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Most common style?

polycounter lvl 6
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valuemeal polycounter lvl 6
Just curious, what is the most common style people tend to adopt if they aren't creating their own spin on things lately. In many drawing communities I am seeing that the tumblr psudeo-disney style is becoming popular among the ladies and painterly gritty paints seems to be popular among fellows. Am I missing something here or has this always been a thing?

It seems as though I am full of topics lately fellows, these subjects have just been popping up in my head.


  • Xelioth
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    It varies by location, amount of formal education, etc.

    I think in the general sense, the Mary Blair/Eyvinde Earl style of artwork has become basically all-pervasive within the animation world. Within gaming, specifically, realism still reins supreme. A WoW-esque sort of style probably comes in second, I've seen a lot of games going that route.

    Personally, I look towards Looney Tunes and Creature Box as my main sources of inspiration in my own work.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    Xelioth wrote: »
    Within gaming, specifically, realism still reins supreme.

    I do believe that it reigns specifically because to get a job in the industry , making photo-realistic art is necessary. We all know that it's not all that fun to make :P
  • JamesArk
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    JamesArk polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah, realism seems to be the norm.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    It is true that these two "styles" (gritty semi-realism, and disney-like cartoony) are very popular and by all mean mainstream. However I find it kinda odd to categorize one as preferred by men and the other as preferred by women, at least when it comes to the people creating these art pieces. I would say that many artists, male and women, dig and find great artistic merits in both.

    As a matter of fact, I would say that creating an excellent piece in either of these two styles requires a deep understanding of the other. One cannot make (good) realistic pieces without a strong knowledge of simplification and form grouping ; and an excellent cartoony piece does require an intricate knowledge of constructive anatomy.

    I am not quite sure what your question is ... Are these visual style categories popular ? Huh ... Yes ?
  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    Are tits, guns, weapons of sorts, and fluffy things a style?

    Pretty sure those are in.

    Oh and robots, definitely robots
  • valuemeal
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    valuemeal polycounter lvl 6
    Indeed! That's exactly what I was talking about, people always seem to draw like the fellows you mentioned, either that or really girly Disney deals . What's the deal with that? Also folks also feel the need to color those noses pink for some reason. I haven't seen many wow like things though.


    I am not to sure about that one, the last two tests I took for places were rather unrealistic and they were rather large places you know>? They did make me do one realistic thing though

    Well said as always. It just seems as though from all the artists that I've seen about that fellows are less likely to draw like that than ladies.

    My question is, why are these drawing techniques being adopted by so many people as of late and when did it occur?

    Those things are more gritty if you know what I mean.
    Hardly anyone really draws robots, well more so super robots.
    I am seeing a few people do technical robots though
  • Xelioth
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    valuemeal wrote: »
    Indeed! That's exactly what I was talking about, people always seem to draw like the fellows you mentioned, either that or really girly Disney deals . What's the deal with that? Also folks also feel the need to color those noses pink for some reason. I haven't seen many wow like things though.
    you keep referencing "girly" looks, but Eyvind Earl sppears more influential than Mary Blair, and Eyvind is a dude. Your crutch of sexism doesnt' exactly hold up here. Men and women both equally use the cutesy Earl/Blair style.

    As to why? Because they're very simplified, graphic styles, and the art world as a whole has never dipped into that sort of simplification too much. It's also perfect for animation, since it's very easy to animate simple shapes and designs. Choosing those styles means it's quick and easy to produce your full cartoon or illustration or whatever else.
    I do believe that it reigns specifically because to get a job in the industry , making photo-realistic art is necessary. We all know that it's not all that fun to make :P
    Yes, but the question is WHY it's necessary for the industry. It seems to be a kind of pissing contest about who can make games that look the most "bad ass" since the "bad ass" games tend to be the higher sellers (which is true, but it completely ignores the Marios, Zeldas, etc). Marketting sees high numbers and requires they be emulated, even though games with cartoony/artistic styles are just as successful when given the right premise/gameplay. Just look at TF2.
  • valuemeal
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    valuemeal polycounter lvl 6
    Woah now, you need to calm down there fellow. I was saying that many of those who adopted that type were those who were female, when I went to a job fair there were at least 5 people who I rant into who had that type of painting style and most of the dudes had gritty types. I was just asking why people adopted this one, I wasn't being a sexist fellow, it's just that I have never seen a fellow draw like that.
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Because thats what they like? Thats how people develop their style, they see something they like, they emulate it and put their own spin on it.

    I've seen plenty of girls who draw 'gritty' stuff as you like to put it and I've seen plenty of guys who draw simplified Disney-esque characters.

    It all comes down to personal preference
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Make what you like and in some cases make what will get you a job whether you like it or not this has to be done at some point in this industry might as well get used to loving what you hate.

    Mix into your designs what moof suggests and you'll be fine.
  • Xelioth
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    Sukotto wrote: »
    Because thats what they like? Thats how people develop their style, they see something they like, they emulate it and put their own spin on it.

    I've seen plenty of girls who draw 'gritty' stuff as you like to put it and I've seen plenty of guys who draw simplified Disney-esque characters.

    It all comes down to personal preference
    This. It has nothing to do with gender, and everything to do with personal taste.
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