The illusive velvet.
I am a noob. Plain and simple.
For now at least

I need help. I've been spinning my wheels all day with this project that's due Tuesday.
I am building old western theater curtains.
RED VELVET ones at that.

I have the physical model created already ready to go in Maya. I'm just a bit confused/lost on where to take it forward from here. Since the end goal is to have them in UDK for a playable level.
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
Also, thank you.
Ill take it that the image above is not your rendered textured model. Well since ya have your curtains made in MAYA you just need to export it as a FBX. then open UDK, inport the asset (dont forget to unwrap and add collusion to it) and ya are done as far as getting it in UDK. Now adding the materials and the cloth simulations in UDK will be more fun but it depends on how far you have to go for the project. The link i am giving you should help aswell.
Hi there,
Thank you for that awesome site for the workflow steps. My biggest problem however, is trying to figure out how to create the texture velvet from Maya to UDK successfully.
Every time I've created it, it does not come out looking quite right so I'm hoping to gain some advice from artist who might have created it successfully.
Thank you once again for your help.
I dont know how you are creating the texture for the drapes, but using Photoshop with a fabric detail being overlayed would be the best. UDK directly imports .PSD's
Is this where you are having the trouble?
Between that, the model you have, a good solid color, and a velvety normal map, They should look great.
Sorry, can't embed the vid from the iPhone.
I would suggest just to keep stuff simple with your material in UDK or look for one of the material already created in UDK (for stuff like Moss, etc) and use that to mimic Velvet.