Hey guys, I posted a while back on a MEL script interface tool for materials I created. I have completely revamped it and it's a hundred times better now! For those who might have missed my last post, this tool is designed to eliminate the annoying RMB radial menu for assigning/creating new materials and choosing material attributes. Coincidentally it's a spectacular tool when used in conjunction with dDo's materials.
I've incorporated a menu system as well as a multi-select mode. The list also collapses into a small rectangle when not actively in use to save screen space.

You can try it out here:
Version 3.0.0 is out! check it out here
Installation instructions come with your download.
Please let me know any specifics if you find bugs or if a tool is flat out broken.
Keep up the good work
I get an error in 2012 with multi select mode, when I turn it on and check on some checkbox it says // Error: Cannot find procedure "intArrayInsertAtIndex". // . Also one for intArrayRemove for clicking select or delete button.
That's strange. I took a look at the 2012 MEL command reference and there doesn't appear to be any "intArray" commands, which explains the error. You may not be able to use Multiple Select mode until you get 2013.
This tool will be tailored to how I work mostly (game art), so there may not be as much support for more complex materials such as cgfx or other mental ray specific materials. Just a screen shot for now, but if you guys think of anything that might be useful (features or tools) just say so and maybe I'll find room for it.
Again I'll be trying to cram in as much useful stuff as I can without hogging too much screen space. I expect the layout to change a lot as you give feedback.
This tool has been merged with the Material List.
Can't wait to play with this later.
I've used it for a pretty big arch viz project this week with over a hundred materials and it made the workflow so much better and faster. (and yes I use Maya for archviz and I think it's fantastic
The script is on my usb flash drive and will never leave me...my precious....
It only misses one feature i think : the ability to drag and drop the materials into the attributes editor (or maybe it doesn't but I don't seem to be able to)
Yeah like I said in my last post these tools are more for enhancing my own work flow, so because I don't work with advanced material connections in the hypershade it doesn't support that. Maybe after I finish the material center I'll rework the window again
But I'm getting an error when I try to run it I get this error.
line 238.67: Cannot cast data of type int[] to int.
It seems to be a problem with this line.
$smmAdditions = intArrayRemove($smmSubtractions, $smmAdditions);
It works fine in 2012, so I guess it just doesn't play nice with 2013.
The intArrayRemove command (and others) I believe was added in Maya 2013 and therefore doesn't work with earlier versions of Maya... That's strange you are having issues in 2013 but not 2012?
I wrote it in 2013 so it works on my end. If anyone else is having the same issue please let me know what line the error is happening on as well as your version of Maya.
Sorry for the double-post but I've made some major updates since yesterday.
Content removed: outdated information. Original post should be up to date.
Your dDo list of preset materials how do I go about accessing that? When I create the predefined materials here I get a bunch of primary colours. It would be fantastic if you gave the option to choose which of the two the user would like. Once again, thanks a lot for sharing!
Additionally, if you own dDo, the Material List tool (but not the Material Center) should come with it now and be located in the Swatches directory.
I'm working with a 2013 x64 pack 2. Just to tell you that I have an error message for the material center. The other works fine.
// Error: source materialCetner.mel; //
// Error: Line 1.26: Cannot find file "materialCetner.mel" for source statement. //
Any idea ?
If you can PM me more detailed information it will help me resolve the problem (software version, line number that the error occurred, what you did to cause the error, etc.).
// Error: $smmAdditions = intArrayRemove($smmSubtractions, $smmAdditions);
// Error: Cannot cast data of type int[] to int. //
// Error: $smmAdditions = intArrayRemove($smmSubtractions, $smmAdditions);
// Error: Cannot cast data of type int[] to int. //
createModelPanelMenu modelPanel1;
createModelPanelMenu modelPanel2;
createModelPanelMenu modelPanel3;
createModelPanelMenu modelPanel4;
buildPanelPopupMenu hyperShadePanel1;
buildPanelPopupMenu scriptEditorPanel1;
evalDeferred "showWindow scriptEditorPanel1Window;";
showWindow scriptEditorPanel1Window;
Again, I'll work on it soon and get back to you.
I have released another update which you can download from the main posting.
have those features been integrated into the materiallist.mel?
the dropbox link you provide redirects you to only the materiallist.mel
I was also going to say that having a unified window makes more sense too, but looks like you've done that too, yay and thanks again! Loving it so far.
Hey everyone! Thanks for all your feedback with helping me develop this tool! I've managed to get a lot of the kinks worked out and should be generally more compatible now.
Here's a list of changes and known bugs:
Get the latest versions here:
Material List v1.2 for Maya 2013 and NEWER
Material List v0.9 for Maya 2012 and OLDER
Installation instructions are with your download. Enjoy!
Sure, I still had the post saved, this was from the two-windowed version. (might be handy to name version up in the initial comments)
In Maya 2012, when clicking Assign File for Diffuse, Normal, etc, I get this error:
Error: file: /maya/2012-x64/scripts/materialCenter.mel line 64: Number of arguments on call to AEfileTextureBrowser does not match number of parameters in procedure definition.
Nothing major there, the connections are still created properly. But if you then close the Material Center, and then do Tool>Go to the Material Center from Materials List, it refuses to open and gives this error until Maya is restarted:
Error: file: /maya/2012-x64/scripts/materialCenter.mel line 194.97: Wrong number of arguments on call to AEfileTextureBrowser.
Ah, yes. A couple things: The most useful aspects of the Material Center have been merged into the Material List, so materialCenter.mel is obsolete. Additionally, there have been updates! Check out a few posts up for the latest version (or click here http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1843643&postcount=44)
Like this user will not have to import the fbx. All shaders informations should be saved into the code. And those materials will be generated smoothly with a single user click.
What do you think about that ?