 and 7.
    I really like 1 but I don't think I will be able to finish it in 4 weeks. I might pick it up in the second or third month of portfolio once I know how much I can accomplish in 4 weeks in the first month.

    I also like 7 , its a cool art piece but I'm not sure it will make a good portfolio piece. What do you guys think?

    Again, thanks for all the advice :)
  • schneller
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    schneller polygon
    I'd favor doing 2. Not as many different types of props so you can focus on quality and composing the scene. 5 would be a close second.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I love 7, it has a nice and different color platte. It's a unique scene, I've seen plenty of docks and boats in portfolios and games.
  • Rico
    1 and 5 for me because they look the creepiest.
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Pick the one that most matches the studio you want to work for. Pick the one that really matches their style/games. In none of these reflect that find something else.
  • Parth
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    Parth polycounter lvl 10
    So I decided to do #7 and started some work on it. Pretty much finished with the train model


    cc welcome :)
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    Looking good. These concepts are all pretty sweet. Did you model the windows in or did you just float the frame?
  • MetaAlex
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    MetaAlex polycounter lvl 8
    I like that extra hint of detail you added on the train in the bottom that's not exactly shown in the concept :)
  • Parth
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    Parth polycounter lvl 10
    Thank you !

    @ chase - The windows are modelled in.
  • Madwish
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    Madwish polycounter lvl 6
    Interesting topic, I'll be keeping an eye on that one (although the title is a bit generic, some people might pass by without checking in).

    Concept you choose is original and nice looking, not the easiest of them though, especially with four weeks only. I imagine one of the main point will be the final scope of it. Are you trying to get only the concept camera shot or do you want a more "complete" environment to make multiple camera shots ?

    If you want a bit more, you'll have to create it from scratch since it's not in the concept. If you plan on doing that, I would advice you to quickly prototype with very simple shapes, trying different ideas and cameras.

    Looking forward to seeing more. :)
  • snootsh
  • sacrum
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    sacrum polycounter lvl 11

    your train cart looks good but i think it needs more destruction. for instance if the wheels are bent like that i would imagine that the rest of the cart would be banged up as well.

    good luck,
  • Parth
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    Parth polycounter lvl 10
    thanks guys

    @Madwish - I am only doing a camera shot.
    @sacrum - I agree. That was really the fix I was in , whether to follow the concept exactly or not. I ended up deciding to go with the look of the concept.
    I will add scratches and stuff in the texture though
  • Parth
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    Parth polycounter lvl 10
    had some trouble but finally done with the AO bake. :)

    still a couple of things to fix
  • jp3d
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    jp3d polycounter lvl 9
    really inspiring!
  • HenryPearson
    Looking good! What software are you using?
  • Parth
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    Parth polycounter lvl 10
    ^^ Maya, photoshop. Did some details in Ndo2

    Current WIP


    Very WIP diffuse.
    Also started work on the cliff. I will post when I have more
  • Parth
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    Parth polycounter lvl 10

    Its in marmoset currently for preview and the lighting is just a default preset.
    Next step -> make the cables and wooden stairs and bring everything into UDK
    -> Light
    -> Start working on the BG

    CC welcome.
  • Parth
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    Parth polycounter lvl 10
    Damn this lighting setup does not show off the spec and gloss maps at all :(
  • Parth
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    Parth polycounter lvl 10
    This is where I am at right now. A week until its due.


    Ignore the light on the rear door, still have to fix that
    Still have to setup the camera. Any critiques would be greatly appreciated.
  • Parth
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    Parth polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks, I still have to work on the stairs.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Get some tension and curvature on the train car like gravity is slightly bending the car around those cables.

    Thicken up those cable too or at least give them noticable depth. Right now they are lacking.

    The stairs need to narrower and more janky and cobbled together than what you currently have.

    Distance fog will really help and if you can look into doing volumetric clouds or something.

    The rock wall on the left that the car is against should probably have a better silhouette closer to the concept and a bit more detail sculpted in. I would do it as a giant 2048x2048 texture instead of a tiling texture. If you want to keep it tiling use a couple textures and very blend. An up blended shader like:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5DwBKMrGtI"]UDK Up vector based snow shader overview - YouTube[/ame]

    would be great.
  • Parth
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    Parth polycounter lvl 10
  • Ootrick
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    Ootrick polycounter lvl 6
    Parth, looking great. Jeff hit the nail on the head, the Cab is very straight, try what you can to get a subtle bend with the weight focused on the middle of the cab, I think it will add a whole other level of detail, story and realism.
  • Parth
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    Parth polycounter lvl 10
    @ootrick -- I bent the metal around the cables. I will probably come back later to this project and bend the entire train cart like you said.

    Tweaked some post processing effects, changed fov. Calling it done for now. Any critiques are welcome

  • DWalker
    I'd tone down the saturation of the green paint a bit to give it more of a weathered/sun-faded feel.

    The third board in the window has been chopped very abruptly; was there a reason for this?
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Dont forget the numbers and such of the train, it looks odd without since its such a familiar sight. Also what holds the wood stairs ? And what about the train connection ? Youre missing out some noise there, some very dark metal-ish things under the stairs and on the end of the wagon would really sell it a lot better, even tho it is nothing you can name. Right now it is really floating, and you could need the detail. On the concept its very vague and you cannot really tell, and you need to bring that back a bit.
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    Good werk, the concept is not totally something easily transferable to cg, but i can see where your leading us so far.
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