Yeah this looks nice man.
Though it is hard to see wha exactly is going on in the images as it is way too dark.
From what I could make out though, the face looks like it could use a bit more work imo. Maybe streamline it a bit, make it smoother? Maybe that is just personal preference on my part though.
interesting character with a nice silhouette.
I just found the "hair wings" a bit too big. It is competing with the real wings.
Maybe you can solve it when you add colors.
But so far it is confuse. I could only understand watching the video.
Thx bbox & fabio, that is no hair is an little bug that is controlled by her ,but is somehow attracted to her backhead with an sort of field.
I made the screenshots in a hurry, i waned mainly to present her in the video.
and again so bad compression on photpbucket, and why cant i post pictures on this forum and hawe them show enlarged without doing the extra step of upload to photobucket and link the picture ?
I like the direction the character is going in so far, nice start. On a side note about uploading pictures to polycount have you tried imgur, that's what I use I find its pretty good, Just a thought.
I am glad u like it RMeeks
The lowpoly is holding the detils well and now i need to do the diffuse map, what program/workflow do u guys use to do texturing for games?
Though it is hard to see wha exactly is going on in the images as it is way too dark.
From what I could make out though, the face looks like it could use a bit more work imo. Maybe streamline it a bit, make it smoother? Maybe that is just personal preference on my part though.
I just found the "hair wings" a bit too big. It is competing with the real wings.
Maybe you can solve it when you add colors.
But so far it is confuse. I could only understand watching the video.
I made the screenshots in a hurry, i waned mainly to present her in the video.
And two other images but on photobucket thei lock very bad becose of compression
and again so bad compression on photpbucket, and why cant i post pictures on this forum and hawe them show enlarged without doing the extra step of upload to photobucket and link the picture ?
This is tody's speed sculpt about an hour .
The lowpoly is holding the detils well and now i need to do the diffuse map, what program/workflow do u guys use to do texturing for games?
, here is the lowpoly with AO and normals baked with Xnormal
Realtime model 9180 tri's
2 K > Diffuse. AO. Normal. and Spec maps