Hey guys, now that the Escape challenge is over (failed to finish in time, by a tiny bit, booo.) I'm going to start doing more Dota2 item sets, i loved doing the Dota2 PC challenge and have some concepts im ready to get started on. Just going to post my previous entry, as this is going to be where I put all my Dota2 works.
My shop -
I decided i liked both so i'm going to do both. Going to start on the lowpoly tonight to see if i'm going to have any troubles polycount wise before i go into any more detail highpoly.
Whenever you have a chance, maybe take a look at mine and tell me what you think? http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=120538
looking at it now, I really need to figure something out for the leather Sets arms
Also just wondering if by any chance, maybe you could maybe take a couple screen shots of the skinning process/a video of when you test it in game whenever you get around to finishing the low poly. By the looks of your portfolio you have way more experience with that stuff than I do, so I would love to see how you set it up in hopes that I can hopefully fix mine without many complications.
The Bear Necessities
I'm doing a set for Earthshaker, played him a couple times lately and he's newly updated so thought it give it a try. For his totem i'm doing a large drum. Here are a few concepts. Let me know what you guys think. More stuff for the rest of the set coming soon.
The black round things will be amber or stone gems or something. The rest of the pieces will be wood and rope.
Hey vayne, thanks. Its just an IMM brush I downloaded and then pushed and pulled the geo around after, ill try to find the link
heres a link to the brush
Holding shift while drawing the curve around a cylindrical object will actually make a circle. And then you can just use "group split" to break the stroke off into a new mesh, and then use the move tool on that.
On a technical note, what's with Earthshakers weird scaling issue? I've found a couple threads talking about it, i'm assuming its happening in engine, as there's no scale on the rig bones or my meshes, (froze transforms/delete history etc) Trial and error seems to work, people are saying the difference is about 80%.
My question is where is the engine scaling point located? is it at the root joint? another joint? or object/vertices center? Any info on this would be amazing.
Here's a thread i found, i think that's Vlad in it, not sure though.
Anywho, here it is with base colors, scaling is close but i still need to get it better.
I cant for the life of me figure out how to embed youtube
Came out really nice, but I feel like the ends are lacking some wear-and-tear . But the render of him jamming is damn awesome!
For the head piece, you could do a leather skull cap similar to the ends of the drums.
Any preferences? feedback? thanks for taking a look.
Let me know what you guys think. I wanted to give Pugna something other than horns, as that's all he seems to be getting in the workshop so far. I'm also trying to make him look a little tougher, although i know he's basically a wizard/caster type.
Still need to detail his cape and the book at his hip, the belt will go all the way around as well but no need for the highpoly.
Thanks for checking it out, thoughts?
Any thoughts so far? on color choices or shapes still? Thanks for taking a look
I think i decided on a name as well, "Nethers Reach". Based on his weapons and nether ward.
Let me know what you think
looks fresh concept for the chinese building roof looks for the armor...but personally use that on timbersaw will be better lol i think. just saw similar concept on taiwan based MMOPRG game tinker like character / class...
Also my prior pugna items are no longer on the steam workshop, not even if i filter for pugna. The only way to see them is to look at my specific workshop. Thats kinda too bad, cause one of them was on the first page. Anyone experienced this before
Oh well, moving on. Wanted to make some arms for Earth spirit as i like the idea of being able to completely replace them. Got the basic shapes blocked out, going to detail them with Chinese themed carvings, possibly trying to incorporate a horse. Still not sure if i'm going to make them Jade, or bronze/gold. It might be hard to make them gold and still suite him, what with the drastic color change.
Let me know what you think, thanks
np, btw just realised ı should have said private instead of secret; and public instead of visible
i dont know, design for arm alone is nice, but it is kinda clash for my personal taste when it attach to rocky-ish body design on earth spirit... it sounds like you put a Zaku arm on gundam torso.