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zbrush uv map

god dam i'm sooo pissed at zbrush right now. in maya id be long done but i can't get this done right. i am making a pillar the low poly is 16 pollys. but it's too low polly for the stupid uv master plugin and the original uv thing in maya is disgusting and always dis-figers the map. is it not possible to open up the uv map and drag the vertices around to lay out my uv map the way i god dam want it?


  • genwu
    Offline / Send Message
    genwu polycounter lvl 7
    why dont you just bring it into maya and uv it..and bring it back into zbrush for whatever you need to do.
  • loki1991
    this whole process is driving me up the wall. i need someone to sit with me on skype and help me get through it.
  • genwu
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    genwu polycounter lvl 7
    you can get anything..for the right price. if not, i'd really suggest gritting your teeth and figuring out a way through it. thats part of the process. plus you'll infinitely retain the information better that you learn through trial and error, rather than through somebody holding your hand.

    ps. google is always your friend
  • loki1991
    look learning the wrong way will always lead to a dead end and one some people can't see. granted trial and error works most the time but you need the basics for a start and the ones i have seen before were all for meshes way way over my current base mesh. and im not asking for someone to hold my hand just point me in the right direction. i have looked and looked for a few things but they are all for more comblex models. im basicly trying to unwrap a box at the moment so the stupid thing isn't streached to hell in some parts and squashed in others.
  • genwu
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    genwu polycounter lvl 7

    quite literally the first result from search...knock yourself out.

    ps. learning the "wrong way" is entirely up to you and nobody else. thank god for this industries weeding out process. don't become a weed.

  • maximumsproductions
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    maximumsproductions polycounter lvl 8
    loki1991 wrote: »
    this whole process is driving me up the wall. i need someone to sit with me on skype and help me get through it.

    I'm not trying to bring you down or anything negative but in reality you need to tough through the nuisances and teach yourself just in case no one has the answers or is available. There's a certain methodology of understanding you develop when you troubleshoot your own problems that correlates to future puzzle solving. I'm not saying don't ask for help on the forums and such but making posts about absolutely "needing" someone 1 on 1 in skype with you is over sighting your own capabilities. Also if you really do need occasional help on small specific workflow issues the Google + chatrooms are always available which bolsters many great unemployed and employed artists alike!

    But if someone does come forth to help you 1 on 1 in skype more power to you!
  • loki1991
    god damit i am trying to do it in zbrush not maya like i said maya mapping is easy but i already built my model in zbrush and now i can't map it on a simple level.

    and that might be true about the wrong way but there are reasons some people who have been doing 3d modeling for several years look worse then those who have only been doing it for half the time.

    look most these tutorials are poorly done. i have looked through most of them and found hardly any. most of them only tell you how to do something 1 dam way and not even why it's done that way. it's like showing someone to bounce a ball with the back of your hand but not explaing why he is doing it that way.

    i can follow tutorials exactly word for word but if it doesn't do more then "do this then this then this" you have a useless tutorial most of the time. if it says "do this because this and this" here and there it works out better and allows more people to translate it to multiple sides.

    also genwu next time you post a video tutorial make sure it's what the person is looking for. and a few sentences from my first post that should of clarified it are " in maya id be long done but i can't get this done right" i don't know about you but im pritty sure this means the person has a basic flow of maya uv mapping. now that one sentence and reading the title should insinuate im having problems with ZBRUSH mapping.

    and my reply to why don't you bring it into maya uv map it then back to zbrush is what i was replying to about it's spinning my head around. and you didn't even link a tutorial about moving them around. also google only gets you so far when wading through 50 pages of results and not making any progress.

    maximum im here as a last resort ok im not one of those people who get a problem and go strait to the forums to cry if i was i wouldn't be here because i would not be this far in life. im here because i have been at this one problem for 2 days and made hardly any progress. all i have are disgusting map layouts and poor texturing do to in correct sizing on the map layouts.

    if i sound nasty or mean or like im having a go at you two for trying to help me it's just because i have been stuck on this 1 problem making no progress when normaly by now i have found some help through google of tutorials or some tips but not with this yet.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    loki1991 wrote: »
    if i sound nasty or mean or like im having a go at you two for trying to help me it's just because i have been stuck on this 1 problem making no progress when normaly by now i have found some help through google of tutorials or some tips but not with this yet.

