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(W.i.P) PTC Corridor



  • Endfinity Jon
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    Endfinity Jon polycounter lvl 8
    I love the concept. Something about desolate looking tech is awesome.

    Some thoughts on lighting (since you're re-doing it):

    Your last shots were starting to feel pretty washed out. The atmosphere is pretty even across the board and your tones are pretty even because of it. I'd aim to bring more value range to the scene. If you were to pull out the emissive surfaces, you would have a very mid-range scene. Try to get some focal interest with your lighting, something bright that can fall off into darks. Once you nail that light to dark gradation, things will really starting popping.

    Speaking of emissive surfaces, I'd really focus on keeping them as minimalistic as possible. Right now, the amount of them and the variation of color makes my eye dart around the scene. They shouldn't be that important. Maybe pull the ones from the walkway up (like in an earlier update)? Try downplaying the ones on the ground while treating the ones on the ceiling like a primary/secondary light source. That way, you could have light softly working its way to the floor from a hot source, a great way to add contrast.

    Again, just try to nail that contrast and tonal separation and you'll have something pretty sweet here. If you're struggling, post your latest update with a lighting only version so we can talk more about what's going on if you'd like.

    Keep it up, love,
  • Clos323
    I love the concept. Something about desolate looking tech is awesome.

    Some thoughts on lighting (since you're re-doing it):

    Your last shots were starting to feel pretty washed out. The atmosphere is pretty even across the board and your tones are pretty even because of it. I'd aim to bring more value range to the scene. If you were to pull out the emissive surfaces, you would have a very mid-range scene. Try to get some focal interest with your lighting, something bright that can fall off into darks. Once you nail that light to dark gradation, things will really starting popping.

    Speaking of emissive surfaces, I'd really focus on keeping them as minimalistic as possible. Right now, the amount of them and the variation of color makes my eye dart around the scene. They shouldn't be that important. Maybe pull the ones from the walkway up (like in an earlier update)? Try downplaying the ones on the ground while treating the ones on the ceiling like a primary/secondary light source. That way, you could have light softly working its way to the floor from a hot source, a great way to add contrast.

    Again, just try to nail that contrast and tonal separation and you'll have something pretty sweet here. If you're struggling, post your latest update with a lighting only version so we can talk more about what's going on if you'd like.

    Keep it up, love,

    hey thanks for the input..so this is was what I have. I went with a completely different lighting then my original..this is more like how i saw it in my head..but I've always had a hard time lighting scenes but any push in the right direction would be helpful as this piece is for my portolfio.
  • Clos323
    forgot to post the AO and light passes..also these seem a little darker then actually is on my screen..
    also forgot to mention changes beside the obvious in the last scree shots..there was:
    -light beams
    -dust particles
    -atmospheric fog
    -also you cant really see it but there are some roaches on floor and walls so i will post close up so you can see.
  • Clos323
    Nice updates. The atmosphere is really good.

    Only thing i could say is to possibly boost the specular on your blood decal? The torch is a nice touch and i think that a slight shine from the blood would boost the strength of that narrative effect you've created there..

    Looking good :)
  • Clos323
    this is my final version..i was really happy with the quality and the lighting and i feel that is as far as my current skill set can take this environment at this time.so i shall be moving onto my other project...hope you guys enjoy it.

    changes from last shots:
    added decals, added gloss maps where i saw fit, tweaked: lights, ao, ambient lighting, particles, also reworked some specular maps to create a more prominent specular interest. some of the tweaks where subtle as i was just really polishing this thing.
  • Clos323
    Thought process, execution/process and final thoughts:

    Here is an insight on my thought process when initially looking at this concept. it may be similar to other artist but thought I would include it in my postmortem, as it may be helpful to beginning artist. Depending on the environment concept or prop concept I mentally try to break it down. I look for pieces that are modular, pieces that will need asymmetrical non modular texture and sometimes where possible pieces that could share the same UV space even if not modular. I then try to separate those pieces into categories of importance. Will they be populated around the scene? is it a center piece? will it be at eye level with character? is it something that the character will pass up quickly? I initially asked my self these question when deciding on texture sizes, amount of textures, and amount of space it would get within the UV space. (note: even though you may be using to many textures for your small little scene you have to remember in the real world those textures would probably be used in other scenes within a game, not just your scene. so don't be scared on using as many textures as necessary.)

    After i have figure out what my initial though process is I began to start thinking about how exactly i will start building the assets. I thought about what will give me the quickest turn around with the least amount of quality loss in comparison to building the asset with all the time in the world. For this environment i used a number software even though it could have easily been done with the basics such as maya, photoshop and cryengine. However, i used ndo2, maya, photoshop, zbrush, headus UV layout, topo gun, Xnormal, cryengine and marmoset toolbag. I already know i can do something like this with the basics, I'm just try to get as efficient as possible with other software, especially zbrush.

