So im having some issues still.
So this web site:
The one you gave me, said there should be 2 hierarchies. The prop "root" bone should have a parent constraint on it driven by the wrist(character "prop" bone ).
Then you are suppose to export 2 FBX then combine them in UDK. That is how i read it anyways.
I also tried to parent the gun root bone to the wrist... but that didnt solve it.

"To animate the weapon and character together, such as a reload animation, bring the rigged character and weapon into the same scene, and constrain the weapons root bone to the characters weapon bone. You will eventually export out the weapon and character as two separate, but synchronized, animations.
Animate the character and weapon as you desire, using constraints to keep hands locked to weapon parts or vice versa. Once this character-plus-weapon animation is ready, bake the animation out onto both skeletal hierarchies, and remove all constraints between them. Remove all animation keys from only the weapons root bone, and set its position and rotation values to <0,0,0>. This will retain animation on all the animated weapon bits, but keep the weapon at the scenes origin. Save this file but rename it as an ExportReady version."
So i tried that, and now the prop is moves, but it not is the same position as it was in maya.
Also the feet are acting weird in UDK.
I tried to follow to tutorials as best as possible.
Let me know if that makes any sense.
maybe we can have a google hang out and see if we can get this fixed together.