    Oh please, add me on Skype! You sound like a delightful character and I would love to spend several hours of my day quarterbacking you through basic UVing principles. /sarcasm

    I would say sort out the attitude before asking for help, no one 'owes' you any tutelage in 3D and you should see it as a privilege if you even get a response at all from the forum members. Good luck :)
  • loki1991
    i never said that torch. and yeah sorry ok im stressed because i know this is just a minor problem and should be done easy enough for anyone with half a brain. but it has taken me two days to make any progress on this simple texturing issue.

    it's not like it's even a hard process but for some reason it's not something im able to understand on my own.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Haha geez man you need to settle down a bit. People on Polycount are amazing at helping, I would suggest not burning this bridge so fast by being ornery when people are putting up their own time trying to be of assistance. Also, demanding that someone talk you through a problem this small like some sort of personal coach is ridiculous. It's a ridiculous waste of everyones time, since some simple googling or possibly youtube tutorialing can find these answers for you, but just in-case:

    You cannot drag verts around in Zbrush, if that's what you really want to do. Typically it is as easy as going to 'plugins' --> UV master --> and hitting the 'unwrap' button.

    These UV's will be passable (typically), but hardly ever optimal.

    If you want optimal UVs, you'll have to do them in Maya or another program.

    - Export your model from Zbrush using 'export'. Export at your lowest subdivision level. Export as an OBJ.

    - Import the model into Maya. Unwrap the model. Export it as an OBJ again.

    - Import the model into an empty Zbrush subtool. Go to Plugins --> UVMaster --> hit the button 'copy uvs'.

    - Go back the model in zbrush that you wanted unwrapped, the one with multiple subdivisions etc. Go to Plugins --> UVMaster --> Hit the button 'paste UV's'.

    - You should be done now.


    Now, you might run into problems with any one of these steps. Consider the trial and error method of troubleshooting if you do.
  • loki1991
    ysalex wrote: »
    Haha geez man you need to settle down a bit. People on Polycount are amazing at helping, I would suggest not burning this bridge so fast by being ornery when people are putting up their own time trying to be of assistance. Also, demanding that someone talk you through a problem this small like some sort of personal coach is ridiculous. It's a ridiculous waste of everyones time, since some simple googling or possibly youtube tutorialing can find these answers for you, but just in-case:

    You cannot drag verts around in Zbrush, if that's what you really want to do. Typically it is as easy as going to 'plugins' --> UV master --> and hitting the 'unwrap' button.

    These UV's will be passable (typically), but hardly ever optimal.

    If you want optimal UVs, you'll have to do them in Maya or another program.

    - Export your model from Zbrush using 'export'. Export at your lowest subdivision level. Export as an OBJ.

    - Import the model into Maya. Unwrap the model. Export it as an OBJ again.

    - Import the model into an empty Zbrush subtool. Go to Plugins --> UVMaster --> hit the button 'copy uvs'.

    - Go back the model in zbrush that you wanted unwrapped, the one with multiple subdivisions etc. Go to Plugins --> UVMaster --> Hit the button 'paste UV's'.

    - You should be done now.


    Now, you might run into problems with any one of these steps. Consider the trial and error method of troubleshooting if you do.

    OMG thank you so dam much!!!!!!!!!!

    and yes i do need to cool it. however sadly i can get very aggressive when i'm on edge. and it's not just this one thing i have been on edge for a while, so don't think i crack that easy please, there are a few personal thing going on at the moment.

    and im not looking for a personal coach. just want to know a few people who actually have some time to point out a few things to me. watching tutorials are great but talking to someone makes things way easier.

    oh and i wasn't really demanding i was kinda begging. pathetic i know :whyme:
  • ysalex
    Offline / Send Message
    ysalex interpolator
    Don't thank me until you get it working. Also, for the future, the technical talk forum is more appropriate for these kinds of questions. General Discussion is more a place for tangentially related or off topic conversations.
  • loki1991
    ysalex wrote: »
    Don't thank me until you get it working. Also, for the future, the technical talk forum is more appropriate for these kinds of questions. General Discussion is more a place for tangentially related or off topic conversations.

    lol yeah i already tried it and i can finally get the uv maps properly optimized. i was playing with polly groups before to do the uv mapping and it was looking ok but not up to the standers it should be for even a half decent uv map.

    yeah i suppose i should of put this forum there instead.
  • squeaklin
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    squeaklin polycounter lvl 8
    there is a button called goZ which will send your model to maya? will install itself on maya so you can send it back. you can do this repeatedly. job done?
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