    When i lit my scene originally i tried to match the concept as much as possible but then realized a more interesting and dynamic lighting was possible. With this new light set up I tried to really lead the eye to the center piece while also leading the player towards the right direction. There was a number of particles that where re tweaked and re textured that originally came with the engine as i am not that experience on making particles from scratch. A good set of decals where also used to break up the modular pieces and create interest in the textures.

    Conclusion. I really learned and/or got more efficient from working from this project, which included but not limited to use of gloss maps, parallax occlusion, lighting and working within the engine and creating interesting textures. I was really happy with the overall project and truly feel this is as far as i can take this environment at the moment with my current skill set. I'm ready to start my new project which is already in progress but I'm not sure if i will be using cryengine or hopping over and create my first full UDK environment scene.
  • e-freak
    looks great the final result! you really stepped it up a notch from the previous version :)
  • Clos323
    e-freak wrote: »
    looks great the final result! you really stepped it up a notch from the previous version :)

    thanks man, I appreciate the comment and your earlier crits.. definitely was an improvement from the previous version.:)
  • Clos323
  • Clos323
    some goodies..

    catch me on front page of crydev.net
  • mystichobo
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    mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
    Hey dude!

    It looks good, I'm really not sure about the new lighting, imagine if you had been asked to create that concept for a client, and they were expecting the nice warm tones, and ended up getting the darkened generic Sci-Fi Corridor lighting?

    It's nowhere near as big an issue for a portfolio piece, but it's still something you need to think about.

    On the topic of lighting, yours is dark, like really dark imo, I did a couple of quick levels adjustments in photoshop (plus added a slight red filter to the lighter version of the scene).

  • Clos323
    mystichobo wrote: »
    Hey dude!

    It looks good, I'm really not sure about the new lighting, imagine if you had been asked to create that concept for a client, and they were expecting the nice warm tones, and ended up getting the darkened generic Sci-Fi Corridor lighting?

    It's nowhere near as big an issue for a portfolio piece, but it's still something you need to think about.

    On the topic of lighting, yours is dark, like really dark imo, I did a couple of quick levels adjustments in photoshop (plus added a slight red filter to the lighter version of the scene).

    hey mystichobo,
    I don't want to sounds defensive because I'm really not, i welcome the thoughts and crits of my fellow artist but here are somethings that i need to point out.

    first of all I completely and 100% agree on what you saying about matching concept and the importance of that for a client. However, I think you failed to to read the full thread and i cant blame you, these things can get pretty lengthy, but i covered my thoughts and reasons for doing the this new lighting in my postmortem.

    Second of all I'm not a lighting artist=( and so the result you see now came from dozens of crits of artist opinions within here, crydev, and personal friends who are currently working in the field. I think it could be argued whether its too dark or not and the fact it could be would make me think its a matter of opinion or preference.

    I do highly appreciate your image edits, I welcome your thoughts as I'm always trying to improve myself as an artist and i will take them into consideration and maybe put a little more ambient light.
  • pixelpatron
  • Clos323
    rofl... using sponge bob videos gots to be the best way to point something out. easy fix..just rope entity/object in cry engine with custom texture..
  • JorgeBarros
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    JorgeBarros polycounter lvl 8
    Oh sh*t! I just found this. It's looking great, but seems like this thread stopped being updated..? Anyways, I just wanted to share my own 3D version of this concept image by Billy Wimblett (though I didn't make a realtime environment), maybe it helps lighting-wise :)URL="http://jorgebarros.cgsociety.org/art/blurenviro-maya-3d-sci-fi-photoshop-science-fiction-environment-engineering-corridor-1059434"]Link[/URL

  • Clos323
    Damm I didnt even know i never updated this thread..it was sorta going on multiple places...I actually made it on the front page Crytek with this piece after some revisions which actually lead to me to getting job at Sledgehammer Games. here is link to thread on crytek.. Your piece is looking solid but it needs some work.. PM me and Ill shoot you some crits if you like.

  • JorgeBarros
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    JorgeBarros polycounter lvl 8
    Oh that's really nice! =O Congratulations!! ^_^

    Yeah, I am aware that my image lacks some quality, and I would love to have your feedback on it, although I'm not thinking of going back to work on it :\ I finished it back in July 2012, when I hadn't yet learned a few important things as well.. Meanwhile, I also got a job in the industry (although not at a major studio like Sledgehammer :P), and had the opportunity to learn lots since then. I still work on my personal things at home, but can't quite give them the time I would like to, bahh :\ Anyways, take a look at my ArtStation if you have the time :)

    http://www.artstation.com/artist/JorgeBarros (the first two images are my most recent and personal favourite works)

    I only have medium-poly stuff at the moment, as all my work was kind of oriented to impress Digic Pictures :P But I'm working on a couple pieces on my spare time that will be destined to be realtime.. :)
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    looking good so far, smooth brownish metal color. well done
  • joda
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