Hi everybody !
I'm new in the art of real time 3D, so I'm kind of experiencing some workflow to find my own, anyway, I got a little issue.
I model my low poly into Maya, unfold UV, and i make the high poly.
Then, with the low poly, I import the high, "explode" the model et generate a transfert map, to obtain a normal map, and here are my settings :
Transfer in : world space
Sampling quality : High (8*8)
Filter size : 5
Filter type : Gaussian
Fill texture seams : 3
(I don't really remember if I've changed some of those setting, or if there are base settings)
I obtain this normal map

Wich seems pretty good to me, but when applied into Marmoset, I got this :

I've tried to blur it a little bit, but nothing change.
I also tried with a model with Soft edges, and with a model with Hard edges, still no change.
Got any ideas ?
Thanks a lot
From what I understand, having all soft edges in Maya should have the same effect though.. (but I heartily dislike Maya, so my knowledge here is mostly second hand)
Though setting all of the edges to soft in maya will introduce different types of errors (smoothing errors). Make sure "match using" is set to "Geometry Normals" in the advanced tab in transfer maps, this will fix the "cage" issue.
For every hard edge/smoothing group split you have, you need to split your uv shells as well. That means for an object like this, if you want hard edges on every edge, your uvs need to be split per face.
This is not a Marmoset Toolbag issue, but a basic normal map problem, it will be the same in any app/game engine/etc.
But isn't this a huge mess to texture on more complex models ? And, when I look to different normal map in the forum, it's doesn't looks like every part with hard edge is splitted, maybe I'm wrong, I didn't really pay attention at this detail but I'm going to have a look at it.
(And by the way, sorry if my english looks bad, I try to do my best but it's not my native language ^^)