Hi, guys!
I'm trying to produce a simple effect, but I don't really know how.
I have to objects. 1 sphere and 1 sword. I wanted the sword to stab the sphere and make it leak (water or blood liquid), from the points where the sword makes contact with its surface.
Also, I wanted some of this liquid to be carried over with the sword, becoming attached to it.
Is it possible?

I am not super good but basically if you can use a transform constraint on all the points on an ncloth you don't want to move, you can specify what verts can tear, when these tear you can drain the ball. Why not just use two particle emitters?
But what about the sword collision? How can I make the blood attach to its surface? (This example is a simplification of a more complex scene, where I'll have to stab a rigged character and make it bleed and stain the sword with blood).
What really bothers me is that I know exactly how to do this in 3d max pflow, and using glu3d for the liquid. I managed to export the pflow particles to maya using PFlowBaker-v0_71, but I can't export the liquid properties from glu3d. So I decided to start from scratch in Maya.
But I know very little about how nParticles. I guess I'll have to catch up with maya dynamics so that I can solve this...
Why not use max then?
Also http://www.digitaltutors.com/software/Maya-Dynamics-tutorials
Thanks for the link!
Give them relatively high friction. You could even switch the texture on the tip as the sword penetrates the object; you wouldn't be able to see the sword once it's entered the object so it'd be impossible to notice the transition. Would have Texture A which is the normal texture, then Texture B which is normal texture with discoloring on it (blood presumably).
Then just have particles for the leaking as mentioned above.
I'll do as suggested: attach an emitter at the entry and exit points.
Some questions:
-How can I make the liquid drag across the sphere surface? Just make the sphere a passive collider and dial down the speed?
-How can I make the sword carry across the blood? This is why I tought about filling the sphere with particles. If I make the sword another passive collider, it with be unrealistic for it to carry over just the few particles at the entry and exit point. Unless I create another emitter at the sword to make it drag and drop some particles into the floor...