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UDK - Stone Bridge Scene

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SeveredSon triangle
Hey everyone. Its been awhile since I've posted here. I started working on a new portfolio piece based on a Hubert Robert painting.

One trap I don't want to fall into is to try and replicate the painting, but to stay close to the overall look and feel of it.


Here's my scene:


The rock meshes are very placeholder right now. I've put most of my effort into the stone bridge. There are some foliage actors that I've placed, but I plan on updating the look of those.

Next on my list of things to do is to work on the waterfall area. It's in need of some serious work and it's a very important part to the scene.

Also, I plan on modeling a stone railing piece for the top of the bridge, as well as a wooden railing that goes at the top of the waterfall.

I'm open to any and all critiques. I look forward to your feedback.



  • SinisterUrge
    Think you know what you're doing here. Yeah, the waterfall needs more love and made more interesting. Also. what would add more interest is variation in the rocks' shape and colour, same goes for the foliage.

    Do you intend to include the horse and cart carrying hay as well? Adding the swimmers and dog would be asking a big much, but adding the ducks would be a lovely touch.

    Great subject choice.
  • Toskineuro
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    Toskineuro polycounter lvl 4
    Cool. The stone bridge is only one mesh?
  • Suba
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    Suba polycounter lvl 5
    Looking nice already.
  • DWalker
    The broken railing and the olive (as opposed to green) foliage really helped give the original a sense of age & decay. The fence over the waterfall took it further, implying that the current users didn't even bother to match the skill of the builders, and instead just threw up something that would work 'well enough'.
  • SeveredSon
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    SeveredSon triangle
    SinisterUrge - I intend on including the horse, cart, hay, and the ducks. Maybe the people if I have time.

    Toskineuro - The bridge is one mesh. Just under 6,000 triangles at the moment.

    Suba - Thanks! Long way to go to completion. Hopefully, I can capture the look and feel of the painting.

    DWalker - Good eye. I'll definitely keep that in mind going forward.
  • Mr Significant
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    Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
    Subscibed! Looking forward where it's going.

    Maybe too much green on the foliage, but it's just for me :D
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    the proportions of the arch are not quite correct and as such it will make a ice technical piece but i think you've missed important aspects of the concepts scale

    the arch is too wide and not deep enough and the bricks are too small and sharpe (not worn enough)

    dont take this the wrong way as i think youve been concentrating on the technical sides which look good but i think you have missed the woods for the trees. youve concentrated on the details and missed the mark on the main shapes and feel of the piece.

    where the original has a romantic edge to it youres looks a bit prison like and too severe. as you said you didnt want to replicate it but keep the feel, im not sure you have sorry

    dont want to be too harsh its a technically sound peice BUT i think you didnt manage to succeed on the basis that you set out to
  • SeveredSon
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    SeveredSon triangle

    No worries. That's the kind of feedback I need. I appreciate your comments and I agree. I will revisit the bridge mesh :)

  • SinisterUrge
    Just thought of something. The masonry seems to have a softness to it, it must have been intentionally painted that way by the artist to add to the romance to it. Your scene has harder edges and that could be the reason why SHEPEIRO describes it as prison like.
  • SeveredSon
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    SeveredSon triangle
    Here's an update.

    * I reworked the bridge mesh a bit.
    * Did a first pass on the waterfall mesh and material.
    * Rearranged the rocks for better comp
    * Lowered the water level after placing water fall.
    * modeled a proxy mesh for the wooden railing.
    * iterated on foliage material. Added translucency and normal map. Played around with the spec.

    Working on next:

    *Iterate on bridge model and textures. Create new bridge texture for meshpainting purposes. This will add variety to the masonry. Also, need to soften the look of the stone masonry texture. Probably a combo of the normal and diffuse maps.
    * model and texture the wooden cart.
    * Model and texture the stone railing at the top of the bridge.
    * Iterate on tunnel/building at the top of the bridge.
    * Create a new rock mesh to add variation to the scene.
    * Fix/optimize foliage. Get rid of floating meshes.

    There's a lot more to do, but that's the main stuff for now.


    Having a hard time getting the waterfall shader to look right. If anyone knows of a good tutorial for having water flowing over rocks, please send me a link.

