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Project X

I am a university student who has just finished the second year in computer game modeling and animation.

With the university work off my back, I decided it would be wise to spend this summer learning new skills and finding a direction for the third year.

I am mainly interested in vehicles, rigging and characters. Science fiction to give it a nudge and I am exited.

Starting off I decided to make a character base. Then giving her some clothes, rig her and then move on to vehicles. My thinking being that the character would be perfect to actually use with the rigged vehicle in a final animation to show everything.

To start on the character base mesh, I first took a look at these 2 posts.


I wanted to make a female with heroic proportions from the comic books.
This will be my third time making a character. I have made 2 previous ones that were not amazing but good practice.

After spending some time checking those 2 posts and gathering reference from posemaniacs, I went and drew up my reference picture in photoshop. She will be wearing some heels, so I figured that I'll draw them in right away. She is about 7,5 heads tall and quite far from reality, but pleasing to the eye.


With my image planes set up I spent a good 3 days working on the base mesh starting with the torso. Modeling half the mesh and mirroring it across technique. Since I am far from the point where I know what I am doing, it took me a whole day of going over every detail to get things looking presentable.


For the body I largely followed Katia's work and gave it my own twist. The ass gave me a good bit of headache and I just messed about until I got something that looked good to my eye. The head and breasts were made following a blender tutorial by Jonathan Williamson.


She does have some awesome toes and fingers.


For the final result. There are a few triangles that I am not too proud of, but in total that mesh has 2882 faces.

How does the shoulder look? are there too many or too few loops in places? Does the shoulder blade action actually help? How do the face loops look? Did I get the knees and elbows right? I am really looking for any feedback. I will go on to work on her in Zbrush.

Also wanted to ask if I should model the clothes in to the mesh or have another mesh just on top of the base?


  • RaunoK
    UV's done.
    Broke the mesh in to parts and used the Zbrush UV master tool.

    Took a while to realize that UVing the whole mesh in one piece was not going to work.

    I have added here the zbrush sculpt and the clothes concept. I found quite a few Problems with the mesh that i could not fix so I starter over.

  • RaunoK
    It has been a while since my last update.
    The following is WIP.
    Since that time, I found too many problems with my first model and I decided to make a new and improved one. I also went and drew up a proper concept art to have a goal to meet, so I wouldn't wander off and get lost. The hair style changed as I was not prepared to tackle it.


    And here she is with some volume to give her a presence.
    Using maya hair at this moment. I might make a polygon hair mesh later, was too hard for me to start out with.This lady is called Rafft. All the modeling and UVing is done. A normal map and texture to go.


    Why she hasnt been completed yet, is that a month after losing my external hard drive, my laptop's hard drive stopped working as well. I just got it back and was fortunate enough to have the files salvaged. I now have 3 backups updated daily.

    While I had my laptop in repair, I used another computer to work on a vehicle I have had on my mind for a long time, a Hoverbike. It is meant to be a highspeed obstacle course racing machine. the main body modeling is finished. It will have 6-8 thrusters for percision maneuvering. Thruster needs a bit of work. Also I am making a parking leg with 2 settings.

  • RaunoK
    The thruster design, I am happy with the back end (larger end), but i feel that the front part needs something a bit more exiting.

  • RogelioD
    Offline / Send Message
    RogelioD polycounter lvl 12
    Not to sound like a dick, but if I see you didn't take the time to host your images so we can see nice big previews, I don't take the time to view your material. Seeing as how you have no reply's, I'm not the only one who feels this way.

    Try Imgur.com to host your photos, or even put them on Dropbox.com and share the link.

    Please do yourself a favor and host your images.
  • RaunoK
    Thank you very much. I had not done enough lurking to figure out how the images are expected to be displayed. I will now fix the issue.

    I spent another day reformatting my computer. Think that is the 4th time in a week after it came back dodgy from service, but all seems to work now.
    I made a quick texture for the thruster, so that i would have something to show for not working on hosting images sooner.


    The smaller end is the air intake and I rigged the back end to have some flap things
    that would provide a diffused spread of thrust.

  • RaunoK
    I woke up this morning and decided I needed to change the thruster design and knew what i wanted to do. Here is the final texture, for now at least. Making the parking system with animation for the main machine now.

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