  • Beno09
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    Beno09 polycounter lvl 4
    Wow, this looks really amazing. If water was better I would feel I'm watching concept art or even real scene.
    As you said, waterfall and water is biggest problem in scene. Hopefully you can get it sorted out.
    Good luck, can't wait for more.
  • Sean VanGorder
    This is coming along great man. The lighting is already looking great, especially coming through the archway there. The bridge looks pretty sick too, but I'd like to see you break up some of the straight lines in the silhouette and possibly round off some of the edges.
  • SeveredSon
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    SeveredSon triangle
    Well, the waterfall still sucks, but I managed to get some mist coming off the water as well as some water ripples near the waterfall.

  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Your stonework for the architecture is pretty impressive, and I'd love to see some breakdowns, flats, maybe some wires on how you made them. This is just the sort of thing I'm interested in making. What impresses me the most is the stone displacement, you got that to look really good and I'm wondering how you handled the geometry.
  • SeveredSon
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    SeveredSon triangle
    Tweaked the waterfall material a bit more. I guess it looks a little better. It looks better when its moving, but I need to figure out how to make it look good from a screenshot as well.


    Makkon - Thanks. I'll definitely post a breakdown as well as a mini tutorial when the project is done.
  • Noodle!
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    Noodle! polycounter lvl 8
    The changes you did do the stones and the foliage really was a huge improvement.

    For the waterfall, right now it's more like a gelatinous coating than moving water. Even a slow waterfall like this one will have the water separate where it moves over rocks and look a lot more foamy. It will also create foam where faster moving water impacts slower water.


    This is obviously taken with a long exposure time so it's exaggerated, but clearly shows where the most air bubbles are.

    As for the misting, a slow fall such as this would not create a whole lot of mist (if any) and certainly not so far away as your mist is now. It's also more reminiscent of steam as it is now. I'd say move the misting to the very base of the fall and into it and make it more subtle if you want to keep it.


    I made a real quick paintover to show a bit what I meant. I also framed it slightly with darker moss on the sides, didn't do anything with the misting.
    It's not a great paintover so take it with a grain of salt, haha. What I didn't put in for instance was some sharper highlights and faster cutoffs to white to alleviate the feeling of it being a bit too blobby.

    Anyway, awesome job! I think the rest of the scene looks fantastic.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    I wanted to say that I think this is looking great, but I feel like you're losing quite a bit of the feeling of the concept by having the waterfall be so much smaller, and so much closer to the camera.

    A big part of this, I personally think, is that it would be unlikely anyone would build a bridge with two decks over what is essentially a trickle of water and a puddle - whereas in the original, the bridge clearly self justifies.

    Anyways, modeling and texturing a look great.
  • SeveredSon
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    SeveredSon triangle
    Hey Noodle! - Thx for the feedback and reference. The mist is meant to be steam coming off the pond because it's early in the morning and the sun is just rising. Typically you'll see some evaporation coming off water early in the morning on a summer day. It may need to be dialed back slightly though.

    ysalex - I agree. The waterfall should definitely be more prominent. I will definitely work on that.
  • SeveredSon
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    SeveredSon triangle
    I lowered the water level a bit, added fog beneath the water and worked on the waterfall some more. basically I scaled up the mesh, resculpted the zbrush version and worked on the material some more. I'm going to move on to the other stuff that needs to get done and come back to the waterfall later.

  • RaPtoR_v9600
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    RaPtoR_v9600 polycounter lvl 4
    this is beautiful bud good work but i like the previous shoot better
  • SeveredSon
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    SeveredSon triangle
    Small update - I resculpted the rocks a but and rebaked the textures. Also, I updated the rock material by adding a fresnel and detail normal to it.

    Other changes: I blocked in the horse and cart on the bridge, rearranged some of the rocks and moved some of the foliage around. The railing at the top of the bridge is next. Also, I have to adjust the color of the waterfall rocks to match the surrounding rocks.

  • RaventhePirate
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    RaventhePirate polycounter lvl 9
    Great job on this piece Severed, I always hate trying to get water falls to look good... but I actually get more distracted by the lighting than anything else. I have to force my eyes to look at the other areas of the scene. I zoomed out a bit till it was more the size of a large thumbnail and that helped a lot. I feel like it's just too orange and bright, especially when looking back at the original painting. I feel like this piece would really benefit from some more shadows. Maybe just less orange? Moving the sun around a bit? Decreasing intensity? Just something else to take a look at when you're tired of messing with the water.
  • DavidBrumbley
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    DavidBrumbley polycounter lvl 8
    starting to look really nice! I think the rocks on the right side would light a bit better if they had the sharp/flat faces like in the painting. It could just be that the detail normal is a bit bloby in that area.

    It might also look really nice to get some of that warm light you have bouncing under the bridge hitting the rocks.

    Tiredpaintover :p
  • Rageleet
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    Rageleet polycounter lvl 6
    Im really liking this!,i agree with the post before about the slanted rocks, i feel it gives it more height to the bridge, also would it be possible to see a wire of that bridge and workflow? im wondering if you made each stone individually placed then baked them down to a low poly or is there some other wizardry going on :)?

    awesome work (y)
  • SeveredSon
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    SeveredSon triangle
    Update time.

    DavidBrumbley - Thx man. I will keep plugging away at the rocks. In this update I reduced the detail normal and rotated the rock closest to the bridge around to a more planar looking side. I still plan on creating another rock that has a more planar look, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

    RaventhePirate - Yeah, colorwise it has a long way to go. I turned off the advanced environment color in this update and the shadows came back when I baked lighting. For some reason adv enviro color blows out your shadows. Also, I played around with the sun angle a bit, because I think it looks cool to have the light come through the arch and hit those rocks.

    I added the railing piece that has some damage on the left side. Also, I added people and textured the horse and cart. Next on my list is the building at the top of the bridge.

    Color is something that I'll be playing around with quite a bit as I iterate. Keep the comments coming, I appreciate them quite a bit.

    Also the hay on the cart needs work, model and texturewise. I'll be adding some alpha planes to the hay stack to make it look more like hay. Right now it's still a block mesh.




    Here's a wireframe of the bridge. Quite a hack job, but it's around 3,600 tris at the moment. Needs a lot of cleanup work.

  • TonyNowak
    Looking better than before! Give the rocks a little more love, they look flat and uninteresting. Maybe some cracks, or moss of sorts. Maybe some subtle dark tinting or noise along the bottom of the rocks to show that they are wet from the water's rim.
  • Mr Significant
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    Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
    When you remove this specular fro mrocks, the scene looks very, very amazing! Is this default skydome?
  • RaventhePirate
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    RaventhePirate polycounter lvl 9
    Looking much better with those additions. I love that you can always add more and more to a piece. You can never truly be finished with it until you need to move on for sanity's sake. Do you plan on putting in the people and dog at the front as well or will you skip them?
  • SeveredSon
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    SeveredSon triangle
    TonyNowak - Thx. I will probably do a meshpaint on the rocks and do as you suggested by adding moss, cracks, and wet areas where the water splashed up.

    Mr Significant - Thank you. I dialed down the detail normal quite a bit and I think that was the main cause of the plastic wrap look. The skydome is about 50% painted and 50% photo. The photo I took one morning, very early, as the sun was coming up.

    RaventhePirate - True, it's easy to keep picking away at a piece. I plan on putting a few ducks in the pond, but no people in the foreground. The people on the bridge are mapped to planes.

    Thanks as always for your comments.
  • SeveredSon
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    SeveredSon triangle
    This one is pretty close to being done folks. I plan on doing some minor cleanup work, but since my schedule is getting tighter I'm calling it 99% done. The railing still needs some love and the rocks need more variation texturewise, but I'm happy with how it has turned out so far.

  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    looks like a paint...beautifull
  • tristamus
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    tristamus polycounter lvl 9
    Absolutely gorgeous. Well done.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Excellent work! Really beautiful, it does have a painterly feel to it for sure. Really nice work following crit.
  • Thaurdol
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    Thaurdol polycounter lvl 7
    Great job and I too agree that it has a paint feeling in it which makes it even better.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    really nice :) wonderful lighting
  • mats effect
    Love it, the brick textures look so nice in that latest shot.

    Would love to see some break downs of this now and how you went about making bits of it :)
  • lukepham101
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    lukepham101 polycounter lvl 7
    This looks great, good job! :)
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    really nice...BUT i think it needs two things to really really shine.

    1st the bloom threshold could do with increasing (haven't used UDK for ages so...not to sure on the technical name in UDK) so that not the entire image is bloomed

    2nd the original paintings green tones are offset beautifully by the splashes of deep red, yours are getting a bit lost it would be nice to pick those out a bit more
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